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The wonder of pregnancy and childbirth is an exciting and stressful time for mothers as well as fathers. This engaging, interview led program transitions from conception to birth as it covers the key developmental stages in each trimester. Experts interviewed include midwives Kelly Langford and Jan Ireland, and obstetrician Dr Lionel Steinberg. In parallel, we follow a mother's journey across the nine months. The program documents foetal development, outlines key medical tests, the emotional and physical aspects of pregnancy, birthing options and the birthing process. An invaluable resource for those entering the fields of health care, Childbirth, psychology and medicine, it combines medical information with the human experience.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
This informative, engaging program looks at postnatal depression, a condition that can affect mothers, and occasionally fathers, soon after the birth of a child. It details what postnatal depression is, the symptoms, and how it differs from other mood changes associated with the parents of newborns. We speak with mothers who have experienced postnatal depression, as well as Psychiatrist Dr Kristine Mecuri, Post and Ante Natal Depression Association's (PANDA) CEO Belinda Horton, and Beyond Blue's Nicole Highett. This program explores contributing factors, treatments available and includes an in-depth case study of a mother who experienced postnatal depression. Ideal for those in health care, psychology, medicine and Childbirth, this program seeks to dispel myths and misconceptions around the illness.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
This DVD teaches nursing and lactation staff specific, research-based techniques to help mothers overcome the most common early breastfeeding challenges.
Program Benefits:
Supports Joint Commission Core Measures on Breastmilk Feeding
Clinical scenarios - shows how to problem-solve with mothers
Anticipatory guidance - prepare mothers and their partners for challenges that might arise after discharge
Modules Include:
1. Newborn Challenges - includes sleepy baby, jaundice, avoidance behaviors, oral structure variations, late preterm infant; solutions include skin-to skin care, laid-back breastfeeding, cup and finger feeding, frenulotomy, asymmetrical latch, milk expression
2. Maternal Challenges - includes flattened and inverted nipples, Lactogenesis II, nipple pain, parent fatigue; solutions include reverse pressure softening, position and latch, nipple shields
3. Milk Production and Transfer - challenges include perceived insufficient milk supply, maternal health and delayed or low milk production; solutions include the process of lactation, signs of milk transfer, guidelines for expressing via hand or breast pump
4. Discharge Planning - challenges include engorgement, plugged ducts, mastitis; solutions include promoting milk flow, managing breast fullness, reducing discomforts, when to call a healthcare professional, mother-care, breastfeeding resources
"This video is a valuable tool for any hospital truly wanting to support successful breastfeeding. It is up-to-date and very user-friendly." - Laura Nance, CLC, CLE, CLD, CCCE, CPD (CAPPA Faculty and owner For Love of Baby)
Laura Miller, MD; Katherine L. Wisner, MD; Susan Baab, RN, MSN, CS
Understand the clinical features of ostpartum 'blues', depression and psychoses. Understand the differences in clinical presentation and correlates, etiology and course of illness for the three categories of postpartum disorders; Identify medications which are reasonable choices for women with postpartum depression; Develop a monitoring plan for babies whose mothers take antidepressants and breastfeed; Learn the precautions of treating them under those circumstances; Gain an understanding of the best treatment options for postpartum bipolar women, including breastfeeding mothers, after a careful cost-risk analysis.
Two of the women previously introduced are ready to have their babies. Because of their pre-existing conditions and complications associated with their pregnancies, each will have a different childbirth experience. "High Risk OB" will explore some of their challenges including a discussion about weighing the risks of premature delivery versus continuing a tenuous pregnancy as well as the use of medications to induce labor. In addition, the choice of cesarean section or vaginal delivery, based on the clinical state of both the mother and fetus, will be addressed as will pain control techniques for each.
Two women previously introduced are ready to have their babies. "High Risk OB" will discuss the use of medications to slow down labor as well as those given to the mother if premature birth is imminent. In addition, the choice of cesarean section or vaginal delivery, based on the clinical state of both the mother and fetus, will be addressed. Furthermore, there will be a description of the various tracings on an electronic fetal monitor with emphasis on their identification, causes, and significance
Implement the Best Breastfeeding Practices in Your Facility
Increase your organization's breastfeeding initiation and duration rates by incorporating this detailed new DVD into your current staff training procedures. In this groundbreaking DVD, the International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA), the breastfeeding authority, bring you expert lactation consultants modeling today's best practices for teaching breastfeeding to new moms. Whether you work in a hospital, clinic, or WIC office, Breastfeeding Best Practice will allow you to create better breastfeeding experiences for the families in your care.
1. Communicating About Breastfeeding: using positive language, the importance of body language, and cultural sensitivity
2. Breastfeeding Initiation: skin-to-skin contact after birth, the first feeding, and rooming in
3. Teaching Latch and Technique: lactation physiology, latch, milk transfer signs, and feeding frequency and duration
4. Providing Anticipatory Guidance and Follow-Ups: signs baby is receiving enough milk, when to call for help, long-term planning, sample phone triage, and clinical appointments addressing common early concerns
DVD (Closed Captioned, With Facilitator's Guide) / 2008 / 30 minutes
This empowering new program inspires moms to move and rest in constructive ways during labor by demonstrating a variety of useful movements and position changes. With incredible 3D animation of fetal rotation and descent, Positions for Labor reassures viewers that changes in activity and position during labor can decrease discomfort and have a positive influence on fetal movement, resulting in a better birth experience.
Understanding important topics like fetal rotation and descent
Learning specific techniques that can contribute to a positive birth experience
Seeing the importance of instinctual movement during labor
Teach Productive Positions for the 1st and 2nd Stages of Labor
Positions for Labor demonstrates a number of maternal positions for both the first and second stages of labor, and explains how a baby's rotation to an optimal birth position can shorten labor, reduce the risk of cesarean surgery, and mitigate pain. The program also shows moms and support persons what positions can be used when epidural anesthesia, fetal monitoring, or other physical limitations restrict movement. Help the moms in your care add natural, instinctive movements and positions to their labor with this reassuring program!
Becoming a new mother is supposed to be a wonderful time of joy and fulfillment. But for many women, it can be a time of fear, shame and terrible despair. It's called postpartum depression, and it's more than just the 'baby blues." It's a devastating condition that, left untreated, can have lasting effects on the whole family. Half a million women will suffer from postpartum depression in the United States this year alone - but surprisingly, most of them won't even try to get help. Join host Dr. Winnie King and meet a woman whose world was turned upside down by postpartum depression after the birth of her son. You'll hear how she struggled with this debilitating condition and how, with treatment, she recovered and got her life back. You'll also hear - from one of the country's leading experts in Reproductive Psychiatry -- about the different types of postpartum illness, and the treatments that can help you overcome them.
It's estimated that 700,000 women a year experience postpartum depression. That's about 1 in every 5 mothers! Affected mothers describe it as a dark fog that overwhelms their lives. However, with treatment, the outlook is very good for overcoming mood disorders. This award-winning program features:
Interviews with postpartum depression experts Shoshana Bennett, Ph.D., and Pec Indman, Ed. D., MFT. They have written a highly acclaimed book called "Beyond the Blues."
Explores the symptoms of the five postpartum mood disorders.
Examines treatment options, provides tips on how to find a therapist, and prevention strategies.
Help for family members and friends to understand what to do and what to say to be supportive and assist her through treatment.
Highlights the story of a mother who suffered from postpartum depression and anxiety. She received treatment and recovered to enjoy her life and family again!
"In a succinct and understandable style, Feel Like Yourself Again takes a look at the different presentations of postpartum illness. This tape makes good use of both expert opinion and personal story to highlight assessment and treatment" - Diana Lynn Barnes, Psy.D MFT
Labor Techniques That Say "Yes" to Natural Childbirth
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this DVD is priceless. Tried & True is a visual encyclopedia of labor techniques, all clearly demonstrated using actual birth footage. Parents will learn in a whole new way, as they see moms, dads and support persons work with labor pain using a variety of comfort measures appropriate for each of the stages of labor.
Enhance classroom training and save time
Students will absorb and clearly remember the labor techniques you are teaching as they see them modeled on-screen and hear other parents talk about how the comfort measures really worked! Save time with our direct, to-the-point instruction and show a wider variety of labor techniques than you would normally be able to cover.
Nine Chapters - With On-Screen Index
1. Labor Support: Choosing support persons... Doulas... Creating a supportive environment
2. Creating Comfort: Learning the birth process... Practicing techniques... Setting up labor surroundings
3. Early Labor: Resting... Walking... Eating... When to go to the hospital
4. Active Labor and Transition: Breathing... Visualization... Vocalization... Positions... Massage & more
5. Back Labor: Pelvic tilt... Positions... Hot and cold packs... Counter pressure & more
6. Long Labor: Resting... Positions... Support
7. Pushing and Birth: Squatting... Sitting... Side-lying... Hands and knees... Breathing & more
8. Skills For Labor Support: Massage... Eye-to-eye contact... Positive affirmation & more
9. Perspectives: Inspirational reflections on labor and birth
"High-quality... professional... well worth the price" - International Journal of Childbirth Education
"This video is a wonderful asset to childbirth classes and also for educating nurses who work in labor & delivery. Helps to reinforce the way to use comfort measures learned and practiced in class." - Lynda Jeansonne, RNC, M.N.
"Excellent video... great advice for pregnant women and their partners." - Booklist
This DVD is the perfect refresher for the latest childbirth preparation techniques. Demonstrates prenatal exercises, relaxation and breathing techniques for labor, and coaching techniques your partner can use.
Use this program to stress the importance of prenatal care and encourage teen mothers to stay in school. Addressing the special needs and concerns of teen parents, this program follows two teens through their labor and delivery.
Identify postpartum patients; List common early healthcare needs of the patient; Nursing interventions for identifying patients; How skilled nurses can effect change through education.