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Sometimes, the best solution for a particular problematic situation is not the one conventional wisdom or socially accepted norms might otherwise suggest is appropriate. Instincts and Intuitions: The Art of Non-Logical Leadership makes the case for the fact that exceptional leaders not only make unpopular decisions on occasion, they often make illogical ones at times. The DVD explains why sometimes leaders need to follow their gut instincts and to trust their intuition. In that regard, leaders need to learn when to listen to their head, as well as when to ignore it. The DVD is designed to provide a roadmap for doing the right things, in the right way, at the right time.
Among the topics covered:
Intuition and instinct defined
Intellect vs. intuition
No: how did you know?
Yes: how did you know?
Intuitions cannot be trained, but instincts can be
Doing many of the right things, in the right way, at the right time
Achieve your organization's goals through effective and deliberate collaboration.
How to identify the eight key archetypes of leadership.
Modern management theory has us moving away from a command and control style of management toward a more collaborative style of collective leadership. According to Jim Quigley, this need not be an either-or discussion; some processes within your organizational hierarchy will lend themselves to collaboration, while others will call for a traditional top-down approach.
Based on the results of a major, global research project at Deloitte, which includes case studies of companies such as Apple, Marriott and Tata, this session explores what organizations can learn from innovative leadership styles and how leaders can get people to work together effectively toward their defined goals.
Almost without exception, individuals are bombarded daily with information, requests, and demands on their time. Although achieving balance and peace of mind may seem impossible, in reality, individuals can get out of the rut of existence and into the exhilarating flow of success and fulfillment. Light the Fire Within: Personal Leadership Tools to Balance Your Life discusses the art of balance and identifies the tools of personal leadership that can help individuals find a more purposeful approach to work and play.
Why are some people great leaders? Are leaders born or made? These great questions are explored and answered. Individuals in all sorts of situations and positions within society can provide real leadership, provided they have the opportunity and the desire to do so. It takes a willingness to try and some good social skills, but individuals can lead others to action. It requires effort and determination but, in the right circumstances, great things are possible.
Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
Change that endures takes time and comes from within schools, as teachers help each other master the art and science of literacy instruction. Inside Leadership highlights two important components of bringing the Daily Five and CAFE Assessment to life in schools -- grade-level team meetings and coaching in classrooms. Gail Boushey and Joan Moser share examples of how teachers and administrators in grade-level team meetings can use CAFE as a bridge between assessment data and instruction. They also present numerous examples of one-on-one coaching in classrooms designed to help teachers with different interests and needs.
The two-hour DVD features:
Team meetings at different grade levels linking assessment data to teaching plans;
Discussions of conferring strategies and test preparation;
Collaborative teaching in whole class, small group, and individual conferences;
Examples of recordkeeping forms;
and debrief sessions after in-class coaching.
If you are a literacy coach, teacher, or reading specialist who is assisting colleagues as they implement the Daily Five and CAFe, Inside Leadership will help you refine and reflect upon your work
Leadership Strategies for the 21st Century provides an overview of what health/ fitness professionals can do to get the maximum effort out of themselves and their staff. The DVD details obstacles that could prevent individuals and their colleagues from achieving success. The DVD also explains how professionals can identify their personal strengths and weaknesses and develop their own personal leadership plan.
Among the topics covered:
What is leadership?
Spectrum of leadership
Core components of leadership
Four fundamentals of building leadership credibility
Leadership requires awareness, open communication and the ability to empower others. David makes several mistakes managing Anne, and after a feedback session he makes some changes.
Version 1: Drama only - 9 minutes.
Version 2: With Psychologist Eve Ash commentary - 13 minutes
Part 1: The Sins -David doesn't discuss and agree on the way they will work together, doesn't listen and continually interrupts, fails to acknowledge good work, invades personal space, is inflexible about the way things are done, is oblivious to Anne's body language and the impact of his own behavior.
Part 2: Feedback - Anne gives David specific feedback about his behavior and how it makes it hard for her to work effectively. David acknowledges the feedback and accepts the need to change.
Part 3: Empowerment - David discusses career goals with Anne and brings out her motivation.
What one critical competency must leaders possess?
The business case for inspiring and engaging your employees.
How charismatic leaders connect with others.
What defines great leadership? Using original research on 360-degree feedback data for thousands of managers, Jack Zenger, with colleagues Joseph Folkman and Scott Edinger, identified 16 specific competencies the most effective leaders share. Of these, the ability to inspire and motivate others to high performance had the most significant, positive impact on the performance of the organization. And yet, it was the area in which managers were weakest.
Inspiring others is a "soft skill," one that many believe you need to be born with to possess. But in evaluating the research, Dr. Zenger and his colleagues determined that inspiring others to greatness is, in fact, something that can and should be learned. The attributes of inspiring leaders, such as being a role model or a change champion, can be acquired. The skills, ranging from goal setting to developing staff to being a good communicator, are learnable. And even the most critical characteristic of an inspiring leader¡Xthe ability to make an emotional connection with a team¡Xis achievable, by building on key strengths in your own personality and leadership approach.
Leaders in the workplace are often managers and supervisors, but they can be found at all levels within an organisation. This program investigates leadership traits and explores strategies for enhancing leadership potential. Participants are encouraged to reflect on their own behaviour and to consider personal development pathways. This program will benefit decision-makers, managers and team leaders and those aspiring to leadership roles.
Key Learning Points
Examines the differences between management and leadership
Explores the qualities of effective leaders and strategies for enhancing leadership potential
Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
Morale is embedded into every workplace and has an all-pervasive effect on how employees communicate and perform, but it is not always obvious or easy to explain. This program investigates the link between workplace culture and morale, and the role that leaders play in creating and maintaining morale. Featuring dramatised scenarios and panel discussion, this program will assist in identifying current and potential issues and offers practical steps to develop a positive workplace culture that engenders good morale.
Key Learning Points
Explores the links between morale and workplace culture
Discusses strategies for building and enhancing morale
Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
Peter Quarry interviews Ann Sherry (AO) CEO, Carnival Australia
Ann Sherry has broad leadership experience in both private and public sectors. In this program she debunks some common myths about leadership and leadership styles.
Ann discusses the qualities of good leaders and strategies for developing these qualities in staff. Her reflections reveal that textbook concepts can be misleading and the pathway to success often lies in knowing your organisation and staying true to your passion.
The Little BIG Things: Leadership DVD in the new Tom Peters training program is an invaluable asset for all levels of your management team. Tom attacks the issues of promotions, employee reviews, communication, teamwork, and setting milestones through his insight and candid conversations that are aimed directly at the viewers.
Do you want your managers "wandering around"? You do if you want them to MBWA (Managing By Wandering Around) just like Howard Schultz the CEO of Starbucks does!
With the ever-increasing emphasis in corporations, industry, and society on flatter organizational structures, team management, and decentralized decision-making, sound leadership is required at all levels of an organization. Concepts of Leadership examines leadership in the context of such a work environment and details the essential concepts of leadership that can be learned and practiced by all employees within an organization.
Why having an enemy is only outdone by having a cause.
The value of the "Obvious Number Two."
Why it's OK to have fun.
Scott McNealy believes leaders cannot be created--only identified. But even natural leaders need exposure. They need the opportunity to take on challenges that hone their skills and generate the wisdom to reach their full potential. That's where coaching comes in. Given proper motivation and mentoring, individuals (and teams) will do their best--strengthening their organizations in the process of increasing their own effectiveness.
McNealy explains how to develop your own strengths to lead other leaders. And, having recently completed a successful leadership transition strategy at Sun, he shares his methods for selecting and grooming dynamic leaders. He emphasizes the importance of evaluating on the basis of integrity as well as ability, and encourages you to get rid of the prima donnas (sooner rather than later). In this insightful talk, McNealy offers a game plan for preparing and inspiring your next generation of leaders--at every level of your organization.
Scott McNealy co-founded Sun Microsystems Inc. in 1982 and served as chief executive officer and chairman from 1984 to 2006. McNealy guided the company from a Silicon Valley start-up to a leading provider of network computing infrastructure, with almost 38,000 employees worldwide.
WE Worldwide Partners, a start up advertising venture focusing on China market, is at a crucial point in its expansion strategy. Viveca Chan, the visionary force behind WE's conception, has to evaluate the viability of WE's business model and growth strategy in the fast-moving and dynamic China market. The Volume explores how WE can position itself as "the third force" in a market dominated by the international advertising agencies, on one hand, and crowded by the small, local independent agencies, on the other.
DVD (With Business Case Booklet) / 2007 / 28 minutes
Effective leadership is an essential factor in achieving high performance.
This program identifies key leadership qualities and skills for leaders at all levels of an organisation. Find out what makes a good leader and explore how you can become a successful leader.
Effective leadership is closely linked to achieving a high performance workplace.
This module explores leadership in two very different organisations. One is a private enterprise - a Mobil Oil lube plant, a heavily industrial workplace which achieved outstanding success after near closure a few years ago.
The other is Centrelink, a large government organisation with 24,000 staff spread over 400 offices. Centrelink was recently established by bringing together some government departments to create a new, streamlined service.
Identify and improve your six skills of leadership:
Exceptional service must start with senior managers. Service leadership involves staying in touch with customers, creating a 'service culture', leading by example, and gaining staff commitment.
This two-part module covers the role senior managers must play to ensure that their organisation provides excellent service.
1: It Starts at the Top
This video highlights the need for organisations to provide excellent service and outlines key service management tasks essential to achieve this goal.
2: Staying in Touch
This video explores the reasons for staying in touch with customers as well as giving specific techniques for doing so.
Hear from a former Disney executive about how leadership can ensure that high quality customer service is delivered.
With Doug Lipp, USA.
Doug Lipp, formerly head of training at Disney Studio's Walt Disney University, also worked at Disneyland on the "Traditions" orientation program and other leadership courses.
Pivotal in Doug's career with Disney was his experience in the mid 80's when the corporate culture changed from the arrogant: "we're the best, why change?" To the progressive: "don't rest on your laurels" powerhouse corporation that it remains today. Fluent in Japanese, Doug Lipp was on the startup team for Tokyo Disneyland, working in Japan for two years creating Disney's first international theme park. Both when he worked for NEC Electronics and currently in his private consulting practice, Doug Lipp addresses the topics of global and domestic customer service, leadership, and cultural diversity with his clients in the U.S. and abroad.
Doug Lipp is the author of several books including The Changing Face of Today's Customer, which proclaims the use of "cultural sense" in addition to common sense, and Even Monkeys Fall From Trees, about the balance of art and science for outstanding customer service.
Examines what leaders should be doing in times of rapid, ongoing change and how this differs from earlier leadership approaches.
With Professor Dennis Jaffe, USA.
Professor Dennis Jaffe is Professor of Organizational Systems at Saybrook Graduate School in San Francisco, where he created their Organizational Systems doctoral program. He is the founding principal of Changeworks, a San Francisco organisational development firm.
Dr Jaffe is a nationally recognised leader in the field of organisational development. He consults extensively on managing change, developing strategic visions, sustaining employee commitment, building value based cultures and designing collaborative workplaces.
As both an organization consultant and clinical psychologist, Dennis works with the business and personal aspects of family business and wealth. Working with family businesses and family offices, he helps create effective boards, management teams, overcome conflict and set strategic direction so that the family ventures can thrive.
'I've gone from being the boy next door to being the bloke with the weight of the world on his shoulders.' (Jamie Oliver)
Jamie Oliver's passion and vision transformed a bunch of unemployed kids into an efficient, organised team, capable of running a first-class London restaurant, Fifteen.
Jamie is a natural and instinctive leader, with an energetic style guaranteed to keep an audience engaged. Anyone taking on a leadership role can learn a lot from watching him in action. Part of the two-part Jamie's kitchen training series, Fifteen lessons on leadership demonstrates that leadership is an activity and not a position. Leaders and potential leaders will identify with Jamie's honesty and openness.
The programme covers five key learning points backed up by real examples from Jamie's journey ¡V from how to lead the way through clear communication and example, to believing in your team, through to taking responsibility and learning and adapting your style of leadership throughout each project.
This real example of the pressurised role of a leader in action not only reflects real life for today's leaders, but will inspire and motivate the audience in their own personal leadership roles.
The key outcomes
Will improve skills of both new and existing leaders
Will re-energise and re-motivate leaders in pressurised environments
This dvd shows how effective leadership at every level of Marshall Industries' organization was instrumental in orchestrating the company's phenomenal restructuring and turnaround.
Featuring John Cleese, Stephen Fry, Rik Mayall, Emma Thompson, Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders, Cassie Stuart, Michael Percival and Patricia Hodge.
To demonstrate to managers how they can change a problem person into a positive performer.
This comprehensive six-part set of programmes introduces typical problem people and shows inexperienced managers and team leaders how to deal with them to improve performance. It is an amusing and versatile resource, which can be used to complement or instigate all types of management and interpersonal skills training.
The following six programmes are available for individual or series purchase:
Rulebound Reggie (12 mins) tells his manager that nothing can be done until the paperwork is in order. Encouraging Reggie's sense of belonging makes him much more amenable.
Bigmouth Billy (16 mins) promises everything but does nothing until his boss helps him to plan an effective schedule and set realistic deadlines.
Moaning Minnie (19 mins) can give a thousand excuses why something can't be done, but her manager quickly learns how to turn a whinger into a winner.
Wimpy Wendy (17 mins) needs constant reassurance before making decisions, but by consulting her and empowering her, her manager boosts Wendy's confidence.
Lazy Linda (15 mins) gets away with murder. But by balancing quality and quantity, her manager brings her performance up to scratch.
Silent Sam (17 mins) knows his job backwards but just cannot communicate. Therefore he is given time to plan and encouragement to express himself.
The key outcomes
Helps managers deal with all types of individuals, whatever their personality
Maximises the potential of employees, helping them to overcome individual obstacles
DVD (With Leader's Guide, Workbook) / 1988 / 96 minutes
Leading Teams Through Powerful Briefing and Debriefing Processes.
Designed with the newly appointed manager/supervisor in mind, Flawless Leadership provides essential leadership principles training focusing upon the centrally important skills necessary to any new leader - organizing, communicating with the team, and motivating the team toward mission accomplishment.
Developed from the intense mission-oriented environment of military fighter pilots, this exciting lesson teaches the student the combat-proven steps toward mission accomplishment. In the fast-paced, modern world where execution is the critical factor to any organization's competitive advantage, developing your front-line leader's execution skills is imperative. This course will lead the way!
What is Flawless Leadership?
Flawless Leadership is a high-energy and engaging 1-1.5-hour DVD-based workshop designed for newly hired or promoted managers and supervisors that teaches a simple step-by-step method of developing successful leaders.
How do I know that Flawless Leadership is an effective technique?
Flawless Leadership is a technique developed by military fighter pilots in the unforgiving, zero-tolerance world of aviation. Tested for over a half century, fighter pilots have relied on these techn iques to accomplish their critical and life-threatening missions. For the past 12 years, the fighter pilots at Afterburner, Inc. have taught these techniques to Fortune 500 corporations all over the world.
As a facilitator, how do I deliver content based upon military aviation if I have no such experience?
The Flawless Leadership DVD video content is delivered by Afterburner,Inc. CEO and Founder, and former Air Force fighter pilot James "Murph" Murphy. This high energy and exciting video delivers the content of Flawless Leadership in a broadly applicable manner to include scenarios in both military and daily business settings. The workshop activities conducted by the facilitator have no military themes and are directly applicable to your business setting.
Imagine if all your good managers became great leaders. When you have leaders at all levels, and not just at the top, productivity climbs and the atmosphere improves throughout your organization.
Good management skills are a start. But that's not what makes you a leader. What makes you a leader is the willingness of others to follow you. And this requires respect, admiration and many other intangibles that go into true leadership. Fortunately, even though not everyone is a "born leader," every manager in your organization has the potential to become a leader.
This video begins by demonstrating successful management styles: direction, influence, collaboration, and delegation. It then explains how your setting and your subordinates determine which management style is most appropriate for your situation -- and the need to adapt to changing circumstances.
Leaders need to:
Take initiative.
Treat everyone fairly.
Embrace change.
Develop their people.
Admit their mistakes.
Build community.
Our dramatic scenes help you recognize leadership behaviors at all levels of an organization. You'll learn how to exhibit leadership by making good decisions and keeping your own emotions under control. And you'll learn the critical importance of personal integrity.
Leadership takes more than good management. And there's no better time than right now for you to take it to the next level.
The pressure upon today's leaders is intense. Richard Dufour has a long, proven record of leading schools to very high levels of achievement. In this remarkable program, educators will
Understand how educators can be empoweredd to make sustained change through Professional Learning Communities:
Examine the Four Pillars that guide Professional Learning Communities.
Mission, Vision, Values/Commitments, & Goals.
Witness the impressive results of Professional Learning Communities.
Learn how the Pyramid of Interventions at Adlai E. Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, Illinois, draws every student into success
Examine feelings and beliefs about leadership and how to make the shift from power-over to power-with leadership
Create inclusive vital conversations and practices in the workplace to strengthen relationships with direct reports, peers and colleagues and to achieve business results
Develop an action plan for expanding inclusive and co-creative leadership practices and conversations in the workplace
DVD (With Facilitator's Guide) / Approx. 6 minutes
Featuring Patrick Barlow and the voice of Emma Thompson
To give managers the leadership skills to enable their employees to work more effectively as part of a team.
There are three steps managers should take to inspire their teams: give them confidence in the value of their job, value as individuals and value as part of the team.
Being in charge doesn't mean having all the answers, but means involving the team and using their skills, experience and initiative to find them.
The key outcomes
Helps managers to motivate all team members and ensure they feel valued
Enables managers to get the best out of their employees