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"The phenomenon of resident-to-resident incidents is now recognized as an international public health problem." - From the film
A large number of injurious resident-to-resident incidents in long-term care settings are not recognized, reported, nor prevented. Through the graphic and deeply painful experiences of three families whose vulnerable loved ones were either physically or sexually harmed, this powerful 20-minute film encourages care providers to improve care practices that would help prevent such episodes.
As it sheds light on the under-studied and under-recognized phenomenon of injurious and deadly resident-to-resident incidents, the film also emphasizes the need to understand that behavioral expressions labelled as "aggressive" in the context of dementia, typically occur when the "fighting" resident's own emotional and physical needs are not being met.
Fighting for Dignity provides a much-needed framework in which to:
1. recognize the potential consequences of serious incidents on residents (psychological distress, falls, physical injury, and death), and the profound emotional impact on their family members,
2. improve the safety of vulnerable and frail elders by recognizing the emotional cues and situational frustrations that can help prevent harmful incidents, and
3. offer a professional and timely response to harmful incidents, including the provision of adequate emotional support to family members.
The film is accompanied by an informative 76-slide PowerPoint that identifies:
Unmet human needs that often underscore behavioral expressions in persons living with dementia
The definition and prevalence of Distressing and Harmful Resident-to-Resident Interactions
Contributing factors, causes, and situational triggers
The effect of these episodes on residents and families
Persistent barriers for change in addressing these episodes
A series of psychosocial strategies for prevention and de-escalation
It also pinpoints the critical role of adequate staffing levels, specialized dementia-specific staff training programs, and the importance of personally meaningful engagement of residents living with dementia. Finally, it describes screening and assessment instruments that should be used as an integral part of all prevention efforts aimed at reducing these incidents and keeping residents with dementia safe.
A must-see training resource for all health care professionals, managers, administrators, and owners of nursing homes and assisted living residences, as well as, culture change advocates and policymakers.
This 5-chaptered DVD brings forth a thoughtful, much needed exploration of sexuality, intimacy, and dementia, and the complex issues that impact residents, family members, and care staff. Through five 15- to 20-minute videos, the DVD looks at the relevant concerns of intimacy and sexuality on quality of life, freedom to express sexuality, capacity to consent, resident protections, and potential legal ramifications. It also touches on the needs of LGBT residents, how to address resident-to-resident and resident-to-visitor encounters, and how to find workable solutions with the support of family members.
The 5-DVD Chapters cover:
Part 1: The Effects of Dementia on Intimacy and Sexuality
Part 2: Responding to Sexual Expressions
Part 3: Consensual Intimacy and Sexuality
Part 4: Spousal and Family Responses
Part 5: Non-consensual Intimacy and Sexuality
This DVD poses many relevant questions, and is designed to equip care staff with a well-rounded understanding of the sensitive issues concerning intimacy, sexuality, and the rights of persons with dementia, as well as, how to respond to expressions of sexuality in a manner that promotes both resident dignity and safety.
Through five short trigger scenarios involving assistance for a person living with dementia, this DVD presents care situations that will open up discussion on how best to provide resident-specific support and assistance. Each brief scenario is designed to demonstrate the impact of a caregiver's tone, actions, and level of sensitivity to the resident's needs. This up-close-and-personal look at caregiving will give caregivers a chance to dissect and analyze how they provide care, and foster a deeper understanding of how to interact positively with persons living with dementia.
When a resident won't sit long enough to eat, or insists on leaving, or wanders into potentially unsafe areas - what do you do?
This 20-minute DVD will help. Using real people and real situations, it offers thought-provoking insights into wandering behavior, and shows effective examples of providing person-centered care to residents who wander or insist on leaving. It also shows how an interdisciplinary approach to understanding and adjusting care to each resident's specific needs can promote independence and safety, and identifies environmental cues that can help deter wandering into unsafe or private areas (such as, another resident's room).
Includes strategies for:
Working with residents who wander at night
Working with residents who keep leaving the building
Working with residents who move items or get into things
Caregivers will be inspired to find creative, flexible ways to redirect and engage persons who wander or want to leave.
Learn how person-centered care can positiviely impact each day for persons with dementia...
This DVD shows how to make a hands-on shift to person-centered dementia care that engages the whole person and creates a support system based on each resident's needs and preferences.
From natural wake-ups to music therapy, the DVD looks at the benefits of involving residents in their care as much as possible, finding ways to help them to "continue" living life the way they prefer, and engaging them in personalized activities that boost self-esteem and interaction. It also empowers nursing assistants to act upon (and communicate to other team members) their first-hand knowledge of each resident to ensure a better understanding of their care needs.
"Who is this person - without dementia? If we can tap into who this person is, we can help their adjustment, and the process that they go through." - from the DVD
Through hands-on stories and examples, this chaptered DVD shows the positive impact of person-centered care. When caregivers meet persons with dementia "where they are" and find creative and engaging ways to connect with each individual, based on their needs and preferences, life is better for both residents and staff.
The DVD includes the case study of Elaine, a resident who, for extended periods of time, attempts to leave the facility and go home. By pinpointing the importance of knowing the resident, it shows how her "exit-seeking" behavior is addressed and managed in the context of who she is and what she needs at that particular time.
The DVD also shows how to make life richer for the residents who have dementia by
This culture-changing DVD demonstrates (though real interactions) how person-centered care and knowledge of the resident can reduce dementia-related episodes, such as, sundowning and aggressive-protective reactions when bathing, and wanting to leave.
As it pinpoints the crucial role of the CAN as caregiver and friend, it also shows the importance of communicating directly, and creating a true "relationship" with persons with dementia. Caregivers will learn valuable tips to redirect and lessen anxieties for persons with dementia while preserving their personal autonomy and dignity.
This DVD shows how to administer and interpret the Braden Scale for predicting pressure sore risks in home, hospital, and long-term care environments. Encouraging a visual-and-touch skin assessment in conjunction with the Braden scale, it specifies what to look for, how to prevent pressure ulcers, and how to assist patients with maintaining skin integrity after discharge. Covers the 6 dimensions of the Braden Scale: sensory perception, moisture, activity, mobility, nutrition, and friction and shear.
Failure to identify transient urinary incontinence may result in established urinary incontinence, a problem which affects over 17 million adults, and puts older adults at risk for further complications, such as, skin breakdown, falls, and placement in long-term care settings. Using an actual case study, this DVD demonstrates the best practices for assessing and treating transient urinary incontinence, a skill which all healthcare providers can develop and apply within their practice setting.
This program shows how morale can affect the entire team dynamic in terms of productivity and energy levels. It identifies situations that lower or boost team morale, and gives suggestions on how to keep staff focused on their team goal - providing the best quality of care to residents.
When aggressive behavior happens, does your staff know how to respond quickly and safely to contain the behavior in a way that prevents injury to both the resident and themselves?
This program deals with the common problem of Finger Grabs. Your staff will learn the preventive, non-physical interventions for minimizing violent episodes and, if necessary, the physical interventions to contain aggressive behaviors while preserving the dignity of the resident.
This program presents a contemporary overview of residents' rights in the long term care context. It covers how residents' rights can be affected by other characteristics of today's long term care environment, including:
Increased cultural, ethnic, language and age diversity
More time and work-flow pressure on staff
The impact of outside stresses on staff, especially for single parents and employees working two jobs
What residents' rights are and why they are so important in the life and culture of a long term care facility
The specific rights everyone in a nursing home must understand and uphold
What staff, residents and family members should know about dealing with concerns and complaints early and effectively
Each year, approximately half of all residents in nursing care and assisted living facilities will fall, with over 40% falling more than once. This program will help you and your staff maintain an effective fall prevention program in your facility. The program will teach staff:
The factors and conditions that increase the risk of a resident fall
The importance of assessing each resident for risk of falling
Interventions relating to environmental, medical and behavioral causes of falls
The role of a creative and problem-solving approach in matching appropriate interventions to a specific resident's situation
The importance of good communications within the care team, so that everyone has a clear picture of the interventions in use and everyone gives their support
The importance on investigating and adjusting interventions promptly whenever a fall happens
What to do during and immediately after a resident fall
This DVD training program presents a comprehensive mealtime program that focuses on principles of resident autonomy and person centered care. Special attention is devoted to identifying the needs of people with dementia.
The program covers:
The effects of dementia of communications, behavior and eating.
Creating dining experiences with less distraction.
How to prepare and serve food in a way that enables the resident to eat as independently as possible.
This program is made up exclusively of the reflections and comments of several older residents in a long term care facility talking about what it is like for them to give up a certain amount of independence as they experience increased physical frailty.
This program is an excellent resource for professionals who work with residents in long term care facilities. It is also valuable for viewing by older adults themselves.
Seven years after the original film "My Mother, My Father" was produced, this program visits each of the four families again, exploring the changes that have taken place over the years in family dynamics and in caregiving needs. In addition the caregivers themselves reflect on their own aging and what plans they are making for when they grow older and possibly become more dependent on someone else for care.