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With Linda Carter Sobell, PhD, ABPP and Mark Sobell, PhD, ABPP
In Assessing Alcohol Problems Using Motivational Interviewing, Dr. Linda Sobell demonstrates cognitive-behavioral motivational interviewing techniques for assessing a patient's alcohol use, and then she and Dr. Mark Sobell discuss this useful approach for working with individuals with substance use disorders. Motivational interviewing is a client-centered, directive method for eliciting intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving a person's ambivalence to change using open-ended questions, reflective listening, and decisional balancing. This nonjudgmental, nonconfrontational interviewing style is designed to minimize a patient's resistance. The goal is to construct an interaction with patients so they feel comfortable discussing their risky or problem behavior.
In this session, Dr. Linda Sobell works with a young man with a history of problem drinking whose recent break-up with his girlfriend triggered increased risky alcohol use. Dr. Sobell assesses his readiness for change and then interviews him about triggers, behaviors, and cognitions associated with his drinking, emphasizing throughout that the patient has the choice to change, thereby empowering the patient.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2008 / Approx. 100 minutes
In Smoking Cessation, Dr. Bonnie J. Spring demonstrates her behavioral approach to helping clients quit smoking. Nicotine addiction is a psychological as well as a physical phenomenon, so this approach focuses on recognizing the triggers for smoking and learning new ways to react to those triggers by replacing smoking with other behaviors.
In this session, Dr. Spring works with a 42-year-old woman who is also a recovering alcoholic. She first looks at how the client is conflicted over smoking, cataloging what attracts and repels the client about the habit and, without pressuring her, tries to move the client toward choosing her own path toward smoking cessation.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2007 / Approx. 100 minutes
In Relapse Prevention Over Time, G. Alan Marlatt demonstrates his approach to helping clients with substance addictions prevent or cope with relapses during efforts to change addictive behavior. Relapse prevention is a cognitive-behavioral, "maintenance stage" approach taken only after a client commits to either abstinence or moderation, and it is usually used in conjunction with or following clients' participation in another treatment program.
In this series of six sessions, Dr. Marlatt works with a man in his 30s who is striving to overcome a cocaine addiction. During these six sessions, Dr. Marlatt helps the client determine high-risk situations and potential triggers for relapse and teaches skills for getting through these situations. Together they work to restructure the guilt and shame that arise after lapses in abstinence. This compassionate intervention effectively reframes relapse as a mistake to learn from - and avoid - as the client moves toward recovery.
In Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Dr. William Richard Miller demonstrates his approach to treating clients with problems involving substance abuse. Drug and alcohol abuse are a common presenting problem in therapy, second only to depression, so it benefits therapists to have an approach ready for this issue. Dr. Miller uses motivational interviewing, a Rogerian technique designed to increase a client's sense that he or she is capable of handling the problems they confront.
In this session, Dr. Miller works with a woman who has been in and out of recovery for use of various substances who is aiming toward reducing her substance use. By reflectively listening and pointing out her strengths, Dr. Miller guides the client toward recognizing other interests in her life with which she can replace drug and alcohol use
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2006 / Approx. 100 minutes
In Cognitive-Behavioral Relapse Prevention for Addictions, Dr. G. Alan Marlatt demonstrates his approach to working with clients dealing with addictions or compulsive habits such as substance abuse, gambling, or sexual addiction. Cognitive-behavioral relapse prevention helps clients through the process of relapse recovery by focusing on cognitive, behavioral, and lifestyle choices that might be changed or reinforced to help the client prevent relapse. Central to this approach is the work of identifying relapse triggers and developing coping strategies. In this session, Dr. Marlatt works with a 41-year-old woman who has been abusing alcohol for a number of years and seeks help with quitting.
This DVD features a client portrayed by an actor on the basis of actual case material.
In Problem Gambling, Dr. Nancy M. Petry discusses and illustrates her brief, cognitive-behavioral approach to treating clients with gambling problems. Her manualized approach includes handouts and homework emphasizing self-monitoring and motivation to change.
In this session, Dr. Petry works with a 21-year-old man named Brian who gambles four to five times per week. He works delivering pizzas and makes good tips, attends junior college, and plans to go to a 4-year college. He gambles on riverboat casinos, regularly plays poker with friends, and also places bets with bookies.
Dr. Petry illustrates the first of her eight-session program, demonstrating the start of the treatment process. Brian is typical of a younger problem gambler who has begun to develop some substantial issues related to gambling but, nevertheless, is in some degree of denial. Dr. Petry demonstrates how to integrate the cognitive-behavioral therapy within this context and thereby highlights the adaptability of this approach for a variety of individuals with gambling problems.
In Mindfulness for Addiction Problems, Dr. G. Alan Marlatt demonstrates his meditative technique for helping clients with substance addictions. Studies have shown that heavy drinkers who begin meditating show a decrease in the amount they drink.
In this session, Dr. Marlatt works with a 46-year-old woman with alcoholism who has recently relapsed into drinking. He talks with her about her compulsive behaviors, which include her alcoholism, and then walks her through a mindfulness technique for handling strong cravings.
See Bruce S. Liese utilize his Cognitive Therapy approach in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with addiction.
Watch Dr. Liese demonstrate his cognitive therapy approach for addictions, as he collaborates with the client to identify and change the thought patterns and maladaptive beliefs that relate to addictive behaviors and lead to substance abuse. In this program, Dr. Liese works with a client whose issues include alcohol abuse, cocaine abuse and involvement in the criminal justice system. Jon Carlson and Judy Lewis introduce Dr. Liese, and facilitate an in-depth discussion of the further impact and uses of the model.
From watching this program, you will:
Develop an understanding of the key concepts of Cognitive Therapy for Addictions and its relevance in addictions counseling today.
Gain insight into Liese's therapy style and how he works with clients to modify thought patterns and beliefs, leading to change in addictive behaviors.
Learn how to apply cognitive therapy to help your clients successfully tackle their addictions and other life challenges.
See Barbara S. McCrady work with a couple struggling with addiction in an actual couples therapy session.
Dr. McCrady reminds us that alcohol and drug problems always exist in a context that includes families and relationships, and that couples therapy is an important model for working with addictions. Dr. McCrady uses a behavioral approach that helps the client change his or her addictive behaviors, helps the partner learn to respond differently, and helps the couple change the relationship itself. In this program, Dr. McCrady works with a young couple trying to change behaviors related to alcohol and marijuana use. Jon Carlson and Judy Lewis introduce Dr. McCrady, and facilitate an in-depth discussion of the further impact and uses of the model.
From watching this program, you will:
Develop an understanding of the key concepts of Couples Therapy for Addictions and its relevance in addictions counseling today.
Gain insight into McCrady's therapy style, and how she helps clients change their addictions by fostering change in their relationships.
Learn how to apply couples therapy to help your clients successfully tackle their addictions.
See G. Alan Marlatt utilize his Harm Reduction Therapy approach in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with addiction.
Harm Reduction Therapy is an innovative approach that focuses on reducing the harmful consequences of drug use. The therapist accepts the client on his or her own terms and tries to reduce barriers to treatment. In this program, see expert on harm reduction therapy and relapse prevention, Dr. Marlatt, work with a heroin-addicted client who is considering entry into a methadone program. Jon Carlson and Judy Lewis introduce Dr. Marlatt, and facilitate an in-depth discussion of the further impact and uses of the model.
From watching this program you will learn how to:
Develop an understanding of the key aspects of the Harm Reduction Therapy model and its relevance in addictions counseling today.
Gain insight into Marlatt's therapy style, and how he promotes change by helping clients reduce the harmful aspects of their drug use.
Learn how to apply the Harm Reduction Therapy model to help your clients successfully tackle their addictions.
See Joan Ellen Zweben demonstrate how to integrate therapy with 12-step programs in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with addiction.
Psychotherapy and 12-step groups have complimentary roles in a client's process of recovery, so illustrates expert on addictions Dr. Zweben as she focuses on the role of such groups as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous within the therapy session. In this program, Dr. Zweben works with a Desert Storm veteran who is currently drinking and who is considering the possibility of contacting Alcoholics Anonymous. Jon Carlson and Judy Lewis introduce Dr. Zweben, and facilitate an in-depth discussion of the further impact and uses of the model.
From watching this program you will:
Develop an understanding of the key techniques of integrating therapy with 12-step programs and its relevance in addictions counseling today.
Gain insight into Zweben's therapy style, and how she uses the complimentary roles of psychotherapy and 12-step programs to facilitate change.
Learn how to integrate therapy with 12-step programs to help your clients successfully tackle their addictions.
See William R. Miller utilize Motivational Interviewing in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with addiction.
Dr. Miller demonstrates how Motivational Interviewing helps people resolve their ambivalence about changing addictive behaviors. The therapist creates an atmosphere that is conducive to change by expressing empathy and encouragement, rolling with resistance, and helping the client explore the gaps between their current behaviors and the life they would like to lead. In this program, Dr. Miller works with a client who is considering changing his alcohol use and smoking habits. Jon Carlson and Judy Lewis introduce Dr. Norcross, and facilitate an in-depth discussion of the further impact and uses of the model.
From watching this program, you will:
Develop an understanding of the key concepts of Motivational Interviewing and its relevance in addictions counseling today.
Gain insight into William R. MillerOs therapy style, and how he fosters change by utilizing empathy, exploration and encouragement.
Learn how to apply Motivational Interviewing to help your clients successfully tackle their addictions and other life challenges.
DVD (With Manual, English Subtitles) / 2000 / 102 minutes
See Robert Wubbolding utilize his Reality Therapy approach in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with addiction.
Watch as Dr. Wubbolding adapts his renowned Reality Therapy approach to work with clients struggling with addictions. His practical and systematic approach helps clients evaluate the effectiveness of current behaviors and focus on practical plans of action for change. In the program, Dr. Wubbolding works with a client whose recovery from cocaine addiction is complicated by depression. Jon Carlson and Judy Lewis introduce Dr. Wubbolding, and facilitate an in-depth discussion of the further impact and uses of the model.
From watching this program you will:
Develop an understanding of the key aspects of the Reality Therapy model and its relevance in addictions counseling today.
Gain insight into Wubbolding's therapy style, and how his systematic approach promotes practical plans of action and change.
Learn how to apply the Reality Therapy model to help your clients successfully tackle their addictions and other life challenges.
See John C. Norcross utilize the Stages of Change model in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with addiction.
Years of research by Dr. Norcross and his colleagues have helped to identify the stages people go through in addressing and confronting addictions. In a psychotherapy based on this model, strategies and relationship stances are matched to the individual clientOs stage. See Dr. Norcross demonstrate the Stages of Change model in this program as he works with a client who is in early recovery from cocaine addiction and contemplating changing his use of alcohol. Jon Carlson and Judy Lewis introduce Dr. Norcross, and facilitate an in-depth discussion of the further impact and uses of the model.
From watching this program you will learn how to:
Develop an understanding of the key aspects of the Stages of Change model and its relevance in addictions counseling today.
Gain insight into Norcross' therapy style, and how he promotes change by addressing the client's stage of addiction.
Learn how to apply the Stages of Change model to help your clients successfully tackle their addictions and other life challenges.
Alcoholism (or should it be called "problem drinking"?) is a subject that all health care staff should know and understand. The programme has been made for a student audience and can be viewed at the beginning of a clinical attachment or used in formal teaching sessions.
Part One: "Alcoholism - the Interviews" consists of an explanation of clinical features and theoretical perspectives. The points made are illustrated with clinical examples.
Part Two: "Approaches to the Problem Drinker" is designed to give a short cut to the knowledge we call clinical experience. It is very practical and makes no apology for labouring the important points - such as when somebody might be better of in hospital. It is clearly divided into sections, such as initial contact, detoxification, treatment options and covers issues such as self-help groups and controlled drinking. The points are all illustrated with candid and frank comments from patients. The programme concludes with a review of primary prevention.
DVD / 1997 / (Medical students and other staff and students with a professional interest.) / 67 minutes
Part One is entitled 'Understanding the Basics', and discusses the psychological and physical reasons why people start and continue to use drugs. Specialist terms are defined.
Part Two is called 'Treating the Drug Addict' and offers practical and pragmatic guidelines for treatment. It covers physical and psychological treatments, the legal aspects of prescribing and the role of drug screening. Public health issues are highlighted at the end of this section.
The programme has been carefully researched and designed to provide newcomers with some of the knowledge that, up until now, comes only from clinical experience. The programme concentrates on practical aspects such as drug tolerance and the use of methadone. Prominence is given to the type of clinical problems that are encountered in a drug addiction service.
Part One: 14 minutes
Part Two: 15 minutes
DVD / 1995 / (Staff and students new to the field) / 29 minutes
In this supportive video, Robert Meyers and Jane Ellen Smith help people in the recovery process develop the skills necessary to make significant lifestyle changes, as they lead them on a captivating exploration of alternatives to substance use.
With the guidance of Robert Meyers and Jane Ellen Smith, viewers will have the opportunity to:
Brainstorm a list of pleasurable activities that they would like to incorporate into their life
Rate various areas of their life on a happiness scale and identify steps to increase their happiness
Learn how to overcome obstacles that might get in the way of making these big lifestyle changes
Develop the communication skills that will enable them to create a rewarding social life that supports them in their recovery and overall well-being
DVD (With English Subtitles) / Approx. 114 minutes
Learn techniques and strategies that will give people in recovery choices on how and when to be assertive, and enable them to navigate challenging life situations without compromising their self respect and commitment to recovery.
By watching this video viewers will:
Learn how to say no and express themselves more easily, firmly and powerfully without demeaning others.
Develop the skills and attitude that will help them overcome obstacles to standing up for themselves.
Gain more self-respect by identifying ways to make choices that support them in living their best life.
DVD (With English Subtitles) / Approx. 110 minutes
Join Reid Hester as he guides viewers through a step-by-step process of changing the old, stuck behavior patterns that often plague individuals in the recovery process, and replacing them with healthier ways of living.
By watching this video the audience will:
Learn how to set reasonable goals for changing or eliminating problematic behavior patterns;
Practice self-monitoring of their habitual behaviors to discover their effects on their life;
Discover "new roads" to the lifestyle they wish to have, by identifying healthy behaviors that will reward them in the same way old habits did.
DVD (With English Subtitles) / Approx. 114 minutes
Using a simple step-by-step process, therapist Peter Palanca will help you identify the powerful and confusing feelings that many people in recovery struggle with, and learn to manage them in productive, healthy ways.
With Palanca's expert guidance, viewers will learn to:
Recognize emotions that are often overwhelming and confusing
Successfully manage their emotions as they arise
Utilize self-talk to "deflate" strong negative emotions
Express feelings effectively to other people in order to achieve positive outcomes in difficult situations
DVD (With English Subtitles) / Approx. 117 minutes
Watch therapist Terrence Real work with an audience in recovery using his five-step approach to problem solving: defining the problem, visualizing solutions, dealing with obstacles, identifying sources of help, and making an action plan.
By viewing this program, you will:
Learn to define the problems you face and answer the question of whether change or acceptance is the right solution;
Get creative in generating potential solutions;
Distinguish between internal and external factors of a problem, and choose strategies for handling each;
Practice laying out short-term and long-term action plans, including dealing with obstacles and identifying internal and external resources to help you.
Watch an addiction psychologist work with people in recovery to develop the fundamental social skills needed to start and strengthen rewarding relationships with new friends.
By viewing this program, you will:
Identify tricks to initiating and ending casual conversations in any situation;
Practice strategies for offering constructive feedback to resolve conflicts;
Rehearse accepting and considering criticism;
Learn how to strengthen new friendships by requesting and reciprocating emotional and practical support.
Watch two therapists demonstrate psychoeducational activities to clients in recovery, including relaxation exercises, lifestyle adjustment strategies, thought pattern correction methods, and the creation of action plans for preventing stressful circumstances.
By viewing this video, you will:
Learn two relaxation and meditation strategies for use in any situation;
Discover the importance of creating good habits for diet, exercise, and sleep that improve the body's ability to handle normal daily stress;
Identify common stress-creating thought patterns and practice techniques to replace these with stress-relieving thoughts;
Make plans to cope with and prevent future stressful situations you encounter in your day-to-day life.
Mullen explores the evolution of encounter groups beginning with the first groups created by Synanon founder Chuck Dederich in the 1950s. Mullen discusses the essential elements of these first groups including honesty, authenticity and mutual self-help - elements that are still core to encounter groups today. He highlights that although the brutal confrontational style of the first groups have softened, the commitment to hold oneself and other accountable remains central. He also discusses the challenges that face encounter groups and offers guidance on how to work within managed care systems while holding on to the traditions that make encounter groups such an effective means for change.
From watching this program, you'll be able to:
Describe the most integral aspects of encounter groups that have remained relevant from the 1950s to the present.
Discuss the early history of encounter groups and how they came about.
Explain how encounter groups have changed over time, and how changes in the field during the last 20 years have posed significant challenges to running effective encounter groups.
Mullen walks us through several groups to show us what works and what does not work when facilitating an encounter group. He warns us of several traps facilitators can fall into: dominating the group, getting into power struggles, not being prepared or knowing the group members, and leading groups that are too large and don't go deep enough. Through numerous vignettes, he illustrates solutions to these common problems, and offers words of experience and wisdom to the encounter group facilitator: know your people, be prepared, get feedback, and listen, listen, listen!
From watching this program, you'll be able to:
Implement strategies for breaking the we/they dichotomy between staff and group members.
Explain why it is important for a facilitator to know the members of his or her group and what the dangers are if they don't.
Compare the differences between large and small groups, the effectiveness of both, and ways to make them each work.
Mullen discusses several key components to fostering growth and change in groups. He first explores the "marathon group" and how these day or weeklong sessions can bring participants into deeper understanding of themselves and what they need to change. He then discusses the importance of moral growth and ways in which facilitators can lead groups that foster moral growth by providing credible role models, healthy levels of conflict, role-reversal, and the teaching of responsibility. Finally, Mullen discusses the prevalence of PTSD among addicts and how encounter groups offer opportunities to heal from childhood abuse.
From watching this program, you'll be able to discuss:
Describe ways marathon groups differ from regular encounter groups, the importance of them for group members, and different possibilities for doing them today.
Discuss the conditions a facilitator must create to foster moral growth within group members.
Explain how PTSD increases a person's risk for abusing drugs, and how trauma can be worked through in encounter groups.
Meth Inside Out is a groundbreaking video-based treatment curriculum on methamphetamine addiction and recovery. The series is designed to equip meth users, their families, and the professionals who assist them with a solid understanding of the biological basis of addiction, effective tools for recovery, and, most important, hope for the future.
Meth: Human Impact provides an eye-opening introduction to meth's effect on individuals, families, and communities across the globe. This video explores the motivations for use, including the need to escape negative feelings, lose weight, enhance sex, and increase energy. It also reveals how many of these factors impact women disproportionately, resulting in specialized needs in recovery. Spotlighting the link between meth and violent crime, as well as the magnitude and consequences of use - including job and property loss, poverty, incarceration, and effects on children - this video offers realistic solutions for clinicians working with current and former users.
Meth Inside Out is a groundbreaking video-based treatment curriculum on methamphetamine addiction and recovery. The series is designed to equip meth users, their families, and the professionals who assist them with a solid understanding of the biological basis of addiction, effective tools for recovery, and, most important, hope for the future.
Meth: Brain & Behavior equips viewers with an understanding of how meth changes the brain and, consequently, behavior. 3D animations of changes in the brain, accessible explanations, and personal accounts of use and recovery help viewers understand the complex effects of meth use on the brain. Meth users often come to believe that their lack of impulse control and decreased pleasure from ordinary life are permanent. From this video, users learn how to better cope with the stages of meth addiction and recovery by gaining an understanding of the biological underpinnings of the high, tolerance, craving, paranoia, aggression, anhedonia, and healing.
Meth Inside Out is a groundbreaking video-based treatment curriculum on methamphetamine addiction and recovery. The series is designed to equip meth users, their families, and the professionals who assist them with a solid understanding of the biological basis of addiction, effective tools for recovery, and, most important, hope for the future.
Meth: Windows to Recovery explores effective treatment practices across program types and settings. For users, learning about the process of recovery often increases commitment to change. This episode empowers the viewer by providing information and concrete tools to support the recovery process, including creating structure, participating in sober activities, avoiding high-risk situations, and coping with craving. Windows to Recovery reveals that treatment is not a quick fix, but a set of activities leading to long-term changes in lifestyle, thinking, and behavior. The episode shows, without a doubt, that recovery is within reach.