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Bird Flu & Respiratory Disorders
This video covers the infectious diseases that affect the Respiratory, Digestive and Reproductive Systems. The characteristic and behavior of the disease and microorganisms are discussed.
DVD / 2013
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This video covers the Pathophysiology of the Respiratory disease these include the restrictive and obstructive conditions, Acute respiratory distress and pulmonary edema, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Ventilation Mismatches, Asthma, and Respiratory infections. This DVD is also a good review for the Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory System as it covers the basic structure and function of the respiratory system.
DVD / 2013 / 161 minutes
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This video reviews the anatomy, physiology, and functions of the respiratory system and the mechanics of ventilation. It covers the factors affecting respiration and identifies specific topics for consideration during a health history interview of the client with health problems involving the respiratory system and manifestations of its impairment.
DVD / 2012
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This program demonstrates and describes a step-by-step approach to assessing the respiratory system.
DVD / 2012 / Approx. 20 minutes
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This video relates the anatomy and physiology of the upper respiratory tract to commonly occurring disorders and risk factors for these disorders. It describes the pathophysiology of common upper respiratory tract disorders, relating their manifestations to the pathophysiologic process. The lecture looks at nursing implications for medications and other interdisciplinary care measures to treat upper respiratory disorders, surgical procedures and their implications for client care and recovery. It also looks at health promotion activities related to reducing the incidence of upper respiratory disorders, describing the appropriate population and setting for implementing identified measures. Students learn the treatment options for oral and laryngeal cancers with their implications for the client's body image and functional health.
DVD / 2012
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The immature respiratory system is very different from that of an adult. Respiratory pathologies are one of the major problems affecting the health and well being of children. These issues can be due to infection, allergy, trauma, or congenital anomalies. Whatever the cause, if distress is not promptly identified and treated, respiratory failure and even cardiopulmonary arrest can follow.
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
Describe the differences between an immature respiratory system and an adult's
Identify normal pediatric breath sounds
Identify adventitious pediatric breath sounds and their possible causes
DVD / 2012 / Approx. 14 minutes
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Respiratory pathologies due to infection, allergy, trauma, or congenital anomalies are one of the major problems affecting the health and well being of children. Signs of distress must be recognized and assessed promptly. If distress is not promptly identified and interventions begun, respiratory failure and even cardiopulmonary arrest can follow.
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
List important signs of pediatric respiratory distress
List the components of a pediatric respiratory assessment
Identify the differences in signs between mild respiratory distress and moderate to acute respiratory distress
Identify red flags that can indicate acute pediatric distress
DVD / 2012 / Approx. 17 minutes
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Infection control in a health care setting is a fundamental responsibility shared by all staff. This video resource will ensure that infection control is front of mind for every worker. It starts by outlining the four principles of infection control, followed by a detailed examination of standard precautions that must be undertaken at all times, including a step-by-step demonstration of correct hand washing technique. Transmission-based precautions are explained, grouped into three broad groups: contact, droplet, and airborne. Finally, organisational support is described, including the importance of the infection control committee and regular health screenings for all staff.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
DVD / 2009 / 60 minutes
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By Stuart Weiss, MD, CBCP
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has predicted that up to 30% of Americans could become infected with the novel H1N1 virus this year and next if a successful vaccine campaign and other mitigation efforts are not implemented quickly enough. Many US hospitals-and especially emergency departments-are already in a state of crisis, facing challenges that cannot be fixed without long-term, fundamental, and systemic changes. But ready or not, a flu pandemic is here, with a second and potentially more severe wave possible this fall and winter. By applying basic preparedness principles, along with some out-of-the-box strategic planning, hospitals can gain a footing against the coming pandemic. In this video, Dr. Stuart Weiss reviews the H1N1 disease characteristics; the current status and potential future threat of the influenza pandemic; employee protection strategies, including administrative, environmental, and engineering controls, and personal protective equipment; vaccine recommendations; and antiviral prophylaxis and therapy.
DVD / 2009 / 60 minutes
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Every year it returns, and every year it costs employers billions of dollars in sick pay, lost sales and decreased productivity.
This year could be worse.
We've all heard about the threat of H1N1 or "swine flu." How it's spreading across the globe. How it's expected to hit hard this fall and winter as the flu season develops. How 40% of the population could eventually catch it.
But here's some good news. You can reduce infection rates in your workplace by training your employees to follow a few simple habits that stop them from spreading sickness to their coworkers--and help them avoid getting sick in the first place.
Some of these habits are just common sense: wash your hands, don't use your coworker's telephone or computer keyboard, cover your coughs and sneezes. But how do you get people to remember and actually do these things, day after day?
Video training is an effective way to get through to employees and change their behavior. And our new release from Stanford, "Resisting the Flu" is designed to do just that. Your employees will respond to this documentary-style short film with its straight talk from Dr. Eric A. Weiss, Medical Director of Disaster Planning and Associate Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine.
In plain terms, Dr. Weiss lays out a blueprint for keeping your employees healthy and for resisting infection by the H1N1 virus. His practical advice extends to taking care of sick family members in ways that protect the caregiver and stop the spread within employees' households. And if things take a turn for the worse, Dr. Weiss also describes clear danger signs that help viewers know the difference between symptoms that are typical--and those that require immediate medical help.
Do your part to limit the reach of this new pandemic, and protect your business by training all your employees. Working together, we can all contribute to lessening the impact of this uniquely threatening illness.
DVD / 2009 / 13 minutes
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By David Carr-Brown and Anne Loussouarn
The international scientific community has been monitoring the bird flu virus (known as H5 N1) since 1997 when seven people died in Hong Kong. The victims all had had contact with live bird markets there. Dr. Guan Yi, a professor at the University of Hong Kong, explains the path of infection in Southeast Asia (Vietnam was the "epicenter") in 2003 and 2005 when wild birds infected poultry on small farms. The poultry was then handled by humans who became infected.
Bird Flu Wars recounts the diverse plans explored at the emergency meetings held in 2006 at the WHO (World Health Organization) headquarters in Geneva to prevent the virus from becoming a pandemic. Some of these plans call for the massive destruction of areas infected by the virus, preventive vaccinations of poultry and the industrialization of breeding. Many countries are stockpiling Tamiflu, the only recommended anti-viral medication. Unfortunately, some countries like Vietnam cannot cope economically with what is required to suppress H5 N1. For now, the Swiss pharmaceutical company La Roche is producing Tamiflu vaccine in huge quantities in their thirteen closely guarded factories. To date, they refuse to release the formula so that the vaccine can be produced generically.
If in the future the virus mutates to a human flu; it then could be easily transmitted from human to human, endangering a huge population. At that point, the world would have to wait for a vaccine that could be put into production quickly. Would there be enough anti- viral medicine for everyone in need?
DVD / 2007 / (High School, College, Adult) / 52 minutes
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It's difficult to get people excited about preventing colds and the flu. People know it's going to happen, no matter what you do and then when it does occur, there are usually two options.
Topics included in this safety video are: influenza, avian or bird flu, influenza pandemic, working with birds, basic infection control, personal protective equipment (PPE), vaccination with seasonal influenza vaccine, and universal precautions.
DVD / 2006 / 25 minutes
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Protect Your Family From Deadly Bird Flu - Influenza is a different story as is the Avian or Bird Flu. We'd like to provide some educational tips on this important topic as experts are warning a pandemic could kill more than a billion people worldwide. An influenza pandemic is a global outbreak of disease that occurs when a new Influenza virus appears or emerges in the human population, causes serious illness and then spreads easily from person to person worldwide. Pandemic outbreaks are caused by new sub types or by sub types that have never circulated among people or that have not circulated for a long time. First identified in China in late February 1957 the Asian flu spread to the United States by June 1957. The Hong Kong flu 1968-1969, caused about 34,000 deaths in the United States. This virus was first detected in Hong Kong in early 1968 and spread to the United States later that year. In 2003, we heard about SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, which is an atypical form of pneumonia.
Topics included in this safety video are: avian flu, stay home when you're sick, medications, and universal precautions.
DVD / 2006 / 19 minutes
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By Michael R. Grey, MD, MPH
In this program, Dr. Michael Grey discusses steps that practitioners can take to prepare for and deal with a potential outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Dr. Grey summarizes the epidemiology and pathogenesis of SARS, and he discusses the differential diagnosis of this potentially fatal infectious disease within the context of two hypothetical cases. In the first, a patient presents with an atypical and rapidly progressing pneumonia of unknown origin; the patient is a strong candidate for SARS based on his risk factors (he has recently traveled to a SARS-endemic region of the world) and his clinical presentation. Conversely, in the second case, a patient with an upper respiratory infection is not a likely candidate for SARS because she lacks key elements of the typical SARS patient history and clinical presentation. Yet SARS must also be considered in her differential diagnosis. Laboratory and imaging tests to identify the SARS coronavirus are summarized. Dr. Grey discusses the importance of expediting sputum samples to a local health department or directly to the CDC. He reviews isolation and quarantine procedures that will be necessary if a SARS outbreak occurs, and he addresses palliative care for SARS patients. This telecourse also emphasizes the key role that general practitioners can play in calming patient apprehension about the onset of "normal" flu-like symptoms that are not symptoms of SARS. Viewers are informed about CDC and WHO Web sites that provide SARS updates.
DVD / 2004 / 60 minutes
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Servere Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is a virulent pneumonia-like illness that made a sudden appearance in February 2003, originating in southern China. Air travel and global business have spread handfuls of cases throughout the world, and the disease, caused by a newly emerged coronavirus, has the potential to create a global pandemic. The disease does not respond to any current medications, and so far the mortality rate is approximately 6%. Yet SARS is just one of several emerging diseases that threaten the United States. Some others are West Nile emcephalitis, E. coli O157H7, cryptosporidiosis (crypto), coccidioidomycosis, vancomycin-resistant enterococcal infections (VRE), various influenza strains, and hantavirus, plus multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. It is essential for healthcare professionals and the public to work together to combat the spread of these emerging diseases.
DVD / 2004 / Approx. 11 minutes
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By Lee B. Reichman, MD, MPH
Although tuberculosis (TB) rates in the United States are at historic lows, TB still occurs each year in health care institutions, nursing homes, assisted-living facilities, schools, industrial sites, prisons, and other community settings. This program discusses the role of the primary care physician in the early detection and prompt treatment of TB in the community. It focuses on the non-HIV patient with active TB. Epidemiology, risk factors, symptoms, and transmission of TB are reviewed. Special attention is given to the diagnosis of active TB in foreign-born and native-born individuals who are at high risk for TB. Treatments for active and latent TB are summarized. Reliance upon directly observed therapy is stressed, as is the need for ongoing communication among general practitioners and local public health officials, especially in communities where the risk of TB is high. This telecourse is based at the New Jersey Medical School National Tuberculosis Center, one of the foremost TB clinics in the nation.
DVD / 2004 / 60 minutes
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By Beverley J. Sheares, MD
Asthma in childhood is on the "top 10" list of reasons for ambulatory visits to primary care physicians every year. It is particularly problematic among urban populations and families of low socioeconomic status. Childhood asthma poses unique diagnostic and management challenges for pediatricians, family physicians, and in fact all clinicians who deal with young patients. It has often been said, however, that the pediatric patient is not just a small adult. Beverley J. Sheares, MD, of the Children's Hospital of New York-Presbyterian and the Pediatric Pulmonary Division at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, explains just what the critical differences are between adult and pediatric patients with asthma. In addition, she outlines her "fast track" approach to recognizing this chronic respiratory disease and controlling both its symptoms and the underlying inflammation that defines the disease process. Columbia-Presbyterian has long been in the forefront of community-based asthma care. To maximize the practical value of this educational program, Dr. Sheares, who includes the improvement of the health education skills of physicians and the self-regulation skills of families of children with asthma among her professional interests, explains how to get the most from the patient interview and the history when making the diagnosis, how to avoid common pitfalls in the physical examination, and why the chest X-ray film is both important and potentially misleading. She then outlines the pros and cons of the important classes of asthma medications in the context of childhood asthma and describes how she enlists the child and the family in a partnership to ensure long-term control of asthma
DVD / 2003 / 60 minutes
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First reported in Asia in February 2003, the SARS outbreak has killed over 800 people. This program provides the latest information for healthcare workers and patients in an easy to understand format.
DVD / 2003 / 15 minutes
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By Jonathon Dean Truwit, MD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is currently the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, with more than 16 million people suffering from its effects. It is the only major disease that continues to increase in prevalence, morbidity, and mortality. The early stages of chronic bronchitis and emphysema, which constitute COPD, are frequently undiagnosed in the primary care setting; this underscores the need for additional emphasis on spirometry and other diagnostic screening to detect these disorders before lung damage becomes irreversible. Pulmonologist Jonathon Dean Truwit, MD, uses the context of patient cases to explore the latest approaches to the diagnosis and management of COPD, including a discussion of the pros and cons of lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) and lung transplantation
DVD / 2002 / 60 minutes
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By Rodger J Pomerantz, MD, FACP
Pneumonia, once known as the "old man's friend" for its effectiveness in easing the aged and infirmed into the life beyond, is still the most deadly infectious disease in the United States. Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is the cause of death in over 80,000 people a year in the United States -- with an annual attributable cost of over $8 billion dollars. In this program, Dr. Pomerantz provides an update on pneumonia -- the causative pathogens, the risk factors for developing it, and the associated therapies
DVD / 2000 / 60 minutes
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Accurately assessing the pulmonary system takes skill, time and practice. As an RN or LPN you have the responsibility for assessing topics from the initial interview, basic anatomy and physiology, lung sounds of common respiratory diseases and therapeutic modalities.
DVD / 2000 / 50 minutes
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Living with a chronic condition such as COPD need not surtail your lifestyle. Education and information play a vital role in improving quality of life. This program is designed to comply with the Join Commission standards for education of patients and family.
DVD / 1999 / 16 minutes
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Learn all about COPD and how this vital information can help you live a long and fulfilling life. Provides helpful suggestions for dealing with your daily routines and activities. This program is designed to comply with the Joint Commission standards for education of patients and family.
DVD / 1999 / 13 minutes
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COPD stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, a group of 5 lung diseases that limits the flow of air into and out of your lungs. This program is designed to comply with the Joint Commission standards for education of patients and family.
DVD / 1999 / 8 minutes 47 seconds
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Kelly Scherbenske, RN; Laura A. Martin, RN; Maryann Kelly, CRNA, PhD
Discuss what identifies acute respiratory failure; List ten signs and symptoms a patient with acute respiratory failure might exhibit; identify five causes of acute respiratory failure that commonly confront emergency room personnel; explain the factors that predispose a patient to the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome in the ICU; identify persons at high risk for developing acute respiratory failure in the immediate postoperative period; discuss the criteria used in the diagnosis of acute respiratory failure; describe the impact that drugs have had on the treatment of acute respiratory failure; list the major indications for the use of mechanical ventilation for those patients with acute respiratory failure.
DVD / 60 minutes
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Tom Frieden, MD; John Bass, MD; John Sbarbaro, MD; Jeffery Stark, MD; William Bailey, MD
This program features presentations by an internationally prominent faculty of Tuberculosis experts and epidemiologists on guidelines for preventing and treating Tuberculosis infection. The objective of this program is to increase awareness among practicing physicians of the rise of TB in the United States in recent years and new information regarding treating drug resistant strains of the disease. Topics will include updated information with regard to prevention, vaccination, universal precautions for health care providers, high risk populations including patients with HIV, traditional drug therapies, and new and experimental drugs.
DVD / 120 minutes
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Michelle L. Robertson, RN, BSN, CIC; Earl Matthew, MD; Ellen Epstein, MS, MT(ASCP); Betty Edmond, Edward J. Septimus, MD
Discussing airborne pathogens in relation to healthcare facilities. Review airborne pathogens common to healthcare facilities and measures used to control them & enforcement of guidelines for preventing transmission of airborne pathogens.
DVD / / 60 minutes
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Learning Objective: To educate healthcare professionals on the CDC's recommendations to identify practices which prevent the transmission of highly contagious respiratory diseases
Respiratory Diseases can unexpectedly explode into epidemic proportions, severely disrupting the delivery of our healthcare. Our best defense is a good offense.
This award winning training program addresses the following and more:
Signs and symptoms
CDC guidelines
Isolation precautions
Hand hygiene
Respiratory protection and PPE
Environmental services protocols
New York International Film and Video Festival, Finalist
DVD / 16 minutes
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There is widespread concern over the risk of exposure to the deadly H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu). The virus has one very important trait that could turn it into a global health emergency: the ability to spread from human to human. Now is not the time to panic, now is the time prepare. Separate fact from fiction and make sure your employees know how to protect themselves against this virulent disease.
What is H1N1 Flu and how is it transmitted?
Symptoms and treatments
What to do in case of exposure
H1N1 Flu treatment
DVD (English and Spanish) / 11 minutes
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H1N1 Swine Influenza - Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by Type A influenza viruses. Outbreaks of swine flu happen regularly in pigs. People do not normally get swine flu, but human infections can and do happen. Most commonly, human cases of swine flu happen in people who are around pigs but it's possible for swine flu viruses to spread from person to person also.
CDC has determined that this virus is contagious and is spreading from human to human. H1N1 can be spread from individuals to individuals.
Topics included in this safety video are: signs and symptoms, how swine flu is spread, medications, and what to do should you get sick.
DVD / 8 minutes
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Learning Objective: Educate all healthcare workers on proper respiratory etiquette in order to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases
Patients with highly contagious respiratory diseases can present to a facility at any time...infecting staff, other patients, and severely compromising the delivery of care. An educated staff is the key to preventing transmission.
Developed for all staff, this program clearly explains and demonstrates:
How respiratory diseases are spread
How to identify and isolate potentially ill patients
Proper implementation of infection control protocols - including hand hygiene, appropriate use of PPE, and cough etiquette
DVD / 8 minutes
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Susan Rudd Wynn, MD; Timothy Craig, DO; Michael A. Kalimer, MD
A panel of experts comprised of allergists and physicians that have special knowledge and experience practicing in a managed care environment will address the diagnosis and treatment of common allergies from a managed healthcare perspective. The protocols discussed should be of particular interest to primary care physicians as well as allergists.
DVD / 60 minutes
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Learning Objective: Highlight the CDC Guidance Recommendations for Healthcare Facilities on preventing transmission of the Novel H1N1 Virus
The World Health Organization has declared Novel H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) a pandemic, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has instructed all healthcare facilities to prepare for Novel H1N1 Influenza in addition to the traditional influenza season.
Most transmission of respiratory diseases in the healthcare setting occurs from unprotected exposure to infected individuals before the disease is recognized and infection control measures put in place.
For this reason, it is imperative that all healthcare workers become familiar with the CDC,HICPAC, SHEA and APIC recommendations to quickly identify and isolate potentially ill patients, and know how to implement strict infection control practices to prevent transmission.
This important training program highlights the CDC recommendations in a short, concise format developed for all healthcare staff.
Topics covered include:
Modes of transmission
Respiratory hygiene / Cough etiquette
Screening protocols
Standard Precautions and Transmission-based Precautions, including PPE
Monitoring employee health
DVD / 10 minutes
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Protect Your Family From Deadly Bird Flu - Influenza is a different story as is the Avian or Bird Flu. We'd like to provide some educational tips on this important topic as experts are warning a pandemic could kill more than a billion people worldwide. An influenza pandemic is a global outbreak of disease that occurs when a new Influence A virus appears or emerges in the human population, causes serious illness and then spreads easily from person to person worldwide. Pandemic outbreaks are caused by new sub types or by sub types that have never circulated among people or that have not circulated for a long time.
Topics included in this safety video are: Avian flu, stay home when you're sick, medications, universal precautions.
DVD / 19 minutes
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Tuberculosis - Respiratory Protection - For much of the 20th century, tuberculosis was a major public health concern. TB sanatoriums could be found in many major cities and a generation of researchers worked to eradicate this highly contagious, highly debilitating, and potentially fatal disease. Their efforts paid off. Effective drug interventions were developed and the medical community gained a valuable insight into the mechanics of TB infection and transmission. The number of TB cases in the US began to decline at a rapid pace. With good reason, many believed that the war against tuberculosis was over, won at last. But more recently, the incidents of TB actually showed an increase reversing this decade-long trend.
Topics included in this safety video are: today's tuberculosis reality, respiratory protection, and fit testing.
DVD / 11 minutes
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