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Bullying is the most frequently occurring form of violence in schools. Bullying by, and against, girls is as commonplace as it is among boys, but often takes different forms. Girls are usually less physical than boys - their bullying is far more commonly psychological and emotional. However, the effects can be seriously damaging - in the worst case scenarios leading to long-lasting depression, self-harm and even suicide. This program examines the nature of bullying, bullying directed at girls, its impact, why bullies behave the way they do and protective strategies for girls and bullying. It features renown adolescent psychologist, Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, as well as dramatised scenarios and vox pops. This program makes a valuable resource to deliver some important messages about this serious issue.
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This program explains what an eating disorder is and what the main eating disorders are called? The program will provide an overview of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and compulsive overeating. In addition students will come to understand what an eating disorder looks like. Symptoms may include thinking about food and dieting all the time, knowing about the amount of energy in every type of food, eating very little, vomiting after meals, a strenuous exercise routine, constantly in pursuit of thinness and more.
This program explores the reasons why kids become bullies. Through live-action, age-appropriate scenarios, viewers will come to understand why some kids are so aggressive, hurtful and mean to their classmates, teammates, friends and family members. Students will discover that there are a variety of reasons kids turn into bullies. Some bullies are looking for attention. Others may think bullying is a way to be popular or to get what they want. But most of the time, bullies are trying to make themselves feel more important. Some may think that being angry, calling names, and pushing people around is a normal way to act. The program also discusses how bullying makes the bully feel and how the victim feels, too. By viewing the program, students will have a better understanding of bullying which will give them a stronger foundation when dealing with a bully.
Bullying is the act of intentionally causing harm to others, through verbal harassment, physical assault, or other non-verbal methods such as manipulation or exclusion. Such behaviour can have deep long term negative effects on the victim. Technology has also influenced the methods and means by which bullies inflict their harassment. This Australian made, curriculum fit program provides an introduction to bullying - what it is, why it is wrong and strategies to deal with it. It includes comments from bullying expert and Clinical Psychologist Andrew Fuller as well as interviews from students who have been victims of bullying in the past.
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Every day is an adventure at school, with a maze of environments and interactions waiting for students. How do they maintain good manners and composure through it all? They'll find out in this dvd which covers classroom expectations, hallway behavior, lunchroom etiquette, bully prevention and peer interaction.
Put the Brakes on Bullying is a DVD about the importance of identifying and resolving bullying incidents in their early stages. The program is designed to help teachers, adults and children recognize the signs of bullying and illustrates what steps schools, teachers, parents, and individuals can take to prevent bullying. Stopping bullying in early childhood years is important in order to avoid bullying becoming a major problem in teen and adult years. Research has shown that the effects of bullying on children who are victims can last a lifetime. Self-esteem often suffers and the individuals can feel isolated from their peer group. "Bullying is a community issue that demands a community response. The DVD is an invaluable resource for any organization concerned with the damaging effects of violence, intimidation and verbal abuse among young people.
Teens deserve a school climate that is safe, respectful and friendly. This program presents strategies to teach and reinforce civility and common courtesy in and out of school. Scenarios range from classroom behavior to cyberspace etiquette, use of cell phones, interrupting, wise-cracking, public behavior and language, courtesy to teachers, and respect for people and property. Using dramatic vignettes, viewers learn to identify rude behavior and stop it. Viewers also learn strategies for interacting with teachers, parents and all adults to encourage positive, comfortable outcomes. As students become more conscious of the negative impact of rude behavior on both themselves and others, they see that using good manners demonstrates self control and maturity. Give your middle school students a clear understanding of how treating others with kindness and respect is a source of personal power and self-esteem, as well as the right thing to do
DVD (Closed Captioned, With Teacher's Resource Book) / 2006 / (Grades 5-9) / 18 minutes
While boy bullies often fight with fists, girls battle each other with words and friendships. Relational Aggression, or girl bullying as it is commonly called, is real and surprisingly common. Hear the stories of girls who were bullied as children, often by their own friends. We'll meet the mother of a bullied girl to find out how she struggled with what to do to help her child and we'll also hear from three experts in the field as well as a teen mentor to help you understand what's behind this rampant and serious problem affecting all our daughters.
While some bystanders laugh and encourage the bully because they fear being the next target, others want to help the victim but feel helpless to do anything. This program shows kids that when it comes to bullying, bystanders can make a difference.
Tell How You Feel:
Kendra's friend Emma has started bullying Ally at the bus stop. Kendra feels awful for Ally. Her brother explains that by doing nothing she is going along with Emma's bullying. He suggests Kendra ask Emma how she would feel if someone did these same things to her.
Stand up Together:
At summer camp Sam schemes to leave Nate alone in the woods and to paint red dots on his face while he sleeps. All of the other boys are reluctant to speak up for fear that they will be Sam's next target. So they decide to act as a group and tell Sam how they feel.
Be a Friend:
Jessica bullies Megan on the playground when no one is looking. Stephanie wants to help but doesn't know what her do. She confides in her teacher ,Mr. hernandez, who says that Stephanie should help megan "walk away "and leave Jessica alone without someone to bully.
Tell An Adult:
When classmates find Eric being bullied by some older kids every morning before school they are terrified to get invloved. They decide it isn't tattling to go to Mr. hernandez for help, and Eric is spared more bullying
How can children defend themselves against bullies? Is there anything a parent can do to help? How can we reduce the violence in our schools and keep our children safe? Explore the mind of a former violent offender; hear the insights of leading conflict-resolution specialists as they teach us what we can do about the dangers. And parents and kids will get concrete tips on how to deal with a bully, so that everyone is safer.
This program is another of the Real Smart collection, with Mike and Zach hosting a fast-paced, slightly off-the-wall show that puts bullying amongst young people, under the microscope. The pair, with help from roving reporters, Snooping Stella and Radar Raffaele, and that annoying character on the other end of the telephone, take viewers through varying aspects of bullying, including - defining bullying; the four types of bullying (physical, verbal, anti-social and psychological bullying); and effective ways of dealing with bullying. Amidst the mayhem of the Real Smart studio, interview grabs with psychologist, Andrew Fuller, provide an insight into different aspects of bullying and various strategies young people can use to deal with it.
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Bullying is an ever-growing problem in our schools. Meet children who bully and the parents and teachers working to keep schools safe from the viciousness of bullies. We will take a look at some of the faces of bullying and how it effects both the victims and the bullies themselves.
Gossip, whispers, nasty looks, shunning--what some girls do best. Usually when bullying is mentioned, we think straightaway of boys and their intimidation and physical violence. However, we know that girls do more than their fair share of bullying as well and sometimes it can be much more hurtful and demeaning of both parties. In this program we look at how girls bully, why they do it and how it can be dealt with successfully and brought under control. We also address how the person being bullied can deal with it.
"Relevant - helpful strategies for victims of bullying." - Dianne Spanswick, School-based Youth Health Nurse, Young People's Health Team, Ipswich, QLD.
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From her command post at "Bully Control Center," Major Hassle uses realistic mini-dramas to show youngsters the do's and don'ts for dealing with bullies safely. Students learn the techniques that will help them contend with one of the most difficult problems facing them in schools.
Brad splashes water on Eric and threatens to tell the other kids that Eric wet his pants. Brad gets satisfaction out of watching Eric get really angry and take a swing at him. Eric learns: Don't fight. Do ignore the bully. Do walk away.
Jessica picks on Abby, putting down her drawings on the mural they are working on with another girl. Abby's mom helps her learn: Don't let yourself be pushed around by a bully. Do stand up for yourself. Do use your words. Do look confident. Do practice what you're going to say.
Chrissy picks on her soccer teammates all of the time. Each of them has tried to stop her in different ways. They learn: Don't put up with bullies. Do work as a group and talk to the bully. Don't get into a fight or use violence.
When Michael resists letting Sam and James take his brand-new remote control car, they wrestle it away from him. Rather than get into a physical fight that he will surely lose, Michael learns: Don't protect the object the bully wants . . . Protect yourself first. Do ask a grownup you trust for help.
This powerful documentary looks at the significant psychological and physical implications of bullying, and profiles the way two schools are dealing with this difficult and pervasive problem. First, several students, parents and community members in a Manitoba town who, despite the threat of a community backlash, publicly voice their concerns about the bullying in their schools, and participate in candid and emotional discussions about the problem and its effects. In interviews with school administration, the reluctance to acknowledge and address the issue is evident. Next, we visit an elementary school in B.C. that has successfully implemented a zero tolerance policy toward bullying; how the principal and teachers deal with the behaviour is presented. Following the documentary, experts discuss bullying in interview segments interspersed with personal testimonies from bullies and victims of bullying. A sixmonth update on the Manitoba community concludes the documentary revealing some dramatic changes for both the victims and the community. Length:
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DVD / 2000 / (Grades 7-12, Post Secondary, Adult Education, Teacher Resource) / 58 minutes
Bullying: The Inside Story, is a view inside the mind of Ben, a typical student in secondary school. Ben finds himself in a variety of situations in which he is potentially a victim, bully and onlooker of some unpleasant business in his school. As he faces three key scenarios, he debates in his mind the pros and cons of each dilemma. The debate takes place between four animated characters; Party Marty, B. Negative, Max Power and Dr. Sensible, who although funny at times, treat the issue seriously. Interviews with students and psychologist Dr. Andrew Fuller provide additional insight into the scenarios and give hope for challenging the culture of bullying in schools.
"Of the many resources available on Bullying this is the best I've seen- its realistic, includes students and is not 'staged' - Its also Australian." - Brenda Stewart, Vincentia High School, NSW.
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Through vignettes and interviews, program examines why some kids bully and others become their targets. Interviews with real kids enable students to see how others have dealt with this pervasive problem
Presenting two children's first-person accounts of their success in learning how to deal with a bully, this program helps students understand how their behavior and attitudes affect how others treat them. Explains why bullies act the way they do and provides strategies for dealing with a bully.
This story concerns a terrifying ritual that at one time or another becomes reality in the life of so many Canadian youngsters - bullying. It can go far past teasing and name-calling; it can come to feel like a death sentence. And that's how it felt for Wesley Oleksuk, the constant target of vicious bullying. The summer before his first year of high school, when this secret shame became too much to bear, Wesley turned to what he saw as his only way out: suicide. A noted psychologist elaborates on the all too pervasive, often overlooked and seriously harmful behaviour of bullying.
DVD / 1996 / (Grades 7-12, Post Secondary, Adult Education, Teacher Resource) / 25 minutes
With the aid of a dramatised section, this program aims to make a very positive contribution to combating the increasing problem of bullying in our schools. It explains to children why kids bully and offers strategies for them to use to deal with the bullies they may encounter.
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This innovative program dramatizes a single bullying event as seen through the eyes of the target and bystanders. While focusing on the anger that targets of bullying experience, this program addresses the guilt, humiliation and fear that underlie their anger and are an integral part of the bullying cycle. A guidance counselor helps kids involved in the bullying event express and handle their anger and other feelings, and develop alternative behaviors to stop destructive behavior.
Jesse is bullied persistently by Eddy. These events are witnessed by Jesse's friends Chelsea and Marcus. These students learn key skills and strategies in order to:
Acknowledge Their Anger: Jesse realizes that along with feeling scared, embarrassed and depressed, he is angry at Eddy. Marcus discovers that while he feels guilty for not standing up for Jesse, he is also angry at Jesse for "being such a wimp." Chelsea is angry at those who join in the bullying and angry at herself for not saying anything to stop it.
Work Through Anger: This section shows kids the practical things they can do to handle their angry feelings. Everything from playing a musical instrument, positive self-talk, writing down their feelings, talking it out, to the physical release sports can offer are explored.
Deal With Bullying: Students learn that not reacting, using humor, and being assertive are effective ways to stop a bully. They also discover that sticking together can really make a difference. Students are shown starting an anti-bullying campaign. Using posters, handbooks and a "bullying reporting box" where students can anonymously report incidents of bullying, students can take back control from bullies