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Early Childhood Education
The relationship between teacher and child sets the stage in the classroom for learning to occur.
This program examines the importance of planning and discipline in the building of this relationship. It demonstrates how a teacher's classroom-management tools are used to build trust and attachment between teacher and child.
The program shows teachers working with children from one to five years of age in a year-round, all-day child-care center in which the main focus is on how to handle conflict and set limits while creating a loving environment conducive to learning. The teacher's skill in observing and anticipating behaviors and his timing of when and how to step in make all the difference.
The skills the children learn from this type of teaching go beyond getting ready for kindergarten. They include self-reliance, self-discipline, and the ability to form healthy relationships—skills that they will use for life.
DVD (With Study Guide) / 29 minutes
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This film deals with the WHY's, WHAT's, and HOW's of including rich, developmentally appropriate mathematics experiences for young children in Pre-Kindergarten classrooms:
WHY? Research indicates the long lasting educational benefits young children take with them from positive introductions to key math concepts and ways of thinking quantitatively.
WHAT? The film illustrates several "BIG ideas" that should be the focus of early math experiences as presented by experts from Erikson Institute's Early Mathematics Education Project.
HOW? Lively footage of five very different Pre-K classrooms demonstrates how foundational math can be joyful incorporated in both informal and planned activities.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2012 / 36 minutes
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Working with English Language Learners in the Preschool Setting details English language learners development, working with families of english language learners and integrating content learning with English language learners.
DVD (With CD-ROM) / 2011 / Approx. 60 minutes
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Supporting Social and Emotional Development through Positive Guidance teaches supporting young children's social and emotional development in the classroom, utilizing positive guidance strategies and managing everyday challenges
DVD / 2011 / Approx. 60 minutes
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Create intentional learning opportunities for children in mathematical thinking. This DVD includes video clips showing preschool children engaged in early learning and problem solving, teacher interviews, classroom planning sessions, directions for making learning materials, and PowerPoint presentations for instructors.
Chapter One: Geometery
Chapter Two: Patterning
Chapter Three: Measurement
DVD (With CD-ROM) / 2010 / 90 minutes
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Set up your classroom environment and create intentional learning opportunities for children. This DVD includes video clips showing preschool children engaged in early learning and problem solving, teacher interviews, classroom planning sessions, directions for making learning materials, and PowerPoint presentations for instructors.
Chapter One: Art as an Open-ended Process.
Chapter Two: Universal Design and Art Education
Chapter Three: Art and the Integrated Curriculum
DVD / 2009 / 84 minutes
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Interacting with meaningful print builds a foundation for future literacy skills. Watch as teachers use interactive reading, writing centers, interactive reading charts, and environmental print as they incorporate language arts throughout the classroom. You will not only see these activities implemented in the classroom, but also how teachers plan and connect activities to language arts standards.
Chapter One: Quality Literature is the Foundation for Interactive Reading
Chapter Two: Knowledge of Print Awareness & Emergent Writing Guides Planning
Chapter Three: Planning for Intentional Teaching Opportunities Throughout the Classroom
DVD / 2008 / 90 minutes
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How do children develop mathematical concepts, and how can you as a teacher use this knowledge to guide your planning? Can reflection help you modify your classroom environment and instructional strategies? Can you intentionally integrate mathematics throughout the early childhood classroom?
Chapter One: Knowledge of Mathematical Development Guides Planning
Chapter Two: Teacher Reflection Informs Planning
Chapter Three: Planning for Intentional Teaching Opportunities
DVD / 2008 / 67 minutes
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Young children need hands-on experiences to construct concepts about physical science. Teachers in this video provide a variety of physical science activities that meet science standards and extend those activities to promote higher level thinking. Children's levels of scientific thinking and the scientific process as it relates to developmentally appropriate early childhood curriculum are highlighted. You will also see how science can be integrated throughout the classroom.
Chapter One: Children's Development of Scientific Knowledge Guides Planning
Chapter Two: Teacher Reflection Informs Planning
Chpater Three: Integrating Science Throughout the Classroom
DVD / 2008 / 83 minutes
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Creating an environment that supports social studies concepts can be challenging. This DVD focuses on setting up an early childhood classroom for a community of learners, as well as incorporating history standards for preschoolers in developmentally appropriate ways.
Chapter One: Creating an Environment that Supports Social Studies Content
Chapter Two: Fostering a Classroom Community
Chapter Three: Building a Foundation for History
DVD / 2008 / 84 minutes
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With Elena Bodrova, Ph.D. and Deborah Leong, Ph.D.
We have always wanted all children to read and write fluently. But with our growing dependence on computer based communication and the return of public interest in early schooling, much attention is being paid to the attainment of literacy. Fortunately, some of this interest has resulted in careful research into what skills, understandings and attitudes are necessary prerequisites for success in the primary grades.
Filmed in several multicultural preschool and kindergarten classrooms, this film reviews the underlying cognitive, social and physical requirements for all formal education and then presents the literacy specific understandings and skills that are being widely cited, but not always adequately described. Along with instructive visuals from these classrooms, serious scholarship and clever graphics are combined to introduce students to current concepts and the specialized vocabulary pertaining to the development of literacy. Rejecting the "either/or" approach of the reading wars, this video presents an integrated vision of how the precursors of literacy grow from appropriate experiences provided by thoughtful adults to the children in their care.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2000 / 30 minutes
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With Alice Sterling Honig, Ph.D.
Using vignettes filmed at an exemplary children's center, students are introduced to the vocabulary of language studies. Dr. Honig describes the development of spoken language in infancy, toddlerhood and early childhood. She details strategies caregivers should use to nourish language development during the early stages of language acquisition. The video abounds with excellent examples of adults interacting verbally with children, illustrating Dr. Honig's ardent belief in the importance of language to the intellectual, social and emotional development of young children.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 1996 / 31 minutes
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This program by Nancy Battista Morgan demonstrates language development techniques using accepted practices for developing language skills. The program is set in exemplary classrooms and shows teaching strategies that facilitate language and vocabulary learning in differing classroom environments.
The program is divided into five sections:
1) Developing a positive classroom environment,
2) Using music and movement,
3) Encouraging meaningful language in real settings,
4) Using objects, words, and repetition, and
5) Maximizing social situations
DVD / 22 minutes
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Addresses technology integration and how teachers enhance and support thematic units with software and related materials.
Plan on seeing a creepy, crawly adventure with bugs, investigating interesting and familiar body parts with Mr. Potato Head, and modeling nutrition experiences with DW the Picky Eater.
Join preschool teachers as they give us a peek into their classrooms to observe technology integration in action!
Teachers discuss the creative ways they have integrated technology into the curriculum.
DVD / 38 minutes
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As young children explore their environment, they begin to notice relationships between similar things and to develop rules for treating things the same or differently, based on characteristics like color, size, shape, and texture.
Understanding these relationships and rules is the beginning of math learning. This program provides strategies adults can use to encourage math exploration by recognizing and making the most of math learning opportunities in daily life.
Both the booklet and the program show examples of children participating in math-related experiences.
DVD / 60 minutes
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