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Safety - Hazard Communication
(GHS) - Globally Harmonized System program fully explains the new GHS and how it is to be integrated with your current HAZCOM program. For the first time in world history, globalization is reaching every corner of every business. All users of chemical products throughout the world need to know what chemicals are present and the hazards. Sound management of chemicals includes systems through which chemical hazards are identified and communicate to all who may be exposed. GHS cuts away the wasted time and efforts from confusion, inconsistent requirements that ultimately reduces worker protection. The focus on this program is to introduce what employers will need to know about the new GHS that OSHA will adopt.
DVD / 20 minutes
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Hazard Communications - This program helps meet this challenge, by reviewing information you need to protect yourself and others when working with hazardous materials and chemicals. We can't possibly cover all chemical hazards, but we simply want to provide some basic information to help reduce health hazards.
Topics included in this safety video are: hazardous chemicals, physical hazards, health hazards, material safety data sheets (MSDS), information is contained on the data sheet, and chemical signs/labels.
DVD / 14 minutes
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Discusses the six types of information contained on a GHS label.
DVD / 12 minutes
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Reviews the composition of GHS Safety Data Sheets.
DVD / 16 minutes
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Created specifically to assist facilities in complying with the employee training requirements of OSHA's newly adopted GHS regulations, these products discuss using GHS Safety Data Sheets.
This training products on "GHS Safety Data Sheets in the Laboratory" review the composition of GHS Safety Data Sheets, the information that's contained in each section and how SDS's are different from Material Safety Data Sheets. Topics covered in the program include:
Material Safety Data Sheets and GHS SDS's.
Materials and their hazards.
Hazardous materials emergencies.
Handling hazardous materials.
DVD / 17 minutes
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OSHA standards and inspections; Records and reports; Hazard communication; MADS, NIOSH, EPA; Canadian requirements
DVD / 15 minutes
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Created specifically to assist auto service facilities of all types in complying with federal, state and municipal Hazard Communication regulations, these products also address the major education and training requirements in these "chemical hazard" laws.
This training products on "Hazard Communication in Auto Service Facilities" both introduce employees to the Hazard Communication regulations and provide training on the various types of chemicals found in auto service environments. Topics covered in these products include:
GHS Safety Data Sheets and container labels.
Toxins, corrosives and irritants.
Flammables, combustibles and gases.
Carcinogens and radiation.
Exposure situations.
Personal protective equipment and chemical storage.
Spills and cleanup.
DVD / 21 minutes
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Created specifically to assist cleaning and maintenance facilities of all types in complying with federal, state and municipal Hazard Communication regulations, these products also address the major education and training requirements in these "chemical hazard" laws.
This training products on "Hazard Communication in Cleaning and Maintenance Operations" both introduce employees to the Hazard Communication regulations and provide training on the various types of chemicals found in cleaning & maintenance environments. Topics covered in these products include:
GHS Safety Data Sheets and container labels.
Toxins, corrosives and irritants.
Flammables, combustibles and gases.
Carcinogens and radiation.
Exposure situations.
Personal protective equipment and chemical storage.
Spills and cleanup.
DVD / 20 minutes
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Created specifically to assist building and construction companies of all types in complying with federal, state and municipal Hazard Communication regulations, this kit also addresses the major education and training requirements in these "chemical hazard" laws.
This training products on "Hazard Communication in Construction Environments" both introduce employees to the Hazard Communication regulations and provide training on the various types of chemicals found in building and construction environments. Topics covered in these products include:
GHS Safety Data Sheets and container labels.
Toxins, corrosives and irritants.
Flammables, combustibles and gases.
Carcinogens and radiation.
Exposure situations.
Personal protective equipment and chemical storage.
Spills and cleanup.
DVD / 20 minutes
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All of OSHAs recent regulations not only call for employees to receive initial training, but require that employees knowledge be "refreshed"... through retraining... on at least an annual basis. Since the detailed information that is required by the regulations has normally been given to employees during their initial training, retraining sessions can usually focus on things like reminding employees that they should be paying attention to the regulation in question... and heightening their "awareness" about how the regulation affects their jobs.
MARCOM's refresher training products on "Hazard Communication" give employees the information they need to refresh their knowledge of OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard... as cost effectively as possible. Topics covered in these products include:
GHS Safety Data Sheets and container labels.
Toxins, corrosives and irritants.
Flammables, combustibles and gases.
Carcinogens and radiation.
Exposure situations.
Personal protective equipment and chemical storage.
Spills and clean-up.
DVD / 14 minutes
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Created specifically to assist healthcare facilities of all types in complying with federal, state and municipal Hazard Communication regulations, these products also address the major education and training requirements in these "chemical hazard" laws.
This training products on "Hazard Communication in Healthcare Facilities" both introduce employees to the Hazard Communication regulations and provide training on the various types of chemicals found in healthcare environments. Topics covered in these products include:
GHS Safety Data Sheets and container labels.
Toxins, corrosives and irritants.
Flammables, combustibles and gases.
Carcinogens and radiation.
Exposure situations.
Personal protective equipment and chemical storage.
Spills and cleanup.
DVD / 20 minutes
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Created specifically to assist industrial facilities of all types in complying with federal, state and municipal Hazard Communication regulations, these products also address the major education and training requirements in these "chemical hazard" laws.
This training products on "Hazard Communication in Industrial Facilities" both introduce employees to the Hazard Communication regulations and provide training on the various types of chemicals found in industrial environments. Topics covered in these products include:
GHS Safety Data Sheets and container labels.
Toxins, corrosives and irritants.
Flammables, combustibles and gases.
Carcinogens and radiation.
Exposure situations.
Personal protective equipment and chemical storage.
Spills and cleanup.
DVD / 20 minutes
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Created specifically to assist hospitality facilities of all types in complying with federal, state and municipal Hazard Communication regulations, these products also address the major education and training requirements in these "chemical hazard" laws.
This training products on "Hazard Communication in the Hospitality Industry" both introduce employees to the Hazard Communication regulations and provide training on the various types of chemicals found in hospitality environments. Topics covered in these products include:
GHS Safety Data Sheets and container labels.
Toxins, corrosives and irritants.
Flammables, combustibles and gases.
Carcinogens and radiation.
Exposure situations.
Personal protective equipment and chemical storage.
Spills and cleanup.
DVD / 20 minutes
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All of OSHA's recent regulations not only call for employees to receive initial training, but require that employees knowledge be "refreshed"... through retraining... on at least an annual basis. Since the detailed information that is required by the regulations has normally been given to employees during their initial training, retraining sessions can usually focus on things like reminding employees that they should be paying attention to the regulation in question... and heightening their "awareness" about how the regulation affects their jobs.
MARCOM's refresher training products on "Hazard Communication" give employees the information they need to refresh their knowledge of OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard... as cost effectively as possible. Topics covered in these products include:
GHS Safety Data Sheets and container labels.
Toxins, corrosives and irritants.
Flammables, combustibles and gases.
Carcinogens and radiation.
Exposure situations.
Personal protective equipment and chemical storage.
Spills and clean-up.
DVD / 14 minutes
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Hazard Communications - "Your Right To Know" (Construction) - This program reviews information you need to protect yourself and others when working with hazardous materials and chemicals. A hazardous chemical is any chemical that poses a physical or health hazard. Physical hazards include combustible liquids, compressed gas, explosive or flammable liquids, or oxidizers. Health hazards include those chemicals creating acute or chronic health effects. Basically anything that can damage the eyes, lungs, skin, or mucous membranes. The next step in the educational process is to know more information about the chemicals used in your job.
Topics included in this safety video are: information found on the manufacturer's label on the product container and Material Safety Data Sheets that are developed by the chemical manufacturer and chemical signs and labels.
DVD / 13 minutes
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This is a short refresher training course containing 3 DVDs in 1.
3 DVDs / 19 minutes
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This is a short refresher training course containing 3 DVDs in 1.
3 DVDs / 17 minutes
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"HAZWOPER: Accidental Release Measures and Spill Cleanup Procedures" discuss the plans and procedures necessary to safely contain and cleanup a hazardous materials spill. Topics covered in these products include:
The Hazard Communication Program.
The Emergency Response Plan.
The five levels of HAZWOPER emergency response training.
Personal protective equipment.
Site characterization.
Spill cleanup.
Decontamination procedures.
and more.
DVD / 20 minutes
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"HAZWOPER: The ANSI Material Safety Data Sheet" educate employees about the ANSI MSDS format and review how the information in an MSDS can help them work safely with potentially hazardous chemicals. Topics covered in these products include:
Importance of the MSDS.
The MSDS's role in the Hazard Communication Standard.
Advantages of the ANSI format.
Four basic questions the ANSI MSDS answers: -What is the material and what are its hazards? -What should I do if a problem occurs? -What precautions should I take when working with this material? -Is there anything else I should know about this substance?
A review of the sections in the ANSI Material Safety Data Sheet.
and more.
DVD / 22 minutes
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How to Comply with the New GHS HAZCOM Program - The Globally Harmonized System (GHS) is an International approach to hazard communication, providing agreed criteria for classification of chemical hazards, and a standardized approach to label elements and safety data sheets. There is a lot of information about the new Hazard Communications program that's changing the way organizations comply with the new rules. This program is an explanation of how to comply, without changing your entire HAZCOM program. The topics in this program include: changes to HAZCOM, hazard classifications, labels, pictograms, and the new safety data sheets (SDS).
DVD / 15 minutes
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Integrating GHS with Hazcom (Safety Video) -This update to the Hazard Communication Standard will provide a common and coherent approach to classifying chemicals and communicating hazard information on labels and safety data sheets. Once implemented, the revised standard will improve the quality and consistency of hazard information in the workplace, making it safer for workers. This program covers topics such as Hazard classifications, labels and labeling, SDS, training and information, shipping and receiving, PPE, transitions between the old Hazcom and new GHS standards.
DVD / 15 minutes
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Reviews what the Globally Harmonized System is all about.
DVD / 20 minutes
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"DOT HAZMAT General Awareness" focus on employees who handle hazardous materials. The products review a number of topics aimed at making these employees more aware of situations in which they may encounter hazardous chemicals, the nature of the hazards and the issue of taking appropriate security measures when dealing with hazardous materials that the DOT has added to the regulation. Topics covered in these products include:
The regulation itself.
Hazardous materials, definitions and classes.
Hazard communication.
Hazard "indicators", such as labels, shipping papers and placards.
Where hazardous materials may be encountered.
Packaging and storage.
Transport (trucks, ships, rail, etc.).
Security risks and terrorism.
and more.
DVD / 17 minutes
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"Right-To-Know" give employees the information they need to refresh their knowledge of OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard... as cost effectively as possible. Topics covered in these products include:
What is a "hazardous" chemical?
Health hazards.
Physical hazards.
Common types of hazardous chemicals.
Container labels.
Material safety data sheets.
Personal protective equipment.
Safe work practices.
Storage considerations.
Clean-up and disposal.
and more.
DVD / 17 minutes
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"Dealing With Hazardous Spills" are designed to help employees who seldom have to face the dangers of a hazardous spill deal with a cleanup situation. Topics covered in these products include:
The Hazard Communication Plan.
The Emergency Response Plan.
Five levels of OSHA's HAZMAT training.
Initial spill response.
Spill containment.
Instruments used to identify chemicals involved in a spill.
Additional hazards of a spill site.
and more.
DVD / 23 minutes
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"The ANSI Material Safety Data Sheet" have been specifically created to educate employees about the ANSI MSDS format. Topics covered in these products include:
The importance of the MSDS.
The MSDS's role in the Hazard Communication Standard.
Advantages of the ANSI format.
Four basic questions the ANSI MSDS is designed to answer:
1. What is the material, and what are its hazards?
2. What should I do if a problem occurs?
3. What precautions should I take when working with this material?
4. Is there anything else I should know about this substance?
Review of the sections in the ANSI Material Safety Data Sheet.
and more.
DVD / 13 minutes
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Identifying and evaluating chemical hazards; Providing a MSDS;
Labeling and listing chemical hazards; Training employees;
Writing a hazard communication program
DVD / 14 minutes
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