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Weekly New Release - Assorted
These 20 groundbreaking programs combine psychology, linguistics and instructional design, and engage learners through:
amusing situations
entertaining characters
interesting conversations
authentic language
strong storylines
high quality production
practical graded activities.
Each video has five sections
Language Functions
Explores how we do things with language such as apologizing, agreeing, comparing, giving reasons, explaining, asking etc.
Looks at key elements of grammar and syntax, such as: tenses, comparatives, modals, questions, gerunds, conditionals and more.
Explains common idiomatic expressions that non-English speakers often find confusing.
Helps increase word knowledge by highlighting challenging vocabulary in everyday conversations.
Provides help with English sounds and rhythms for those new to the language.
1. Greeting and Introducing
Learn to introduce yourself and others, and use the correct possessive pronouns - my, his, her, our, your and their.
2. Saying Where People Are
Learn the prepositions for saying where people are and use the present continuous tense for actions in progress.
3. Describing People
Learn to describe people positively and negatively, and use regular and irregular comparatives and superlatives.
4. Asking Questions
Learn to ask for information, recognize rhetorical questions and use closed, open and statement questions to get quality answers.
5. Saying What's Needed
Learn to talk about what's needed and how to use modal verbs such as have to, should and must.
6. Giving Reasons
Learn to give reasons using because and talk about past actions using irregular forms of the simple past tense.
7. Describing Feelings
Learn to express positive and negative feelings, and talk about habitual actions and events using the simple present tense.
8. Making Suggestions
Learn to make suggestions and talk about future plans using going to.
9. Talking about Rules
Learn to understand and explain rules and use appropriate adverbs and quantifiers to talk about degree and frequency.
10. Communicating Feedback
Learn to give and receive feedback and talk about what has happened using the present perfect tense.
11. Complaining and Criticizing
Learn to recognize and express criticism and complaints and use the present perfect tense with periods of time.
12. Clarifying and Explaining
Learn to explain and clarify situations and ideas and use gerunds as the subject of the sentence.
13. Agreeing and Disagreeing
Learn to agree or disagree appropriately and use the first conditional to express possibilities.
14. Discussing Responsibilities
Learn how to explain responsibilities and use the second conditional to express possibilities.
15. Giving Warnings
Learn to understand and give warnings and use imperatives without sounding offensive.
16. Expressing Ideas and Attitudes
Understand and discuss ideas and attitudes and improve your fluency using coordinating conjunctions - and, so and but.
17. Apologizing
Learn to apologize appropriately and identify verbs that take the infinitive -want, seem, attempt, demand, expect, like and love.
18. Encouraging Others
Learn ways to encourage others and check understanding using the correct question tags.
19. Comparing and Contrasting
Learn to compare and contrast people and situations and use what as the subject of the sentence rather than as a question.
20. Considering Options
Learn to discuss various options and improve your conversation skills using subordinating conjunctions.
20 DVDs (Closed Captioned) / 2013 / 300 minutes
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After checking the building code for specifications, it's time to add a ceiling to newly framed walls. This program takes students through the process of creating a ceiling frame to tie the walls together and provide the underlying structure for the installation of ducts, pipes, and insulation. Along with safety, tool, and green-building tips, it explains the essentials of laying out the ceiling frame and installing joists, with details on spacing, butting, splicing, the benefits of using engineered I joists, and more.
DVD / 2013 / 8 minutes
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Subflooring forms a large platform that covers the entire width and length of a house, providing the necessary base on which to secure the walls. This program explains how to frame the floor of a new home using the platform framing method. Along with safety, tool, and green-building tips, students learn the basics of placing and anchoring sills, butting and splicing, installing beams and joists, spacing, bridging, and laying both tongue-and-groove and square-edge subflooring.
DVD / 2013 / 11 minutes
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Roofs can be constructed in two different ways: the conventional joist and rafter method, or the more common trussed roof method that uses prefabricated units. This program covers both techniques for building a roof frame, while providing safety, tool, and green-building tips as well. Topics covered include common rafter layout (ridge, birdsmouth, and tail cuts), roof overhangs, installing the rafters, and installing the roof sheathing with notes about when to consider possible regional specifications.
DVD / 2013 / 10 minutes
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Wall framing creates spaces for plumbing, electrical, and heating and cooling systems-and with the proper techniques, it can help cut energy consumption by allowing room for extra insulation. This program explains wall framing, with detailed information on chalking; cutting the stock plate; laying out the walls; cutting the lumber to size; preassembling the wall components; assembling, raising, bracing, and plumbing the walls; and nailing the cap plates. Tips on safety, tool use, and green building are provided throughout.
DVD / 2013 / 13 minutes
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Before and after the popular uprising that led to the fall of Hosni Mubarak, a new generation of Egyptian filmmakers started using their weapon of choice-their cameras- as a tool for revealing the truth to the world. More than ever a crucial weapon of resistance, filming breaks the law of silence and makes sense out of confusion that now rules Egypt. Weapon of Choice shows how filmmakers, through fiction, documentary or citizen journalism, take action in the long and difficult process of transformation that is Revolution. With Ibrahim El Batout, Ayten Amin, Wael Omar, Khalid Abdalla, Amr Salama, Mohamed Diab and Karim El Shenawy.
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 43 minutes
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The issues surrounding ADHD are fiercely debated. Who decides when rambunctious behavior has become a psychiatric concern? Do the benefits of Ritalin outweigh its risks? Is ADHD even a true disorder, or just another way for pharmaceutical companies to make money? This program speaks with students diagnosed with ADHD and to nearly a dozen medical and academic experts about its identification and treatment. Pediatrics professor William B. Carey believes that ADHD is being over-diagnosed, and Dr. William Pelham describes a successful treatment plan based on behavior modification-even as young people with ADHD praise the positive results of taking their meds. Other topics include genetic factors, medication risks, teachers as diagnosticians, and the centuries-long history of medicalizing hyperactivity.
DVD / 2012 / 80 minutes
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By Professor David Kung
Get a new perspective on two of the greatest achievements of human culture in the 12 dazzling lectures of How Music and Mathematics Relate, taught by award-winning mathematician and musician David Kung of St. Mary's College of Maryland. Understanding the connections between music and mathematics helps you appreciate both, even if you have no special ability in either field. By exploring the mathematics of music, you learn why non-Western music sounds so different, gain insight into the technology of modern sound reproduction, and start to hear the world around you in exciting new ways. No expertise in either music or higher-level mathematics is required to appreciate this astonishing alliance between art and science.
12 Lectures, 45 minutes/lecture
1 Overtones-Symphony in a Single Note
2 Timbre-Why Each Instrument Sounds Different
3 Pitch and Auditory Illusions
4 How Scales Are Constructed
5 How Scale Tunings and Composition Coevolved
6 Dissonance and Piano Tuning
7 Rhythm-From Numbers to Patterns
8 Transformations and Symmetry
9 Self-Reference from Bach to Godel
10 Composing with Math-Classical to Avant-Garde
11 The Digital Delivery of Music
12 Math, Music, and the Mind
3 DVDs / 2012 / 540 minutes
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After eight years of marriage Jhuma and her husband Niladri have not been able to conceive, and they are becoming desperate. They've decided to travel to Hyderabad, capital of India's medical and pharmaceutical industry and the home of several thriving assisted fertility clinics. This film follows the Indian couple through their clinical and emotional struggle to overcome, as they see it, the "curse" of childlessness. Viewers also meet a feisty female doctor whose fertility clinics are amazingly lucrative as well as another couple facing their own childbearing dilemma-whether or not surrogate motherhood is morally acceptable, especially when it is performed for large sums of money. Candid and often heartbreaking, this is an intimate portrait of a universal human problem embroiled in a tragic cultural conundrum.
DVD / 2012 / 56 minutes
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This program explores the forces released by explosions and their impact on materials. It identifies key features o explosions; rapid gas expansion and with high explosives shock waves.
DVD / 2009 / (Grades 9-12) / 55 minutes
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The main program is presented in the following clear-cut sections: What is nanotechnology?; Units: micrometer and nanometer; Special properties of nanoparticles; The Gecko Effect; Carbon Nanotubes; Surface energy; Hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces; the Lotus effect; Use of lasers in nanotechnology; Issues raised by nanotechnology. Because nanotechnology works with the metric unit nanometer and micrometer, this program uses metric units. However, this should not affect a student's understanding of the concepts presented in the program.
DVD / 2007 / (Grades 9-12) / 25 minutes
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The music of choir must not only impress an audience but it must captivate the vocalists that will rehearse and perform it repeatedly. This program covers the significance of selecting choral music, preliminary and interpretive score, study and marking the score. It also examines rehearsal preparation and techniques.
DVD / 2001 / (Adult) / 28 minutes
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Voice is the instrument of choir and in order to be effective, it must create a unified sound. This program explains how this can be done by educating viewers on breathing and posture as well as phonation, resonance, and articulation. The program also emphasizes the importance of listening and ensemble applications.
DVD / 2001 / (Adult) / 28 minutes
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Bringing the text of the music and the voice together, this program focuses on the words within a choral piece. It examines vowels, vowel formation, diphthongs, consonants and consonant context. Musical application of diction and the conductor's role as an "artist" are also covered.
DVD / 2001 / (Adult) / 28 minutes
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Includes the following videos:
Critical Thinking and Educational Reform -60 minutes
Common Misperceptions of Economics - 48 minutes
21st Century Capitalism - 57 minutes
Cowboy Capitalism - 57 minutes
Educating the Work Force - 59 minutes
Questions and Answers with Robert Heilbroner - 52 minutes
In this 6-part series Robert Heilbroner, distinguished economist and author, and Richard Paul, Director of Research and Professional Development at the Center for Critical Thinking, discuss the economic prospects for the U.S. in the next century. Will the economic success of the U.S. be determined by our ability to cultivate a work force of critical thinkers, as Paul argues, or will resources, new technologies and the laws and politics governing production and world trade outweigh any foreseeable improvements in education? In pursuit of this fundamental question, Heilbroner and Paul address this and other closely related issues such as:
The long and short range implications of global economic changes and the need for educational reform
Common misperceptions about economics and the role of economists
Robert Reich's and Lester Thurow's analysis of the U.S. economic future
Individualistic vs. communitarian forms of capitalism
Japanese vs. U.S. forms of management
Endemic corruption in U.S. politics and business
The capacity of the U.S.educational bureaucracy to adapt
The qualities of a critical thinking work force
6 DVDs
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By Richard W. Paul
The How to Teach Through Socratic Questioning video series was created to teach instructors at all levels of education how to bring one of the oldest and still most powerful teaching techniques into the classroom. Whereas traditional instruction is concerned with giving students answers, Socratic questioning recognizes that questions, not answers, are the driving force in thinking.
Feeding students endless content to remember is akin to repeatedly stepping on the brakes in a vehicle that is, unfortunately, already at rest. Instead, students need to turn on their intellectual engines. Only when answers generate further questions does thought remain alive. Only students who have questions are really thinking and learning. The quality of the questions we ask determines the quality of the thinking we do.
DVD / 64 minutes
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Asking Questions That Take Thinking Apart
How to use the elements of thought to take thinking apart
How to drive student thinking through questions
How to teach content using question-driven instruction
How to teach content as a mode of thinking
How to get content to take root in the thinking of students
Specific strategies for leading a Socratic questioning discussion
DVD / 80 minutes
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By Richard W. Paul
In this video, the advantages and disadvantages of available critical thinking tests are presented and discussed. A case is made for the use of an essay test. Richard Paul demonstrates how a testing program can be coordinated with faculty development and programmatic assessment.
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To what degree do the mass media affect public discussion and thought about things that matter? Are there factors inherent in today's media system that make a rational discussion of politics virtually impossible? In this presentation, Professor Dorman discusses some of the problems he sees with the mass media and contemporary public discourse, particularly in terms of how issues are portrayed. The context for this analysis is the 1992 presidential campaign. Emphasis is on the need for teaching critical thinking skills about media and politics. A session from the 12th International Conference on Critical Thinking & Educational Reform.
DVD / 42 minutes
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By Marsha Linehan
Watch Marsha Linehan, founder of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), in action in this session with a middle-aged man with a significant personality disorder struggling with suicidal depression and anger after being left by his girlfriend.
Perhaps no therapist of the last several decades has so influenced current practice as Marsha Linehan. Though she does a great deal of teaching and training, opportunities to see her practicing with a client in a full-length session are few and far between. Therapists, DBT practitioners, and newcomers alike will relish this rare opportunity.
In this initial session, Linehan works with a fascinating and difficult client. He makes it clear that he is actively suicidal, has little faith in therapy, and is not necessarily committed to treatment. He bobs and weaves as Linehan works with him, concealing some of the most damaging aspects of his own past behaviors and painting himself as an angry and wounded victim. With her upfront and frank style, Linehan defines the client's goals, makes clear to him which behaviors must change immediately, and gets him to agree to postpone suicidality in favor of further investigating her treatment. Throughout the session, Linehan gives voiced-over explanations of why she made certain choices and what compelled her towards different interventions. Prepare to be fascinated, both by the client and by Linehan!
By watching this video, you will learn:
How to conduct an initial behavioral assessment using DBT
How to implement elements of DBT style and strategy with your own clients
How a DBT therapist assesses for suicidality and obtains commitment to therapy
DVD / 108 minutes
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By Professor Daniel W. Drezner
Prosperity has transformed the world. Defined as the ability to afford goods and services beyond basic necessities, prosperity is now a way of ...
24 Lectures
4 DVDs (With Transcript Book)
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Narrated by Richard Paul, this video contains interviews with educators from Greensboro, North Carolina who discuss their experiences instituting a district-wide critical thinking program. Important for anyone trying to develop a school or district wide critical thinking program. Topics include: the problem of a fragmented curriculum, overcoming teacher and student resistance, the need for developing a core of critical thinking teachers, resisting the temptation to adopt "pre-packaged" programs, and the need for ongoing in-service opportunities.
DVD / 59 minutes
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By Professor Laird Close
Are we alone in the universe? Or does the cosmos pulse with diverse life forms? Life in Our Universe reveals the cutting-edge research leading scientists to believe that life is not exclusively the domain of Earth. Taught by Dr. Laird Close, an award-winning Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at The University of Arizona, these 24 stunningly visual lectures offer an unparalleled look at the most intriguing discoveries coming from the new field of astrobiology, as well as the mysteries that remain. You'll examine the remarkable coincidences that created our planet and sustained its habitability for 3.5 billion years. And you'll join the hunt for microbial life elsewhere in our solar system and Earth-like planets in alien solar systems-one of astronomy's "holy grails."
24 Lectures, 30 minutes/lecture
4 DVDs (With Transcript Book) / 720 minutes
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This DVD for girls nearing or going through puberty focuses on building girls' knowledge, confidence and self-esteem. While appropriate for any girl, it's especially helpful for young women diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome or autism requiring support, or who are naturally shy. The video's content advisors include parents, psychologists, teachers, counselors, autism education experts, an OB-GYN doctor and, most importantly, girls. The program is divided into chapters, so parents and professionals can choose which subjects to share with girls based on their stages of development.
DVD / 80 minutes
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By Professor Patrick Grim
Thinking is at the heart of our everyday lives, yet our thinking can go wrong in any number of ways. Bad arguments, fallacious reasoning, misleading language, and built-in cognitive biases are all traps that keep us from rational decision making. What can we do to avoid these traps and think better? Is it possible to think faster, more efficiently, and more systematically? The Philosopher's Toolkit: How to Be the Most Rational Person in Any Room, taught by award-winning Professor Patrick Grim of the State University of New York at Stony Brook, arms you against the perils of bad thinking and supplies you with an arsenal of strategies to help you be more creative, logical, inventive, realistic, and rational in all aspects of your daily life.
24 Lectures, 30 minutes/lecture
4 DVDs (With Transcript Book) / 720 minutes
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By Professor Jeffrey Rosen
Dizzying new technologies are putting unprecedented stress on America's core constitutional values, as protections for privacy, property, and free speech are shrinking due to the wonders of modern life-from the Internet to digital imaging to artificial intelligence. It's not hard to envision ...
24 Lectures
4 DVDs (With Transcript Book)
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By Professor H. Craig Heller
For many of us, sleep is one of life's greatest pleasures. For others, sleep represents a nightly struggle to fall asleep, stay asleep, rest comfortably, and ...
24 Lectures
4 DVDs (With Transcript Book)
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