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Four essential leadership attributes every good leader should model.

~ Learn more about yourself
~ Seek team diversity
~ Encourage truth-tellers
~ Maintain a healthy balance

DVD / 2015 / () / 11 minutes

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Lead so your people are united in their work.

~ Enabling environment & strong leaders
~ Uniting people & resolving problems
~ Measuring engagement
~ Being an employer of choice

DVD / 2015 / () / 15 minutes

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The characteristics of outstanding leaders.

~ Engaging your people & creating culture
~ The caring leader
~ The decisive leader
~ The ambassador

DVD / 2015 / () / 11 minutes

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Ensure fair and thorough strategy and policies.

~ Aware of self and others
~ Warning signs of culture problems
~ Strategies for re-engaging staff
~ External expertise & team building

DVD / 2015 / () / 9 minutes

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Are leaders born, or made? This video shows that while certain personality traits may influence leadership abilities, there are also leadership qualities that can be learned and nurtured. Business leaders, politicians, coaches and others share their perceptions of what it takes to be a leader, relating to viewers that observing certain principles and adopting admirable behaviors can help develop leadership attributes. Integrity, honesty, dependability and the belief in an organization's core values are showcased, along with the elements necessary to create a culture of excellence. A basic definition of leadership as the action of leading a group of people toward a common goal is the preface to the importance of creating a vision of the futureˇXthe true mark of a leader. Listening, teamwork, motivation and the ability to engage others in a cause are also presented as leadership qualities. Many modern-day or historical capsules of leadership bring to life the concept of developing the traits to become a leader.

DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2015 / () / 35 minutes

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By Derek Deprey

Are You Fit to Lead? Inspire Greatness & Grow Results explores the issue of how individuals can move other people to action and in the process enhance the outcomes that are attained. In that regard, the DVD details ten specific ways in which individuals can inspire others to greatness. Each option is reviewed in a step-by-step manner. Throughout the DVD, the fact that leadership is a compelling, awesome task is emphasized.

Among the topics covered:
~ Are you fit to lead? Inspire greatness & grow results
~ Introduction
~ Being human inspires
~ Empowering others inspires
~ Learning & sharing inspires
~ Praising others inspires
~ Being present inspires
~ Having fun inspires
~ Being positive inspires
~ Caring & coaching inspires
~ Building a team inspires
~ Leading by example inspires

DVD / 2014 / () / 50 minutes

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We all have a leader inside of us waiting for the courage, passion or necessity to come out. This inspirational leadership meeting opener uses beautiful imagery, inspirational music and quotes from leadership experts that will send you in the right direction to releasing the leader inside.

DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2014 / () / 2 minutes

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By Damon Bader

Leadership Launch Pad: Steps to Becoming a Great Leader is designed as a resource that will either invigorate existing leaders or kick off new leaders. The DVD discusses the various traits that are common to effective leaders. The DVD also explores two tools for creating professional leadershipˇXprofessional analysis and the three Cs of leadership. Each approach is examined in a step-by-step manner. In addition, the DVD details common issues that many new leaders face. Finally, the DVD emphasizes the need for individuals to continue to grow as leaders.

Among the topics covered:
~ What do you think?
~ Common traits
~ The power of professional analysis
~ Top five and bottom five
~ Problems with professional analysis
~ The three C's of leadership
~ Putting your leadership to the test
~ Continuing to grow as a leader

DVD / 2014 / () / 68 minutes

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With Doug Conant

~ The transformative power of a human connection.
~ Guiding others with a "listen, frame, and advance" mindset.
~ Why inspiring trust is critical to enduring leadership success.

Early in his career, after nine years with General Foods, Doug Conant was unexpectedly and summarily laid off from his job. It was devastating, he recalls, yet kind words from an outplacement counselor not only got him through it, but helped shaped his approach to leadership success. It's in the moments of saying "just the right thing at just the right time" that leaders can make a positive, constructive impact on others.

To sustain the impact of these touchpoints in an enduring way requires adhering to six guiding principles of leadership that he describes, along with inspiring examples of how this can be done. First, think about where you want to end up in your career, and plan accordingly. Be able to make the hard decisions, but be sensitive to soft issues. Be tough-minded with standards and tender-hearted with people. Make a personal connection to the agendas of others to form an enduring relationship. Stay ever alert to what matters most with your strategy, your people, and your actions. And finally, never stop working at leadership: it's the most important thing you do.

DVD / 2013 / () / 55 minutes

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With Gary Hamel, Visiting Professor, London Business School

~ Why our feudal management model desperately needs an overhaul.
~ Only companies fit for human beings will be fit for the future.
~ How innovation leaders are "hacking" management processes.

Today's organizations face accelerating change, intensifying competition, rapid commoditization, and a historic shift in bargaining power from producer to consumer. However, our bureaucratic structure of management, invented a century ago, was designed to drive control and efficiency into large enterprisesˇXnot rapid response and innovation. To survive, organizations must reinvent management to inspire continual invention and adaptability in all employees.

It's not a task for the management team. It won't happen at a leaders' retreat. In this provocative talk, Professor Hamel suggests companies follow the lead of the social web and crowdsource employees. Ask them: "What do you see in the way you're measured and compensated, in the way we allocate resources and set priorities that work against your capacity to be more innovative, engaged, and work more efficiently?" Open and transparent organizations where hierarchies of meritocracy have more influence than top-down power allocation will develop enduring, long-term advantage.

DVD / 2013 / () / 60 Minutes

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With Cynthia Montgomery

~ How Gucci achieved the most dramatic turnaround in fashion history.
~ The danger of contentment and how success can kill your organization.
~ Why every single employeeˇXat every levelˇXmust know your strategy.

In the past 25 years, thousands of articles have been written about strategy, but virtually none about the leadership vital for doing it well. Strategy has been transformed from an art to a scienceˇXbut science alone is not enough. Cynthia Montgomery makes the case for bringing people back into the equation. Though you start with ideas, you need leaders to construct a company that brings these ideas to fruition. Leadership is required to define your purpose and form a management model that carries it out.

One exercise Montgomery suggests is to think about death: the death of your business. What would the world be like without it? Would it be the same? If you don't make a difference, nobody will mourn you when you're gone. And if they won't miss you then, how much do they need you now? Knowing what makes you matter to your customers is criticalˇXbut even that is not enough. Whatever constitutes strategic advantage today will eventually change. That's why you can't outsource strategy. It takes leadership to watch over an organization, make the hard choices, provide clarity and alignment, and keep everyone fired up and moving ahead together.

DVD / 2013 / () / 58 minutes

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With Jim Quigley

~ Achieve your organization's goals through effective and deliberate collaboration.
~ How to identify the eight key archetypes of leadership.

Modern management theory has us moving away from a command and control style of management toward a more collaborative style of collective leadership. According to Jim Quigley, this need not be an either-or discussion; some processes within your organizational hierarchy will lend themselves to collaboration, while others will call for a traditional top-down approach.

Based on the results of a major, global research project at Deloitte, which includes case studies of companies such as Apple, Marriott and Tata, this session explores what organizations can learn from innovative leadership styles and how leaders can get people to work together effectively toward their defined goals.

DVD / 2011 / () / 63 minutes

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The goal of leadership is to inspire and promote productivity from others, with the aim of successfully accomplishing a task. This presentation explores the various styles of leadership which can be employed to make this happen. Common traits all leaders should possess are also defined. Communication skills leaders should develop are explored, along with introducing the purpose and importance of working in groups.

CD-ROM (Win, PowerPoint Presentation (64 slides)) / 2011 / () /

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With Harry Kraemer

~ The four essential principles of values-based leadership.
~ How to identify your core values and what matters most to you.
~ Focus on doing the right thing rather than being right all the time.

After a twenty-five-year career with multi-billion-dollar Baxter International, including serving as chairman and CEO, Harry Kraemer shares, in this candid and entertaining discussion, practical advice on how to lead while staying true to your moral compass. Values-based leadership is possible for anyone to achieve, at any point in a career, by adhering to four guiding principles of behavior.

The first principle, ongoing self-reflection, helps you identify your core values and goals and what you truly stand for. The second, balance, is the ability to see more than one side to a story, giving you insight into the issues and tradeoffs and how you'll make decisions. The third, true self-confidence, is accepting your strengths and weaknesses, knowing you can improve. And the fourth, genuine humility, stems from never forgetting where you came from and keeping your leadership role in perspective.

DVD / 2011 / () / 57 minutes

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With Robert Sutton

~ The toxic tandem, the mum effect, and other challenges to being a good boss.
~ Why good bosses make it safe to disagree.
~ How to predict the most effective leaders in an organization.

Great bosses are self-obsessedˇXbut not for egotistical reasons. The best are those who understand their people's opinions of them and what it's like to work for them. This is no easy task. People in power tend to focus on their own needs over the needs of others. They also believe they have a stronger positive influence over their people than they actually do. From peer-reviewed research and case studies, Professor Sutton found truly in-tune leaders share five hallmark characteristics.

Good bosses are "perfectly assertive": they are aware of people's reactions to them, and adjust, knowing when to push or back off. They have the "attitude of wisdom," dancing on the edge of overconfidence, but with a healthy dose of self doubt and humility. They use a "small wins" strategy, framing big, hairy goals in terms of small, manageable steps. And they eliminate the negatives in an organization, such as competitive superstars or rotten apples. Finally, the best bosses serve as a "human shield," protecting their people from harm, distractions, and indignities.

DVD / 2010 / () / 54 minutes

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Peter Quarry interviews Ann Sherry (AO) CEO, Carnival Australia

Ann Sherry has broad leadership experience in both private and public sectors. In this program she debunks some common myths about leadership and leadership styles.

Ann discusses the qualities of good leaders and strategies for developing these qualities in staff. Her reflections reveal that textbook concepts can be misleading and the pathway to success often lies in knowing your organisation and staying true to your passion.

Key Learning Points
~ Transformational vs. transactional leaders
~ Stereotyping leadership
~ Common beliefs and myths about leadership
~ Leadership in tough times
~ The problem of early success
~ Learning the language of the organisation
~ Sharpening up on outcomes
~ Learning from reflection after rejection
~ Best ways to develop leaders

DVD / 2009 / () / 19 minutes

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With Tom Peters

The Little BIG Things: Leadership DVD in the new Tom Peters training program is an invaluable asset for all levels of your management team. Tom attacks the issues of promotions, employee reviews, communication, teamwork, and setting milestones through his insight and candid conversations that are aimed directly at the viewers.

Do you want your managers "wandering around"? You do if you want them to MBWA (Managing By Wandering Around) just like Howard Schultz the CEO of Starbucks does!

DVD (With Discussion Guide) / 2009 / () / 54 minutes

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To be successful, today's organisations need leadership, not just at the top of their structure but throughout it. This DVD will enable you to deliver practical and impressive leadership training, giving managers at all levels a clear understanding of leadership and how to apply that understanding on a day to day basis.

Scripted by a subject expert and trainer, this innovative training DVD is comprised of short clips which allow the trainer complete flexibility and control to intervene at any point and jump around to relevant scenes. Scenes demonstrate good practice and bad practice and cover the following areas:

~ management and leadership
~ leadership qualities/actions
~ leadership vision
~ from motivation to inspiration
~ defining moments.

DVD (Region 2, With Trainer's Guide) / 2009 / () /

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Discover the behaviours, attitudes and strategies of outstanding leaders:

~ Lead by example
~ Project your passion
~ Drive your decisions
~ Empower your champions
~ Reach your goals
~ Give time and respect to your people

DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2009 / () / 13 minutes

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Effective leadership is an essential factor in achieving high performance.

This program identifies key leadership qualities and skills for leaders at all levels of an organisation. Find out what makes a good leader and explore how you can become a successful leader.

Effective leadership is closely linked to achieving a high performance workplace.

This module explores leadership in two very different organisations. One is a private enterprise - a Mobil Oil lube plant, a heavily industrial workplace which achieved outstanding success after near closure a few years ago.

The other is Centrelink, a large government organisation with 24,000 staff spread over 400 offices. Centrelink was recently established by bringing together some government departments to create a new, streamlined service.

Identify and improve your six skills of leadership:
1. Develop trust
2. Be a motivator
3. Show competence
4. Be supportive
5. Provide direction
6. Empower others

DVD (With Workbook) / 2006 / () / 14 minutes

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~ Interviewer Eve Ash
~ Interviewee Peter Quarry

Learn the characteristics of effective leaders and the behaviour required in today's workplaces.

DVD / 2006 / () / 17 minutes

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Have you recently been thrust into a leadership position and are not sure how to lead others? Do you aspire to lead teams but are currently only leading yourself? If leadership is what you are needing, Developing the Leader Within You DVD Training is crucial in your development.

John Maxwell teaches you in this course the basic principles of being a leader, the all-important Five Levels of Leadership, and provides practices and principles that you can apply instantly to improve your leadership skills. You will learn how to: build trust through personal integrity, prioritize, create positive change and understand the process involved, how to develop people, crucial problem solving techniques, articulate visions and goals for your organization, become character-driven vs. being emotion-driven, and much, much more.

2 DVDs (Wtih 2 Guides) / / () / 203 minutes

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Featuring Patrick Barlow and the voice of Emma Thompson

To give managers the leadership skills to enable their employees to work more effectively as part of a team.

There are three steps managers should take to inspire their teams: give them confidence in the value of their job, value as individuals and value as part of the team.

Being in charge doesn't mean having all the answers, but means involving the team and using their skills, experience and initiative to find them.

The key outcomes
~ Helps managers to motivate all team members and ensure they feel valued
~ Enables managers to get the best out of their employees

DVD / / () / 29 minutes

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