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As a result of the ageing population, the aged care sector is growing at a rapid rate. This has led to an increasingly diverse range of occupational opportunities in the provision of home, community and residential services. This interview led program explores the aged care sector, high and low levels of care, changes associated with ageing, positive ageing, and the rights and interests of old people. We talk with residential managers, team leaders and lifestyle co-ordinators as well as researchers experienced in the industry. Ideal for community services related studies at the TAFE level, this program covers the essential elements of the ISC Community services unit of competency, 'Work Effectively with Older People'.
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This DVD provides an excellent overview and introduction to the Validation Method. Using demonstrations by Naomi Feil and Vicki De Klerk working with people diagnosed Alzheimer's-type dementia, both principles and techniques are illustrated. This is a great DVD for those new to Validation as well as students of Validation. A great inservice teaching tool.
What is Validation
Qualities of a Practitioner
Who are the disoriented old
Phase 1: Malorientation
Phase 2: Time Confusion
Phase 3: Repetitive Motion
Phase 4: Vegetation
Validation Techniques: Centering & Calibration
Verbal Techniques: Rephrasing, Open Questions, Polarity, Reminiscing, Ambiguity and Say their emotion,
Australia is experiencing 'population ageing'. Many older Australians are dependent on the care and support of informal care arrangements provided by the family and formal aged care services delivered in the community or in residential aged care homes. Developing and maintaining respectful interpersonal relationships with the client/resident and family through the use of effective and specialist communication skills can achieve successful outcomes of care that promote quality of life in accordance with legislation, regulatory requirements, professional standards and guidelines. This program discusses various methods and approaches carers can utilise when communicating, ensuring a successful care arrangement for everyone involved.
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Pain is something we all experience and is something that many people fear, especially as they grow older. Long term experiences of pain may well become increasingly common as we head towards an ageing society beset with multiple chronic diseases. It is therefore imperative that medical professionals understand the implications of pain and incorporate appropriate actions to assess and deal with pain into their patient care. This program considers all of these issues and looks broadly at pain management in the elderly. Three pain management experts share their insights with us, examining what pain is, assessment methods and common treatments available.
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Due to any number of physical, social, medical or environmental factors, older adults are often at risk for poor nutrition. Developed to assess nutritional status in older adults, the two-part Mini-Nutritional Assessment (MNA) is a valuable resource to identify older adults that are at risk for malnutrition. This DVD demonstrates the assessment process, as well as, how to measure arm and leg circumferences, and compute body mass index. The DVD also documents specific risk factors for older adults, and offers an accurate, age-appropriate assessment that care providers can use to develop an effective nutritional plan for the patient.
Dysphagia, or difficulty in swallowing, can occur as a consequence of aging, or due to physical or cognitive changes. This DVD explains the 4 stages of swallowing, the warning signs of aspiration, and offers care techniques that can be used to reduce the risk of aspiration while hand feeding or tube feeding. The DVD also stresses the importance of good dental hygiene and denture care, body positioning when feeding, and how to select an appropriate risk-reduction intervention.
Robert L. Spitzer, MD; K. Ranga Krishnan, MD; Sheldon H. Preskorn, MD
This program features leading medical experts presenting information on short and long term treatment of mood disorders. The faculty will address diagnosis, treatment options, clinical drug therapy, and management of mood disorders in the older patient. Additional topics wil be: polypharmacy, comorbid medical conditions, drug interactions, and the impact of depression on cognition, functions, and motor skills.
Effective communication with elderly people living in residential care is the keystone to the delivery of high quality care; care that not only meets the physical needs of patients, but also mental, emotional, social and even spiritual care needs.
This high quality program examines the basic elements of communication and how it can be enhanced to meet the care needs of older people who are living with hearing, vision, speech and cognitive losses.
This program also looks at effective communication methods for those from culturally diverse backgrounds.
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The Art of Aging Growing Older with Grace An outstanding film that looks at the art of growing older with grace, health and wisdom. A new generation of maturing adults has a chance to learn from poor health practices of the past, including obesity, lack of exercise and mental stagnation. Now, new research promises more effective strategies for aging well. Physician experts explore the role of physical activity, maintaining strong bones and engaging in social and intellectual interactions in healthy aging. Inspiring view of aging.
Developing and maintaining a healthy and well balanced diet is just as important for the elderly as any other age group. For elderly people who can no longer look after themselves, it is of vital importance that adequate meals are provided that will meet the nutritional requirements of this age group.
Nutrition sources, portion size and meal frequency are all covered, as well as strategies for getting older people to eat.
Aged care workers will find this program invaluable when tending to the nutritional and dietary needs of the elderly.
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Elder abuse is a largely hidden problem. As the proportion of elderly people requiring care increases, it is critical that we all understand the different forms elder abuse can take, and what must be done about it.
This program provides an overview of elder abuse, including physical, sexual, financial and psychological abuse and neglect.
It also looks at strategies to protect vulnerable elderly people and appropriate responses by governments, peak bodies and the aged care industry to elder abuse. A vital, encompassing look at a difficult area.
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With the current growth in life expectancy for persons with Down syndrome and a diagnosis of Alzheimer's, this timely and informative program will help professional and family caregivers to understand the changes Alzheimer's can cause in memory, communication, and behavior. It provides effective strategies caregivers can use to provide care and support while encouraging autonomy and self esteem-during the early, middle, and late stages.
Also interspersed throughout, is the real story of Jim Gillis, a man with Down syndrome and later, Alzheimer's. Shared by his mother, Ann, Jim's story documents the progression of changes from onset to late-stage Alzheimer's.
Author Marge Engelman believes sound mental fitness practice is based upon the "use it or lose it" philosophy. Learn how you can encourage older adults to stretch their thinking, try new ways of behaving, stimulate memory and develop a more creative brain. This comprehensive guide shows you how to create a mental fitness program from the ground up. Includes warm-up strategies, model programs that can be adapted for your group, thinking exercises and activities, and an annotated list of publications and organizations.
Developed by Drs. Harry and Lisa Webne-Behrman, this DVD details the mediation process including: Setting ground rules, active listening, identifying key issues, exploring options and building an action plan. Step-by-step analysis by Harry and Lisa help families work through difficult issues in eldercare. There is also an interview footage featuring gerontologist Dr. Jill Steinberg and geriatric social worker Marie Hornes. They discuss a wide range of topics concerning older adults and their families.
Are you prepared for the unexpected? Do your loved ones know about your wishes for end-of-life care? In just 14 minutes, this new DVD poses leading questions that will help everyone be specific about the personal care they desire at the end of life. It clearly explains the difference between a Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare, and mentions many of the decisions that must be made--including resuscitation, tube feeding, and pain relief options. Viewers will be equipped with everything they need to start thinking about and implementing end-of-life care decisions.
The Longevity Revolution, cross-cultural differences, stereotypes - all present challenges to meeting the needs of America's growing population of elderly adults. This episode explores issues surrounding aging, death and dying, and features The Jewish Home for the Aged, a nursing home that provides a rich array of programs for its residents.
Older adults often live in older homes in need of significant repair and/or modification. Many homes lack the functional design needed to accommodate for the losses frequently experienced by older adults. Since most older persons wish to remain in their own home it is important to know how to adapt the home environment to successfully age in place.
Understanding good nutrition and making adjustments to our diet is vital to successful aging. Whether you're eight or eighty you can improve your health starting today. Let's face it, we all want to look better, feel better and live longer.
Systematic examination of old age is a new field inspired by the unprecedented number of people living long enough to become elderly. Developmental psychologists Paul and Margret Baltes have proposed a model of adaptive competence for the entire life span, but the emphasis here is on old age. Their model SOC (Selection, Optimization, and Compensation) is illustrated with engaging vignettes of people leading fulfilling lives, including writers Betty Friedan and Joan Erikson, and dancer Bud Mercer. Segments of the cognitive tests used by the Baltes in assessing the mental abilities of older people are shown. The Baltes discuss personality components that generally lead to positive aging experiences in this visually and intellectually appealing video.
An excellent DVD that documents the helplessness and frustration of two very old women who face deteriorating health and increasing dependency. A 100 year old mother and her 80 year old daughter are forced to leave their home for a nursing home. The newsreel DVD covers two years in their families' lives, while old conflicts erupt. The viewer witnesses the 100-year-old mother survive the move while the 80-year-old daughter does not adapt. A skilled worker explores the deepest needs of the two very old women. This DVD invites discussion and self-awareness.
Winner of: Bronze Award, 1981 Houston International Film Festival
Designed to promote resident and caregiver safety in connection with activities of daily living, this 18-minute program stresses nine fundamentals: come prepared; know the resident; involve the resident; stay focused on the details; prevent slips and trips; work as a team; use available equipment; protect your back; have a 100% commitment to safe practices.
Marge and Muriel are combined in a 19 minute superb teaching tool. This practical documentary offers caregivers methods for communicating with disoriented very old people (probable Alzheimer's or related disorders). The video addresses how to deal with elderly people who begin making unfair or seemingly irrational accusations against those who care for them. By way of example, the video shows caregivers what to do when an 85 year old woman wanders from home, doesn't recognize her family, and becomes abusive.
In clear "before" and "after" scenes, Muriel and Marge offer families and staff helping techniques that will reduce burnout for caregivers and stress for the very old person.
David J. Baylink, MD; Robert Lindsay, MD; Michael J. Maricic, MD; Charles H. Chestnut, III, MD
Focuses on this prevalent disease, which is gaining increased attention as an important issue in woman's health and geriatric medicine. Program also focuses on the fundamentals of agents used for the treatment of osteoporosis, including side effects, efficacy, compliance, dosage regimen, and the need for additional drugs.
This DVD documents a final life struggle called resolution, which involves very old people diagnosed Alzheimer's-type dementia.
In PHASE 1. Mal-orientation - the person is mostly oriented to time, place and person.
In PHASE 2. Time Confusion - the person is not oriented to time and place
In PHASE 3. Repetitive Motion - the person uses movements instead of speech to express human needs.
In PHASE 4. Vegetation - the person has minimal movement, blank expression, no speech.
In the final stage of resolution, buried emotions surface. The very old struggle to express themselves and need someone to listen with empathy: to "Validate" them.
A dramatic story of the emotions experienced when people cannot express themselves verbally. Excellent for training Hospital and institutional staff to tune in to non-verbal behavior.
Winner of The CINE Gold Eagle;
Winner of The Atlanta International Film Festival Bronze Medal;
A sensitive, powerful documentary captures the pain of life in a nursing home while offering hope through Validation, an innovative helping method that returns dignity.
Excellent for all levels of hospital and nursing home staff, the DVD is an on-camera demonstration of Validation. A skilful worker enter the inner world of very disoriented very old people, learns the meaning behind their bizarre behaviors and builds trust. The people develop speech, controls, and increased well- being and self-respect.
Winner of: Silver Medallion, 1978 Miami International Film Festival.
Richard M. Pope, MD; Tom D. Geppert, MD; David E. Trentham, MD; Richard P. Pollison, MD; Lee S. Simon, MD
Principles for the diagnosis of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, importance of early recognition, conservative management of patients - both medical and physical therapy based on pathophysiologic mechanisms, expected clinical management.
This "How-To" teaching video documentary is a sequel to the award- winning documentary Looking for Yesterday. It is intended for families of disoriented very old people, all levels of hospital community and nursing home staff, and students of aging.
Part One: 20 Minutes: Basic Validation Techniques
How to recognize the three stages of disorientation
How to help actual disoriented individuals in each stage
How to build trust.
When to touch and when not to touch.
Part Two: 24 Minutes: Using a Validation Group
How to select individuals who will benefit
How to recognize individuals who will not benefit
How to begin the group; topics; stimulate talk
How to develop roles for each member
How to use music, movement, to close the meeting
Validation techniques gained from watching this DVD will significantly reduce staff burn-out, improve the morale of relatives, and restore dignity to disoriented very old people.
This moving instructional video is suitable for professional and non- professional caregivers of Alzheimer's-type very old people.
It teaches caregivers how to empathise with the "mal-oriented": very old people who blame and who cannot express feelings directly. The Validation helping methods shown in this DVD can ease the frustration of caregivers, reduce the need for restraints, and may maintain the mal-oriented in their own homes.
Part One:
86 year old Myrna deteriorates physically and mentally, blaming her family and friends for her losses. She thus drives away her friends and frightens her family. Terrified of losing her identity, she accuses her caregiver of stealing her things. Myrna falls.
Part Two:
Myrna refuses help. Sally Ames, a Validation worker slowly builds trust, makes mistakes and learns thereby. Myrna comes to trust the worker, and expresses some buried emotions. Her hostility lessens, and she develops a measure of peace.
Video-graphics are used to pin-point Validation principles and techniques.
Robert N. Butler, MD; Sean Morrison, MD; Jane Morris, RN, MS; Kathleen M. Foley, MD, Robert Burt, JD
How people die in the US; Differences, if any, in the ways men and women die; The common wish of patients to die at home; Financial costs associated with medical care of the dying; Myths and truths about physician's legal responsibilities to dying patients. How to assure a peaceful death.
A DVD that demonstrates successful aging. A group of 80 to 100 year old tenants in an independent housing facility tie up loose ends in the seminar group. They face what is-- the losses that come with aging. They review what was-- the pain and joy of living. They accept what can never be-- their unfulfilled dreams. They cry and sing, learning to roll with the punches of living and aging.
This dramatic television special presents a workshop conducted by Naomi Feil, nationally recognized expert in helping disoriented very old people. Working with a studio audience, Feil plays all of life's stages from birth to old age. She makes aging profound and exciting. The audience learns how to grow old gracefully, stay mentally aware, and how to help confused relatives and friends. The DVD reveals the wisdom, poetry, and meaning that comes with very old age.
Winner of: Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Best Local Programming: Information Category;
John Muir Medical Film Festival, Top Aging Award;
American Film Festival, Blue Ribbon (Top Award) Mental Health/Guidance;
Emmy Award, National Academy of Television Arts and Science, Cleveland Chapter.