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In Integrative Family Therapy, Jay Lebow, PhD, ABPP, demonstrates his multimodal, evidence-based approach to working with families. This approach views family issues as complex combinations of biology, behavior, cognition, affect, and systemic factors. Anchored in a client-oriented philosophy, Dr. Lebow first delineates client goals and then uses the most appropriate generic evidence-based strategies that can help achieve the goals set by the clients.
In this session, Dr. Lebow works with a family whose 7-year-old son was recently diagnosed with attention-deficit disorder (ADD). Dr. Lebow focuses on helping the family better understand ADD, determining situations associated with stronger exhibition of ADD symptoms, supporting the family in continuing the behavioral treatment program in which they are already participating, and processing their experience with this problem.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2007 / Approx. 100 minutes
This program depicts a series of simulated therapy and financial mediation sessions based on actual clinical material. Carter works with a long-term married couple as they painfully struggle to renegotiate the terms of their partnership after their grown children have left home. Viewers receive an inside view of Carter's strategy for working through financial inequity as the cornerstone for building other positive changes that can enhance and enrich their marriages.
The program shows how to help couples:
Move away from models of financial dependence and unilateral control.
Shift their financial arrangements to reach a more equitable disbursement of money and power in their marriage.
"Level the playing field" between husbands and wives in negotiating change.
Bring financial mediation into the therapeutic process to enable them to evaluate and more equitably manage their finances.
In Functional Family Therapy, Dr. James F. Alexander demonstrates his approach to working with families with youth at risk. This approach focuses on the strengthening relationships in the family by opening up communication and reframing negative behaviors by putting them within a positive relational context.
In this session, Dr. Alexander works with two daughters and their mother and stepfather. Initially, he assesses the state of family relations and works with the family to highlight the strengths they exhibit and ways they can work toward understanding and improving their relationships.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2006 / Approx. 100 minutes
This is really a fantastic family therapy demonstration. McLendon's gift for forming an authentic connection with the son and mother, and help them engage in depth work in a single session is very impressive and inspiring.
By watching this video, you will:
Learn the theoretical components of Satir Family Therapy.
Identify specific techniques and interventions characteristic to the Satir approach.
Observe how one of Virginia Satir's most prominent students conducts an initial family therapy session.
With this demonstration, Jean illustrates the Satir Model in practice. It is a marvelous teaching tool. The way she moves her body and uses her voice reminds me of Virginia. Every step she takes is precious and to the point. Her focus is positive and transformational. Rather than dwelling on the presenting symptom, Jean carefully helps her clients move forward from anger to hurt, to loss, to grief and to acceptance. - Maria Gomori, PhD, Director of Training, Satir Professional Development Institute of Manitoba, Canada
As a teacher of twenty years, I just want to say that this demonstration was always the one that impressed my students the most. It is a beautiful demonstration of how Satir's approach can be used successfully by others. It inspires, educates and moves the viewer - Sharon Loeschen, LCSW, President of the Satir Global Network
DVD (With Instructor's Manual, English subtitles) / 2000 / 104 minutes
Watch O'Hanlon passionately discuss and demonstrate his innovative approach in this three-part video, which includes an actual therapy session with an intriguing, non-traditional family.
How do people get happy? That is the question that inspired pioneer Bill O'Hanlon to become a therapist and devote his life to respectfully and effectively helping people change through Solution-Oriented Therapy. Unlike many therapies that tend to focus on problems and explanations, Solution-Oriented Therapy (also known as Possibility Therapy) is an exciting, optimistic, and non-pathologizing model that taps into people's potential to change.
Pam is a woman in her thirties who lives at home with her retired father, Adrian, and her working mother, Judy. Adrian and Judy are fed up with the way Pam always slams doors, mumbles, and walks away when they ask her questions or tell her what to do. According to Adrian, "She won't talk to us about nothing!" In this live family therapy session, O'Hanlon helps this struggling family improve their communication by shining a light on their habitual interactional patterns, thus enabling them to begin to relate to each other more effectively. As O'Hanlon warmly engages and gently challenges each family member, he demonstrates some of the key aspects of Solution-Oriented Therapy, such as:
attending primarily to the present and future,
acknowledging feelings,
the three key components of change, and
focusing on exceptions and possibilities.
If you're serious about helping your clients change, take advantage of this opportunity to learn from one of the most optimistic, dynamic, and inspirational therapists of our time.
By watching this program, you will:
Learn how to describe the principles and techniques of Solution-Oriented Family Therapy.
Learn how to apply the three key components of change in Solution-Oriented therapy.
Develop new strategies to help families change their habitual interactional patterns.
In a field that has a tendency to label and pathologize people, O'Hanlon's respectful approach is quite refreshing. Whereas many therapists might focus on how this family is dysfunctional, O'Hanlon sees the best in them.
DVD (With Instructor's Manual, English subtitles) / 1998 / 118 minutes
Through a series of entertaining, brief, and instructional role plays, Dr. Gladding reviews several universals of family treatment approaches, such as types of communication patterns, rules, and feedback. He describes additional concepts including homeostasis, secondary change, and developmental aspects of a problem, then demonstrates effective use of these techniques to treat a multigenerational family. Stimulating and enlightening, this video perfect for most classes in family therapy and is a creative resource for hooking beginning graduate and advanced undergraduate students into seeing multiple aspects of how to clinically work with families to achieve therapeutic results.
In this DVD, Ramon Corrales, Ph.D. demonstrates how to begin the process of developing a congruent relationship. The latin root word of cogruence is congruere, which means "to run together". The process of congruence is attained when all "parts" run together toward a common vision. Dr. Corrales shares a surprisingly learnable framework for starting couples off on the road to personal and relational congruence.
He uses the Pebble-Ripple metaphor to distinguish between outside and inside realities. Pebbles refer to the external events that trigger ripples inside us(thoughts, feelings, and decisions). Some of those ripples are called grenades because of their intensity, an emotional intensity that cannot be adequately explained by the nature of the pebble, but only by the nature of the responder. Every grenade reveals something quite important to the responder. Dr. Corrales refers to these qualities as jewels: qualities or capacities that are innate to the person.
In this DVD, Dr. Corrales interviews a married couple. He teaches Steve and Melissa to track their pebble-grenade-jewel connection in their lives and then coaches them to do several things:
How to empower themselves by seeing the pebble as a trigger, not a causal agent.
To use a 3-STEP-MODEL for mining the jewels in their grenades: (1)Feel It, (2)Listen to It (mining the jewels), and (3)Act on the Message, not the feeling.
How Step 1 connects us with our feeling messages; how Step 2 allows us to affirm our innate soul qualities (jewels); and how Step 3 prepares us to go back to the outside world through actions that are jewel-based instead of emotion based.
To agree that they, as individuals, must become the primary caretakers of their jewels by mining them, affirming them, and acting on their behalf.
How they can support their partner's jewels through empathic communication and loving actions, without codepedency.
The presentation of this material to professional conferences pertaining to family and couples therapy has received extensive praise.
This DVD presentation should be a handy companion for motivated couples, marriage educators, and family therapists. It may be particularly helpful when used as a "homework assignment" as a part of treatment. In that capacity the therapist would pursue issues idiosyncratic to the couple in following treatment sessions.
Richard Stuart demonstrates his integrative approach to Behavioral Couples Therapy in an actual couples therapy session.
Stuart utilizes basic principles of Behavioral Therapy to empower clients to change their own behaviors and develop insight and understanding into how what they do influences the behavior of others.
In this program, Stuart works with Adele and Wesley, a couple with many elements of a successful marriage but struggling to find a way to stay together. While issues from her past trouble Adele, Wesley feels hurt and rejected and does not know how to recapture his loving feelings for his wife.
Using information derived from a brief developmental history as well as pre-session questionnaires, Stuart is able to quickly dive into the language and metaphor of each client¡Xusing anecdotes and personal stories to reflect his understanding. He then moves on to identify each of their primary concerns, and reframe their understanding of problematic behaviors. After negotiating strategies for achieving a mutually desired solution, the clients are then asked to engage in specific behavioral changes that can be evaluated the following week.
Consistently focusing on their strengths and the positive aspects of their marriage, Stuart helps the couple re-commit to each other in order to successfully undertake the behavioral changes asked for.
By watching this program, you will be able to:
Describe the specific techniques used in Stuart's approach to couples therapy.
Identify the basic principles of Stuart's Integrative Behavioral approach to couples therapy.
Explain how a clinician employing Stuart's approach would conduct an initial session with a couple.
DVD (With Instructor's Manual, English subtitles) / / 2 hours
The first interview captures the essence of Carl's typical first contact with a family. He is characteristically in charge of the structure. We see examples of Carl's unique manner of asking questions via his use of the language of inference.
The second interview dramatically illustrates what Carl means by "winning the battle for initiative." He waits for the family to make a move, and skillfully tracks, as well as provokes, the family to evolve.
Watch master family therapist Monica McGoldrick, MSW, create a genogram on the spot in this live session with a client struggling to understand why he is distancing from his wife.
This is a rare opportunity to watch the therapist who developed and popularized genograms demonstrate how to actually create and utilize them in a therapy session. In this video, you will see Monica McGoldrick in action as she masterfully conducts an initial interview with a new client, demonstrating the step-by-step process of gathering historical information, creating the genogram, and contextualizing the client's presenting problem within a multigenerational family systems framework.
John is a 39-year-old African-American graphic designer who is having marital problems. Mystified and distressed by his pattern of distancing from his wife who is six months pregnant, he desperately wants to understand why he is pulling away. McGoldrick's focused interest in John's family story gently guides him in a thorough investigation of the social and historical context of his current struggles. With McGoldrick as an ally, John makes fascinating discoveries as he uncovers surprising coincidences, poignant tragedies and inspiring sources of resilience.
Watching McGoldrick engage a client in exploring the connection between his presenting problem and his family-of-origin issues is a treat in and of itself, but a bonus feature of this video is following McGoldrick's step-by-step creation of John's genogram on the spot. It makes for a compelling and highly educational experience.
By watching this video, you will learn how to:
Utilize the genogram to place clients' presenting problems in a historical and social context
Respond when a client resists exploring family issues
Explain to clients why exploring family background is relevant
DVD (With Instructor's Manual, English subtitles) / 113 minutes
In this fascinating interview with his beloved friend and mentee of over thirty years, Jay Lappin, Salvador Minuchin discusses a wide range of themes, from his early influences to his thoughts on how to best teach new therapists. With candor and humility, he discusses personal and provocative topics such as:
the impact of being a Jew in an anti-Semitic country and how he developed a sense of being the "Other;"
why psychodynamic therapy isn't enough;
pivotal moments and mistakes;
the essential elements of therapeutic change;
how therapists are too nice and why they need to challenge their clients more;
the importance of "daring when you're doubting;" and
why he thinks Attachment Theory doesn't make any sense.
This is a great interview to watch with colleagues or to show in a class because it is sure to spark lively debate and to get viewers really thinking about their own beliefs about therapy.
By watching this video you will:
Learn the theory, goals, and techniques of Structural Family Therapy.
Understand the history of family therapy and how Minuchin developed his approach to working with diverse populations.
Identify effective strategies for joining with clients and challenging them to find alternative ways of relating with each other
DVD (With English subtitles, Instructor's Manual) / 81 minutes
Contains a brief statement of the basic principles of Gestalt family therapy by Cynthia Harris, segments of two therapy sessions conducted by Sonia Nevis, and a concluding discussion by Harris and Nevis that serves as a teaching commentary on the therapeutic work.
By Jon L. Winek
This set of DVDs highlights and accompanies the different theoretical approaches featured in Jon Winek's Systemic Family Therapy . The set contains seven DVDs, each of which contains a full demonstration of a family therapy interview. The DVDs open with an introduction to the approach and to the therapist, followed by a role play session and commentary from the therapist. The therapist discusses what issues were presented in the session and their conceptualization of the presenting problem. The therapeutic models covered include the following:
Behavioral Family Therapy
Brief Family Therapy
Emotionally Focused Family Therapy
Experiential Family Therapy
Strategic/Medical Family Therapy
Constructivist Family Therapy
Structural/Strategic Family Therapy
Featuring Dr. Ramon Corrales
In this didactic presentation (lecture/discussion) Dr. Corrales elaborates on the innovative method of marital therapy demonstrated in VT 150. He offers a systemic-holistic model for building an effective therapeutic interview that integrates systems and individual therapy methods. The program is a most effective companion piece to VT 150. The two films afford a good introduction to this innovative method of marital counseling for students in the classroom or in-service training.
Featuring Virginia Satir
By Ramon G. Corrales, Ph.D.
This DVD brings new insight to the "magic" of the work of Virginia Satir. Engaging his own integral approach to therapy (influenced by the contemporary philosopher, Ken Wilber), Ramon G. Corrales shows us how Satir's work always assumed a 4-quadrant view of life. Wilber refers to the Four Domains of Life. These four separate, yet mutually interpenetrating quadrants are:
Internal individual awareness describes what is going on inside the individual: a person's thoughts, feelings, intentions, etc.
External individual behavior describes what is being manifested by the individual - a person's behavior and actions.
Internal group culture describes what is happening inside the group or organization: their collective norms, values, belief systems, worldview, etc.
External group structure describes the external life of the group or organization: the patterns of behavior and interaction, the institutional forms of the community.
Wilber suggests the importance of addressing all four quadrants towards achieving a higher level of functioning.
Corrales reminds us that Virginia's work always captured her moving from individual to group, from objective to subjective realms, while putting these actions in the context of culture and structure. In brief she paid attention to the four quadrants as a seamless process. At the same time she was always assessing clients and intervening to help them to a higher level of functioning.
Drawing from the work of Kathy Kolbe, he adds another important dimension to our understanding. Although many philosphers and psychologists have acknowledged the conative or striving part of the mind(Carl Jung and Jean Piaget) Kathy Kolbe was the first to develop an instrument to measure the conative mind. She identified four clusters of problem solving behaviors. Each of us has a mix of these ingredients in varied portions or strengths which give each of us a special and separate identification as unique as fingerprints. The major Action Modes reflecting specific striving instincts are as follows:
1. Fact Finder: the instinct to probe drives us to gather information, seek specificity, define objectives, establish priorities, and develop strategies
2. Follow Thru: the instinct to pattern drives us to structure, organize, seek order, design systems, establish procedures, work sequentially, and plan.
3. Quick Start: the instinct to innovate drives us to initiate change, seek challenges, discover alternatives, originate options, and act on intuition.
4. Implementor: the instinct to demonstrate in the physical world drives us to create tangible goods, develop prototypes, approach solutions with concrete expressions, handle transporting, and seek quality materials.
Reflecting on his personal knowledge of Virginia, and supported by reports from other close friends, Corrales suggests that a Kolbe assessment of Virginia would have evidenced a modest to low level of insistency in the areas of Fact Finding and Follow Thru. It is postulated that she would have ranked at a high level of insistency in the areas of Quick Start (innovator) and Implementor. From this Corrales suggests Satir's personal genius was a particular combination of an intuitive, hands-on generalist, and she was able to bring this enrgy to an adaptive approach to therapy. She utilized theory as expounded by other therapists from the schools of Intergenerational, Structural, and Strategic Family Therapy. She was not bound or constrained by any particular theoretical approach.
With these referents to the Kolbe System, Dr. Corrales makes breakthrough observations about Satir's core personality that encourages a richer understanding of her work.