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Acute coronary syndromes (ACS), comprising unstable angina, non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (UA/NSTEMI) and ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) present many challenges to hospital teams, including those with and without cardiac catheterization laboratories. For STEMI, rapid and accurate diagnosis and keeping the encounter time to reperfusion as short as possible is critical. For UA/NSTEMI, efficient risk stratification is important to select the appropriate treatment pathway and help guide management decisions. In this video, Dr. Bhatt reviews key recommendations from the 2007 UA/NSTEMI ACC/AHA Practice Guidelines and 2009 ACC/AHA Focused Updates for STEMI and PCI. Topic areas include reducing time to treatment, risk stratification, selection/timing/dosing of antithrombotic therapies in the emergency department, perioperative therapies for PCI, and long-term, secondary prevention recommendations. The role of evidence-based critical pathways to improve quality of patient care and optimize patient outcomes is emphasized throughout the lecture
By Christopher P. Cannon, MD, Charles V. Pollack, MA, MD, FACEP, FAAEM, FAHA
Unstable angina and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, collectively known as UA/NSTEMI, is the most commonly-occuring form of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) and accounts for over one million hosptial discharges each year in the United States. Rural hospital teams have unique challenges in optimizing their resources to provide timely risk statification and treatment for patients present with UA/NSTEMI. In this video, a renowned cardiologis and distignuised emergency medicine specialist review key guideline recommendations along with practical advice for improving UA/NSTEMI patient care in the rural hospital setting. Quailty-improvement tools such as standing orders and discharge checklists are provided for download to help clinicians implement current guidelines in practice.
Hospital inpatients are sicker today than they were in past decades and treatment regimens are more technologically complex than ever before. These realities, combined with pressures on hospitals to control costs, increase efficiency, improve patient outcomes, and reduce medical errors are changing the nature of inpatient care. One strategy that is increasingly being used to adapt to these changes is the establishment of hospital medicine programs, which feature physicians who are called "hospitalists." In this video Dr. Alpesh Amin reviews the evolution of the field of hospital medicine, provides demographic information on hospitalists, and explores their practice models, education, and training. He also examines the value hospitalists bring to health care, discusses policy recommendations that could further define the value of hospitalists in improving the delivery of healthcare, and concludes with a discussion on integrating hospitalists into the hospital team.
In-hospital strokes affect an estimated 35,000 to 75,000 people a year, occuring in 7% to 15% of patients already in the hospital for other causes. Strokes that occur in the hospital are often more severe and result in worse outcomes than strokes that occur outside the hospital. Although rapid recognition and assessment of in-hospital stroke are critical to improvedo utcomes, a substantial number of patients experience long delays between symptom recognition and neurologic evaluation. This program highlights the significant morbidity and mortality associated with in-hospital stroke, and details steps for rapid identification, assessment, and treatment, including a review of the new 2007 American Heart Association/American Stroke Association guidelines for the early management of adults with ischemic stroke.
Stroke or "brain attack" is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Brain attack is a term used to describe the urgency required in treating patients who have early symptoms of a cerebral infarction. It can be defined as the period in the course of a cerebral infarction during which there is potential to reverse its effects. A patient who sustains a brain attack needs to be brought to neurologic attention within the same time frame as a patient who has a heart attack. While the consequences of a brain attack or stroke can be devastating, evidence indicates that timely intervention with thrombolytic therapy can lead to improved patient outcomes. Dr. LaMonte reviews the professional guidelines for rapid clinical assessment and stabilization of a patient who has sustained an acute ischemic stroke, including appropriate use of imaging studies. She also discusses current treatment recommendations, focusing particularly on the roles of tissue plasminogen activator, antiplatelet agents, and anticoagulants, and describes measures to improve recovery and prevent complications. Dr. LaMonte concludes the program by sharing helpful suggestions for reducing a patient's risk of a brain attack or stroke.
Robert G. Nixon, BA, EMT-P; Jerry Douglas, MD; Ramona Stanfill, RN
This program will feature experts giving presentations on how to understand Alzheimer's disease and its effects. This program is designed to educate emergency medical professionals and nurses on the care of the patient with Alzheimer's disease, as well as dementia. This program will increase the viewer's awareness of Alzheimer's signs and symptoms, differentiate dementia from senility and focus on how to care for the patient with Alzheimer's disease.
Susan M. Gallagher, RN, MSN, CNS; Blanca Crandall; Patricia S. Choban, MD; Rosaline Parson, RN, BSN, CEN, CCRN
Discuss ways to improve in physical, emotional, and social needs of obese patients; Why patients are reluctant to accept care and how that impacts skin and wound care in the hospital setting; Describe four common, predictable and preventable skin and wound complications, care suggestions; Understand the value of using appropriate equipment; Recognize the safety risks standard hospital equipment may pose for the obese patient.
Jospeh J. Cahill, EMT-P; David S. Kimmel, EMT-P; Donna M. Cahill, RN
Recognize the signs and symptoms of tuberculosis; Identify the medications used for the treatment of tuberculosis; Identify the appropriate treatments for a patient suspected of having tuberculosis; Describe the appropriate personal protective equipment to be worn when treating patients with tuberculosis.
James M. Badger, RN, MS, CS; Hayden A. Duggan, EdD; Patricia A. Colonies, Med, RNC, CCRN; Anne Balboni, Med, MA, EMT-D I/C
Identifying contributing factors; Cite three common physiological stress symptoms; Three methods for maintaining clinical skills; Strategies for processing post-code reactions.
Timothy Seay, MD; Andy Faletto-Helicopter Pilot; Thomas Flanagan, RN, BSN; Richard Cole; Paul D. Pepe, MD, MPH
Includes information about the role of first responder at a disaster scene, incident command systems, rescue efforts for critically ill patients, mass casualty incedents, how to handle the media and volunteers, and the START triage system.
Terry Lea, RN, BSN; Sabrina Bodin, RN, BSN; Anna Banford, RN
Identify the location and placement of the12 EKG leads. Explain the difference in the 12 leads and understand the advantage of using a 12 lead EKG vs. the difference between facing and opposite leads. Relate EKG changes to Patient Care. Describe the basic to advanced EKG interpretation.
Janice L. Zimmerman, MD; Marcus Jay Hanfling, MD; Kathleen R. Liscum, MD; Jackie Bickham, MD
Medical Complications of Drug Abuse, Pediatric Aspects of Drug Abuse, Surgical Complications of Drug Abuse (including alcohol), Psychiatric Aspects of Drug Abuse
Identify 3 chronic conditions that lead increased risk for medical emergencies, find areas where prehospital or acute care providers can assist children with special health needs, benefits of early referral to physical medical and rehab programs.
Martin G. Hellman, MD, FAAP, FACEP; Lisa Deranek, MD; Jeffrey Ekstein, MD; David Uchlcin, RN
Most common poisons encountered in the pediatric population; Assess the pertinent information in the pre-hospital setting; Discuss the pertinent pre-hospital treatment modalities; Understand common signs and symptoms of lead poisoning; Recognize the pre-hospital provider's role in averting pediatric poisoning.
Merle L. Diamond, MD, FACP; Leonard Cerullo, MD; Glen D. Soloman, MD
This program addresses issues in chronic pain management in the emergency medical setting including: the differential diagnosis of headaches, management of lower back pain and management of patients with chronic pain in the acute setting.
Philip Pirtle, MD; Fenwick How ; Steve Coker; Ken Wheeler; Robert Doan, RN
This program will review the priorities for assessment and response in a mass casualty setting. A series of 20 victims will be presented along with a brief description of the nature of the injury and a statement of pertinent clinical status. The viewer will be asked to triage the victims into one of three categories; immediate, delayed or nonsalvageable, and list the reason for that triage decision. The panelists will then discuss the appropriate responses.
Discuss the importance of trauma in pregnancy and emphasize the team approach; discuss frequency & types of trauma seen during pregnancy; know of physiological changes during pregnancy that affect the management of a trauma victim; discuss abruptio placenta; uterine rupture, amniotic fluid embolism; and penetrating uterine trauma; be aware of history and physical assessments in the field; discuss pre-hospital management, stabilization, transport issues; contact with the receiving hospital and special circumstances such as burns, electrical injuries and cardiac arrest.
Marlene Link, RN, MN; Jan George, RN, BSN, CCRN; Susan Simmons Holcomb, RN, MN, CCRN
State the artery which when blocked can lead to "true"AVB's of first degree and second degree type I. State the artery which when blocked can lead to second degree type II and third degree heart block. Distinguish between narrow QRS tachycardias. Identify treatment modalities for narrow QRS tachycardias. State which bundle is "blocked" in aberrancy and the pattern. QRS morphology takes to indicate aberrancy. Identify QRS axis criteria to distinguish between aberrancy verses ventricular tachycardia and list the treatment for VT.
Susan Simmons Holcomb, RN, MN, CCRN; Marlene Link, RN, MN; Jan George, RN, BSN, CCRN
Identify fixed versus modifiable risk for women who develop heart disease; State the differences between men and women undergoing diagnostic procedures such as exercise stress tests; List the differences in the outcomes of women vs. men under interventional cardiology procedures. Compare the presentation of signs and symptoms between men and women presenting to the Emergency Department with Ischemic-type chest pain; Identify differences between treatment modalities for men and women presenting to the Emergency Department with Ischemic-type chest pain.