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Leadership & Management
BREAD - Business Secrets of the Beechworth Bakery.
A powerful and motivating training program to inspire your people to better service and performance.
Tom O'Toole, the charismatic founder of the famous Beechworth Bakery now gives viewers an insight into his business secrets of success.
Out of the depths of despair, Tom O'Toole turned a failing little bakery in an isolated and dying country town with a population of 3,000 into a company with an annual turnover in excess of $12 million, serving over one million customers per year. A bakery that has become one of the highest earning single bakery retailers in Australian history.
Tom O'Toole has a profound understanding of what makes a business successful, how to inspire staff and most improtantly how to delight customers and keep growoingt he business and the satsifaction. This program covers essentials of leadership, culture, motivation, marketing, teamwork and how to achieve best performance.
The package is filled with extras to make your training entertaining, interactive and successful.
Training Points
Over the past 35 years, Tom O'Toole has distilled his business secrets down to 4 key secrets:
1 Customer Service - Commitment to Customer Service begins at the top.
2 Marketing - Simple yet clever Marketing.
3 Culture - Creating a strong organisational Culture.
4 Comfort Zone - Everything you want is just out of your Comfort Zone.
DVD 1:
BREAD - Business Secrets of the Beachworth Bakery (20.24 minutes). Includes introduction by business media commentator Peter Swizter
Cape York story (4.08 minutes)
A Lesson in Communication (1.26 minutes)
Barry's Story (2.24 minutes)
Bloopers (2.51 minutes)
DVD 2:
BREAD - Business Secrets of the Beachworth Bakery - Training DVD (23 minutes)
' Tom is a deceptively cagey business educator. Tom has been incredibly successful despite having no money and no education. He grew a great business in the Beechworth Bakery. He was able to reproduce it and make it work in his absence. He has created a business within a business. On top of this, he is one of the most sought after speakers on the conference and seminar circuit.' - Peter Switzer, Switzer TV and Switzer Financial Services
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
2 DVDs (With CD)
Duration | : |
44 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 1650.00
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These days the roles and responsibilities of boards are under tighter scrutiny, and directors are increasingly more accountable. A board has legal and financial responsibilities. Peter Quarry, psychologist, interviews Damien Smith, lawyer and Managing Director of Enterprise Care, to gain some insight into the roles and responsibilities of a board and the board members.
Training Points
Board members must know the organization well
They need to comment on trends, progress and staff accountability
The board and chair must work well as a team, and have limited term
Board needs Key/Strategic Performance Indicators
Board must consider impact on community
Board members should undertake professional development
Board should be asked to explain if not delivering
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
14 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Interviewer Eve Ash
Eve Ash interviews Suzanne Dvorak, CEO, Marie Stopes International.
A major challenge for any growing organisation with multiple outlets is maintaining standards across all sites.
In this program Psychologist Eve Ash talks with Suzanne Dvorak, an Australian Businesswoman of the Year, about some of her successful strategies for managing multiple sites, maintaining a robust management structure and ensuring compliance.
Training Points
1. Ensuring right people in right roles
2. Focus on high standards
3. Ensuring compliance
4. The value of feedback
5. Managing negative feedback
6. Using a balanced scorecard
7. Understanding the financials
8. The value of training
9. Implementing 360˘X feedback and appraisals
10.Harnessing creativity and innovation
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
12 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Interviewer Peter Quarry
Peter Quarry interviews Ann Sherry (AO) CEO, Carnival Australia
Ann Sherry has broad leadership experience in both private and public sectors. In this program she debunks some common myths about leadership and leadership styles.
Ann discusses the qualities of good leaders and strategies for developing these qualities in staff. Her reflections reveal that textbook concepts can be misleading and the pathway to success often lies in knowing your organisation and staying true to your passion.
Training Points
1. Transformational vs. transactional leaders
2. Stereotyping leadership
3. Common beliefs and myths about leadership
4. Leadership in tough times
5. The problem of early success
6. Learning the language of the organisation
7. Sharpening up on outcomes
8. Learning from reflection after rejection
9. Best ways to develop leaders
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
19 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Interviewer Peter Quarry
Peter Quarry interviews Ann Sherry (AO) CEO, Carnival Australia
In this program Ann Sherry discusses the purpose and process of succession planning.
Successful succession planning provides strength and stability to an organisation, aids staff retention and prepares for future growth and change.
This program highlights some of the pitfalls with succession planning and discusses ways to implement a robust process that ensures the development and movement of staff in the right direction.
Training Points
1. Succession planning at all levels
2. The importance of succession planning
3. Determining critical roles and people
4. Steps in succession planning
5. Common mistakes
6. Determining if the process is robust
7. CEO succession
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
12 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Interviewer Peter Quarry
Examines what leaders should be doing in times of rapid, ongoing change and how this differs from earlier leadership approaches.
With Professor Dennis Jaffe, USA.
Professor Dennis Jaffe is Professor of Organizational Systems at Saybrook Graduate School in San Francisco, where he created their Organizational Systems doctoral program. He is the founding principal of Changeworks, a San Francisco organisational development firm.
Dr Jaffe is a nationally recognised leader in the field of organisational development. He consults extensively on managing change, developing strategic visions, sustaining employee commitment, building value based cultures and designing collaborative workplaces.
As both an organization consultant and clinical psychologist, Dennis works with the business and personal aspects of family business and wealth. Working with family businesses and family offices, he helps create effective boards, management teams, overcome conflict and set strategic direction so that the family ventures can thrive.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
16 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Interviewee Eve Ash
Interviewer Peter Quarry
Discover why continuous motivation is essential for business success, and how to maintain it.
With Eve Ash, Australia.
Eve Ash is a psychologist, founder of Seven Dimensions and co-founder of Ash-Quarry Productions.
She has produced over 500 films and TV shows on business, education and well being, many of which are distributed in over forty countries, and her programs have won over 140 international awards for creativity and excellence.
Eve is an author of two motivational books published by Penguin, and a national winner 'Business Owner' of the Telstra Businesswomen's Awards. She is a sought after public speaker with a reputation for offering practical and motivating advice.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
12 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Interviewee Eve Ash
Interviewer Peter Quarry
Examines 'Generation Xers', uncovers what makes them tick and how to manage them effectively.
With Eve Ash, Australia.
Eve Ash is a psychologist, founder of Seven Dimensions and co-founder of Ash-Quarry Productions.
She has produced over 500 films and TV shows on business, education and well being, many of which are distributed in over forty countries, and her programs have won over 140 international awards for creativity and excellence.
Eve is an author of two motivational books published by Penguin, and a national winner 'Business Owner' of the Telstra Businesswomen's Awards. She is a sought after public speaker with a reputation for offering practical and motivating advice.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
13 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Leadership requires awareness, open communication and the ability to empower others. David makes several mistakes managing Anne, and after a feedback session he makes some changes.
Version 1: Drama only - 9 minutes.
Version 2: With Psychologist Eve Ash commentary - 13 minutes
Part 1: The Sins -David doesn't discuss and agree on the way they will work together, doesn't listen and continually interrupts, fails to acknowledge good work, invades personal space, is inflexible about the way things are done, is oblivious to Anne's body language and the impact of his own behavior.
Part 2: Feedback - Anne gives David specific feedback about his behavior and how it makes it hard for her to work effectively. David acknowledges the feedback and accepts the need to change.
Part 3: Empowerment - David discusses career goals with Anne and brings out her motivation.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
DVD (With Workbook)
Duration | : |
22 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 515.00
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For workplaces to function at their optimum, delegating and empowering are essential. In a very clear and concise way, Psychologists Eve Ash and Peter Quarry distinguish between delegation and empowerment, and explain their workplace applications, as they answer typical questions arising from a variety of workplaces.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
13 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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The need to understand what constitutes workplace discrimination is becoming increasingly important. How can we distinguish between discrimination and other forms of common, albeit undesirable, behaviours. Psychologists Eve Ash and Peter Quarry address these pertinent questions whilst providing sound advice for employers and employees on what they can do to manage workplace discrimination.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
13 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Psychologists Eve Ash and Peter Quarry highlight the fact that very few newly promoted managers actually receive training in how to do the job well. How do managers learn? What are the key principles all new managers must learn? Eve and Peter field pressing questions from a variety of new managers in highlighting this often neglected topic.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
12 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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A good manager needs an understanding of people's behaviours. Not all people are the same, so the manager needs a range of strategies to manage behavior. Psychologists Eve Ash and Peter Quarry help Q&A viewers better understand and manage workplace behaviour.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
12 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Parents, teachers, students yrs1-6
Effective schools develop strategies to ensure learning is the key focus and the school is a friendly place. They use open communication and focus groups to engage students, staff and parents in the planning process, to review and develop ideas for improvement. Effective schools have practical strategies for managing bullying and difficult students. Peer mediation is an innovative way to develop student leaders, and to help students manage conflict, build confidence and develop negotiation skills. Teachers need to be goal focused and ensure students are connected, happy and motivated to learn.
Effective Schools:
Involve parents and students in strategic planning
Facilitate parent focus groups
Develop student leadership
Manage bullying
Manage difficult children
Continually improve performance
Teach with goals and purpose
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
DVD (Closed Captioned)
Duration | : |
15 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 295.00
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Find out how to be a respected and award winning employer:
Create a culture of pride
Promote yourself as an employer of choice
Recruit the best people
Provide development opportunities
Offer flexible work arrangements
Be family friendly
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
11 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 495.00
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Discover the behaviours, attitudes and strategies of outstanding leaders:
Lead by example
Project your passion
Drive your decisions
Empower your champions
Reach your goals
Give time and respect to your people
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
13 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 495.00
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Motivate people, develop skills and improve work performance:
Give immediate recognition and feedback
Guide with goals
Conduct regular performance appraisals
Be constructive with feedback
Be creative with recognition
Implement feedback tools
1. 360˘X feedback
2. Climate surveys
3. Mystery shopping
4. Exit interviews
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
13 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 495.00
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Be inspired to develop a powerful vision and values to motivate others:
Present a powerful vision with clear goals
Personalize your vision
Align people to changing vision
Develop meaningful values
Demonstrate values with actions
Build values into the culture
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
15 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 495.00
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Sadhana is keen to ensure Simon is the right applicant for the senior sales agent - but how can she be sure? She uses a range of challenging questions to assess his suitability and later reviews his performance.
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Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
14 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 405.00
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This program sets out the fundamental steps needed to move to high performance - benchmarking, developing a framework for change, identifying and strengthening partnerships with stakeholders and creating an environment which facilitates and maintains continuous growth and ongoing development.
The program includes case study footage from two very different Australian organisations going through change. One is private enterprise - a Mobil Oil lube plant, a manufacturing site, which achieved outstanding success after near closure a few years ago.
The other is Centrelink, a large government organisation with 24,000 staff spread over 400 offices. Centrelink was recently established by bringing together several government departments to create a new, streamlined customer focused service.
How to achieve success with four key strategies:
1. Benchmark
2. Develop the blueprint
3. Improve partnerships
4. Create a learning environment
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
DVD (With Workbook)
Duration | : |
14 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 515.00
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Effective leadership is an essential factor in achieving high performance.
This program identifies key leadership qualities and skills for leaders at all levels of an organisation. Find out what makes a good leader and explore how you can become a successful leader.
Effective leadership is closely linked to achieving a high performance workplace.
This module explores leadership in two very different organisations. One is a private enterprise - a Mobil Oil lube plant, a heavily industrial workplace which achieved outstanding success after near closure a few years ago.
The other is Centrelink, a large government organisation with 24,000 staff spread over 400 offices. Centrelink was recently established by bringing together some government departments to create a new, streamlined service.
Identify and improve your six skills of leadership:
1. Develop trust
2. Be a motivator
3. Show competence
4. Be supportive
5. Provide direction
6. Empower others
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
DVD (With Workbook)
Duration | : |
14 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 515.00
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Presenter Eve Ash
Presenter Peter Quarry
In this program, Psychologists Eve Ash and Peter Quarry, discuss strategies for successful mentoring. The role of a mentor is different from that of a supervisor or coach and without this specific understanding a mentor may end up micromanaging, rather than advising.
This program presents two role plays, modelling how to establish the process in the first meeting and how to identify and confront challenging trends of the mentee. The skills for successful mentoring are outlined.
Training Points
1. The first meeting -In the first meeting, the mentor may find that he or she takes the lead role, as there are basic details regarding process and expectations that need to be established.
2. A middle meeting - As the process progresses, the mentor will have a greater understanding of the issues preventing the mentee from achieving his or her goals. Through providing appropriate and supportive feedback it is possible to assist the mentee to develop skills and implement change.
3. Skills for a mentor:
Active listening
Ask open questions
Challenge and confront
Good facilitation skills
Develop trust
Agree to confidentiality
Show caring
Provide networking opportunities
Click Here To Preview
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
18 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Interviewee Eve Ash
Interviewer Peter Quarry
Sales managers all need to implement the seven essential skills covered in this program to ensure the success of their sales team. Find out how to encourage best performance.
1. Select the right people
Winning characteristics
Highly motivated and enthusiastic
Good presentation skills, appearance and the way they talk
Good listening skills
Experience - product, industry or sales
Eager to learn
Attention to detail
2. Clarify expectations
Set targets and goals
Setting standards in the way things are done. Eg. Using common procedures
Setting territories
Handling preexisting clients
Service expectations
3. Provide resources
Give people the tools to be able to do their job
4. Monitor performance
Tracking sales
Listening to phone calls
Go with them to a sales presentation
Call customers to ask how the service was
5. Develop skills
Finding out where a team member is lacking skills and develop them
Know peoples learning style
Help people get rid of negative beliefs
Pair someone who is struggling with someone who is doing really well
6. Reward & motivate
Younger sales people in their 20s, need reassurance that they are making progress
Sales people in their 30s need higher rewards and incentives
Late 30s and 40s, sales people want status and formal recognition
Late 50s and 60s they want minimal effort
Monetary rewards
Peer recognition - ringing a bell for a sale, sales person of the month, top sales in a month
7. Provide support
Showing you care about your employees
Dealing with burnout:
Talk and discuss reasons why they are feeling burnt out
Conduct motivation sessions
Cut responsibilities
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Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
19 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Interviewer Eve Ash
Interviewee Peter Quarry
Learn techniques for setting priorities and delegating effectively.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
18 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Interviewer Eve Ash
Interviewee Peter Quarry
Learn the characteristics of effective leaders and the behaviour required in today's workplaces.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
17 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Interviewer Eve Ash
Interviewee Peter Quarry
Learn how to set clear directions, facilitate open communication, provide sound leadership and develop cooperation.
1. Set clear direction
Clarify the organisation's goals, objectives and timeframes
Clarify the team's role and contribution to support the organisation's goals
Communicate direction in an inspiring way by providing examples, telling stories and generating excitement
Lead team meetings effectively with variation, and links between team and individual roles
2. Facilitate open communication
Set up ground rules/list of agreed behaviours (meetings confidentiality, day-to-day work issues)
Group discussion
3. Provide appropriate leadership
Flexible direction according to situation (strong direction, eg. New person; standing back, empower team)
Fostering self direction
4. Develop cooperation
Be a positive role model - pitch in
Give rewards
Positive public feedback
Manage relationships with other groups - cooperation within and across
5. Continuous improvement
Review mistakes
Feedback culture
6. Common mistakes for team leaders
Providing insufficient coaching to bridge gaps
Expecting a 'team building' activity to carry everyone for a year
Not enough shared leadership
Not enough celebration of success
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
14 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Interviewer Eve Ash
Interviewee Peter Quarry
Discover what staff say about their managers and how you rate on an eight point checklist. Improve your rating.
1. Lead by example
Be a role model
Lend a hand - step in
Same rules for yourself as for team
Manager in customer service role with team
Be exemplary at own work
2. Build trust
Be consistent, not moody
Keep promises
Treat appointments for team members same as external
Stick by your word
Admit mistakes
Admit what you don't know
Be fair
3. Inspire and motivate
Be enthusiastic yourself
Be optimistic, positive
Give praise and encouragement regularly
4. Communicate effectively
Explain tasks and roles clearly - check understanding
Use appropriate method - spoken, writtenˇK
Ask for feedback on specific issues
Don't over-talk - cluster or group your information
5. Develop the team
Be there!
Understand skills needed
Identify gaps
Be a coach, mentor
Individual development
6. Be supportive
Understand concerns
Show empathy
Be flexible, creative in supporting through a specific problem
Support the most desired management characteristic according to surveys
7. Create a feedback culture
Encourage open, honest feedback
Ask for/welcome feedback yourself
Be non-defensive
Regular feedback
Time for each person
8. Focus on results
Don't do other behaviours, then miss this critical one!
Maintain focus on goals and how they can be achieved
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
14 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Interviewer Eve Ash
Interviewee Peter Quarry
What is the impact of the decline of the 'baby boomers' in workplaces? Learn why companies must retain these workers.
Does age discrimination exist?
50% of men over 45 years leaving jobs did so because of retrenchment, redundancy, mandatory retirement
Average hiring age is shrinking
According to research: 50% of senior managers and HR managers believe older workers are less productive; 73% of workers over 55 years feel age is limiting their careers
Myths about mature age workers
Unreliable because of health problems
Less flexible
Not "attractive", eg. For reception work
More expensive to employ and insure
Have physical limitations, prone to injury
Less easy to "mould" to positions
Facts about mature age workers:
Take less time off - many companies report drop in absenteeism rates after hiring older workers
Have fewer accidents per employee hour
Have better judgement and critical thinking ability - "have been around the block"
Higher productivity levels, more loyal than younger staff
More committed to excelling in their job
Over 55 year demographic has highest uptake of internet useage (IT is the only industry sector with a good balance of mature age and younger workers)
The advantages of having mature age workers:
Balance young (naive?) enthusiasm with mature wisdom
Knowledge transfer as Gen X workers take up senior roles
Mature workers help maintain the "organisational memory"
Promoting a mature age workforce:
Need better informed HR and line managers - challenging incorrect stereotypes, changing recruitment practices
Company-wide policies to encourage mature age workers - training programs; "eldercare" challenge; greater flexibility
Be an employer of choice
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
14 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Interviewer Eve Ash
Interviewee Peter Quarry
Practical advice explaining the steps to successful performance management.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
11 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Interviewer Eve Ash
Interviewee Peter Quarry
Learn to choose the right style of supervision for the right situation.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
14 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Interviewer Eve Ash
Interviewee Peter Quarry
Discover the challenges and opportunities awaiting the newly appointed supervisor.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
13 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 319.00
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Presenter Peter Quarry
An entertaining quiz to motivate managers and team leaders to improve the way they manage others.
The TV host presents 10 multiple choice questions covering key management issues. Viewers complete the quiz individually or in groups.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
20 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 405.00
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Use helicopter thinking, high energy, pragmatism and visionary leadership.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
14 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 295.00
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