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Catch a glimpse into a variety of careers that work directly with the growth and development of children. The Child Development Careers DVD allows viewers to discover the benefits and challenges of working with children through personal interviews of people working in various child development careers, including:
This film deals with the WHY's, WHAT's, and HOW's of including rich, developmentally appropriate mathematics experiences for young children in Pre-Kindergarten classrooms:
WHY? Research indicates the long lasting educational benefits young children take with them from positive introductions to key math concepts and ways of thinking quantitatively.
WHAT? The film illustrates several "BIG ideas" that should be the focus of early math experiences as presented by experts from Erikson Institute's Early Mathematics Education Project.
HOW? Lively footage of five very different Pre-K classrooms demonstrates how foundational math can be joyful incorporated in both informal and planned activities.
Once they're mobile, children can't be held back from exploring and discovering. The question is, what are the best ways to help them? This video guides parents and caregivers in nurturing child development by offering novel opportunities for play and learning. Topics include gross motor development, fine motor development, early reading skills, language development, the auditory system, communication, focusing attention, mirror neurons, cognitive development, crossing midline, sensory processing, brain development, interacting with technology, developing routines, dressing, encouraging play, and feeding. This is a lively visual primer that will clarify many of the questions young parents have about early learning while showing how to prepare children for subsequent levels of education.
There's nothing more satisfying than watching a newborn gain awareness and begin to interact with the world. But along with the joy comes plenty of uncertainty and a need for guidance. This video helps parents and caregivers create the best possible environment in which to maximize a baby's learning potential. Topics include gross motor development, reading a baby's cues, tummy time, language development, crawling, communication, fine motor development, bonding, visual development, attachment, the auditory system, behavioral states, sensory processing, brain development, infant massage, reflex development, calming an infant, establishing routines, feeding, encouraging play, and dressing. For parents and caregivers who want to give children a healthy head start in life, this is indispensable viewing.
In this DVD, physical activity and quality sleep are both vital for healthy bodies. A stoplight is used as a symbol to represent activity, boredom, and sleep.
1. Green Light = Go! Physical activity turns your brain on to learn. Our bodies need movement to stay healthy, but so do our brains!
2. Red Light = Stop! Sleep is vital for your child. How much do they need and why?
3. Yellow Light = Slow down! Doing "nothing", and even being bored, is actually very important to how we process the world around us, and studies suggest, it is vital to creativity! So how can you give your kids good boredom? And why doesn't watching TV count as this "down time"?
Our brains are wired to perceive patterns and structure in the world around us. Young children especially need structure to feel secure and be ready to learn. Yet our brains also are continually seeking something new! Too much of the same things causes our brains to get bored - and too many new things can cause confusion or chaos! Discover how to give young children the structure that they need to set up a strong foundation for learning, and how to add new activities and ideas in ways that nurture their hunger for learning.
A comprehensive review of major child development and parenting theories from over the past 100+ years. Clear, concise content slides on CD-ROM feature professional looking text and graphics. Theorists covered include:
In the thick of life's challenges, helping children grow into confident, respectful, and well-behaved young people seems to require some kind of magical roadmap. While there are no miraculous shortcuts to successful parenthood, there are fellow travelers and professional experts who can shed light on the parenting journey. This video presents just such an opportunity for new moms and dads. They receive practical advice on building a strong parent-child relationship, teaching and reinforcing desirable behavior, creating an environment that stimulates intellect and confidence, developing a routine that offers reassurance and stability, and working through parental conflict constructively. Concise dramatizations that highlight problems and solutions are combined with helpful commentary from educators, counselors, and psychologists.
The human brain is fascinating ˇV every movement we make, everything conscious or unconscious stems from our brains. The most critical time for brain development is from birth to age five. What can parents and caregivers of children do to help give those developing brains the best chance for success? Discover how the basic workings of the brain influence our memory and how we learn and what can be done to encourage healthy brain development in children.
The Brain: Developing Memory in Developing Brains includes:
Review main parts of the brain: medulla, cerebellum, thalamus, and amygdala and their functions
Explore the difference between short and long term memory
Discuss practical things parents and caregivers can do to promote learning, such as finger plays, action songs, baby massage, and more
Examine the importance of multi-sensory learning and repetition
Encourage a child's self-confidence through positive affirmations, secure environments, and more
Beginning with Sigmund Freud, modern child development theories have changed the way that parents raise their children and the way that teachers teach those children. This video is an entertaining and enlightening view of the major child development theorists, how the theories differ, and how more than one approach can be beneficial. Historical footage and photos are combined with candid documentary footage from day care centers in this informative video.
Theorists presented include:
Sigmund Freud
Maria Montessori
Arnold Gesell
Lev Vygotsky
Jean Piaget
Rudolf Dreikurs
Erik Erikson
Abraham Maslow
John Bowlby
B. F. Skinner
Benjamin Spock
Lawrence Kohlberg
T. Berry Brazelton
Diana Baumrind
Howard Gardner
"well organized... Brief and to the point, this excellent overview introduces students to the giants of the field and their significant findings." - Booklist, May 2009
"Teaching materials are included in this excellent educational DVD recommended for high school classroom use." - The Midwest Book Review, April 2009
"Child Development Theorists takes viewers on a whirlwind 100-year-plus overview of men and women behind major theories relating to child psychology and development. A fine introduction to the principal ideas regarding child development, this is recommended." - Video Librarian, September 2009
Meet children of all ages as they experience the social, emotional, physical and intellectual milestones of typical early childhood development.
Filmed in a child care center, this documentary is packed full of information and features, entertaining footage of children, parents, caregivers, archival film footage, and a teen childcare worker who pulls it all together.
"Teens will relate to important information that is presented in an entertaining format." - School Library Journal, August 2006
A child's physical development is not as dramatic as it is during infancy, but the changes still are very apparent. Preschoolers can dress themselves, draw pictures, throw balls and run forward and backward. Language is developing at a very fast pace as they come into contact with the environment and others around them. Physical, social, emotional and intellectual skills occur best when the caregiver has apparent knowledge of children. This interactive DVD examines children at the age of three, four, five and school age. Learn how to create an atmosphere where children can have fun, learn new things and enhance their self-esteem. Numerous examples of activities are presented to help children cultivate positive self-talk, handle negative events and work individually and in groups. Experts also demonstrate how an activity can be adjusted so children can achieve success.
With Elena Bodrova, Ph.D. and Deborah Leong, Ph.D.
We have always wanted all children to read and write fluently. But with our growing dependence on computer based communication and the return of public interest in early schooling, much attention is being paid to the attainment of literacy. Fortunately, some of this interest has resulted in careful research into what skills, understandings and attitudes are necessary prerequisites for success in the primary grades.
Filmed in several multicultural preschool and kindergarten classrooms, this film reviews the underlying cognitive, social and physical requirements for all formal education and then presents the literacy specific understandings and skills that are being widely cited, but not always adequately described. Along with instructive visuals from these classrooms, serious scholarship and clever graphics are combined to introduce students to current concepts and the specialized vocabulary pertaining to the development of literacy. Rejecting the "either/or" approach of the reading wars, this video presents an integrated vision of how the precursors of literacy grow from appropriate experiences provided by thoughtful adults to the children in their care.
Address the unique needs of toddlers taking those uncertain first steps, exploring the new world within reach and refining oral communication skills. Watch as toddlers with positive self-esteem exhibit reduced stranger anxiety and an ability to play alone or in groups. Childcare experts demonstrate how to coordinate a successful program for toddlers including varied sensory stimulation, opportunities for control, a language-rich environment and toddler-initiated activities.
Capitalizing on the emergence of self-awareness and independence in this often difficult age is the focus of the presentation. Interactions between caregivers and energetic two-year-olds illustrate how self-esteem can be enhanced through the use of visual art, manipulatives, eating, cleaning up, putting away toys and creative play centers. Suggestions and examples for creative play centers and manipulatives are given.
Examine the varying developmental stages of three-year-olds as they participate in outdoor activities, take risks by trying new things and practice listening skills. Caregivers learn how to encourage independence, give approval, encourage sharing and help develop language skills. Experts demonstrate how an activity can be adjusted so three-year-olds of varying developmental stages can experience success.Thought questions are provided to help assess your own childcare environment.
Caregivers who work with and teach children can be more successful by knowing how children learn and develop. The program helps caregivers tune in to the various needs of children by showing examples of the typical physical, social and emotional developmental levels of children from infancy through 5-years. An excellent overview for anyone contemplating a child-oriented career or as an in-service program for child care and preschool personnel.
Humans are social beings and while we sometimes prefer to be alone, most times we are required to interact and get along with one another. This program charts the development of social skills in children during the first few weeks of life, through the beginning of school. It explains the different stages of social development, as well as how to give encouragement for positive social growth.
Note: Not available in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Children have unique needs and desires. This program shows how child -care facilities can effectively provide a stimulating learning environment if available space is used to its full potential. The program discusses the value of providing an environment that is both attractive and practical.
Examines the importance of observing children to make sure they are developing properly both physically and emotionally. Children also reveal information about their developmental level and readiness to learn as they react with their environment. Record keeping and charting observations are explored.
Note: Not available in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Filmed over the course of two and a half years, this program follows the development of individual children from birth through the first years of life. The richness and complexity of normal development is documented as the children move through the various stages of development.
The sensitivity, curiosity, openness, awareness, and impressionability characteristic of these first stages of life are shown. This program documents the foundations which secure the developing child's bond with the parent, this includes development of language, development of social skills, and the formation of self-image.
The program underscores the significance of the first years of life and demonstrates why the quality of parenting are is crucial to the development of a child's social skills and self-image.
With the dual career and single parent families, the issue of child care is a vital concern. Students will become familiar with the standards, organizational goals, policies and procedures in the child-care industry, as well as learn licensing and accreditation standards. This DVD encourages students to investigate the varieties of child care possibilities available in most communitiesˇX preschool, child-care center, parent's day out, in-home care, self-care and government funded programs. Viewers learn the advantages and disadvantages of each type of care, along with what to look for before making a selection.
The set explores the mental development of children. Vol. 1 studies how they develop an adult's ability to discern the feelings of others and lie for both good and bad reasons. Vol. 2 focuses on developing mental independence that examines the abstract thought of toddlers, the memory capacity of preschoolers, and the force of childhood tantrums. Vol. 3 looks at children in relation to the existential questions of birth and death.
This program offers suggestions on what adults should think about and do to make the adoption experience work best for a baby. Presented as if written by an infant, the program was produced for birth parents, adoptive parents, and adoption professionals.
It is intended as a catalyst for discussion in adoption training. Covered are issues ranging from the importance of the adoptive family having a chance to be "pregnant" for their adopted baby to the importance of some kind of ritual to mark the transition from one family to the other.
Explanations are offered for some of the baby's behavior after the adoption and a plea is made (by the baby) for us to remember that he is watching us.
Filmed in a year-round, all-day child-care center, children from infancy through five years of age are seen in a variety of play situations as they demonstrate various stages of play and their mastery of skills through play.
In this program emphasis is placed on the thoughtful arrangement of classrooms and pre-school yards that create opportunities for age-appropriate play and open-ended learning experiences. In these environments children are able to choose their own activities.
Using exploration, experimentation, purposeful play, and categorical learning, the children gain proficiency in eye-hand coordination, problem solving, vocabulary, attentiveness, pre-literacy, sociability, and in other areas.
The program focuses on the whole learning experience that takes place in the course of play. It is designed to increase understanding of how teachers can organize and direct children's play without interfering with the children's natural interests, growth, and development
Parents and caregivers who work with and teach children can be more successful by knowing how children learn and develop. The DVD helps caregivers tune into the various needs of children by showing examples of the typical physical, social and emotional development levels of children from infancy through four years of age.
This project, which follows the growth of two children over twenty years, is designed as a resource for educators who teach child and adolescent development.
This "stimulus video" is a video of short clips, without voice-over naration, designed to stimulate classroom discussion and encourage higher-order learning.
Beginning with the first installment, Normal Development in the First Ten Years of Life: Complete Version, topics include
Emotional development
Cognitive development
Psychosocial development
Psychosexual development
Temperament and genetics
gross and fine motor activity
speech and language development
Attachment and anxiety
Technology and media
Normal eating, sleeping, elimination,and personal habits
The project follows the development of two children over twenty years and is a resource for educators who teach child and adolescent growth and development
This unique video project follows the growth of two children longitudinally, in a series of short clips. This is one of the first videos available that shows in detail the normal growth and development of individual children over time. It was created specifically for use in teaching by a child and adolescent psychiatrist and medical educator who uses actual footage of her own daughter, Sarah and includes her son, Brian.
The Complete Version covers Sarah, ages 2 weeks to 10 years, in detail. It includes a full introduction and interview with 10-year-old Sarah discussing the taping process. This video also includes clips of Brian ages 7 weeks to 5 years.
The video provides enjoyable, classroom-tested examples of one child's ten-year development utilizing both formal and informal assessment and observation in realms such as
This video was designed as an educator's resource to stimulate classroom discussion. It is a tool to use in teaching normal child growth and development across disciplines and levels of sophistication
This tape is about bonding and attachment between parents and infants. It reviews the research of many scientists.
Harry Harlow, Rene Spitz, and John Bowlby demonstrate the importance of attachment and bonding for normal development. John Kennell and Marshall Klaus identify the negative effect of early separation on family development.
Selma Fraiberg demonstrates that deprivation of a nurturing mother or mother-substitute diminishes later capacity to commit to loving relationships and the human community.
T. Berry Brazellton demonstrates how the early capabilities of infants and the balanced rhythm between infant and mother are essential to attachment.
The program also focuses on some of the practices and institutions in our society that can either encourage or hinder the attachment process.
This program documentary combines a portrait of infant specialist, Magda Gerber, with a presentation of her unique philosophy of raising autonomous infants.
Discusses how respectful adult/child interactions can support intrinsic motivation, self-confidence, and mutual trust. The tape shows infants and toddlers interacting with each other and with adults