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The most comprehensive collection of fatigue and fracture technical information and data ever assembled on one disc - more than 10,000 pages in all!
The Fatigue and Fracture Reference Library DVD provides a complete guide to the fatigue and fracture behavior of irons, steels, nonferrous alloys, and composites. Subject coverage includes fundamentals, fatigue mechanisms, fatigue strength, fracture mechanics, fatigue and fracture control, and much more.
This DVD will be an invaluable resource to materials engineers, failure analysts, and researchers in a broad range of industries.
The Aluminum Reference Library DVD provides a complete guide to the selection, designations, processing, properties, and performance of aluminum and aluminum alloys. All commercial and standard grades of aluminum and aluminum alloys are covered.
The Materials Science & Technology Conference is devoted to exploring structure, processing, and applications across multiple materials systems. This proceedings volume contains the full text, in PDF format, of papers from the MS&T 2011 conference. The searchable CD can be browsed by symposium, author, or keyword. The MS&T Conference is organized by a partnership among the American Ceramics Society (ACerS), the Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST), ASM International, and The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS).
The Stainless Steels Reference Library DVD provides a complete guide to the selection, designations, processing, properties, and performance of stainless steel alloys. All commercial grades are covered, with especially extensive coverage provided for austenitic alloys such as type 304.
For centuries, scientists and engineers have been making things bigger and better. Now some scientists are trying to make things smaller and better in hopes of solving some of the world's biggest problems. These scientists and engineers are working in specialties of micro engineering and nanotechnology to develop microscopic and atom-sized solutions in fields such as medicine, environmental pollution, and information technology.
The Materials Science & Technology Conference is devoted to exploring structure, processing, and applications across multiple materials systems. This proceedings volume contains the full text, in PDF format, of papers from the MS&T 2010 conference. The searchable CD can be browsed by symposium, author, or keyword.
The Titanium Reference Library DVD provides a complete guide to the selection, designations, processing, properties, and performance of titanium and titanium alloys. All commercial grades of commercially pure titanium and titanium alloys are covered. Especially extensive coverage is provided for alloy Ti-6Al-4V, the workhorse of the titanium industry.
If we can't measure a product quickly, precisely, and inexpensively, then we can't build it. This is especially true at the nanoscale. Nanometrology encompasses the cutting edge technologies of measuring structures in terms of a billionth of a meter-significantly below the wavelength of light.
In this DVD you will travel to talk to the world's leading experts at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), FEI Company, and The University of Michigan's Electron Microbeam Analysis Laboratory (EMAL) to learn how advanced nanometrology instruments are aiding the production of high-performance nano-enabled products. Learn detailed information on the two major types of microscopes in use today, which are based on either an energy beam made up of electrons or ions, or a scanning probe with a sharp tip. The energy beam methods may use electrons, such as in an S-E-M (scanning electron microscope), and the T-E-M (transmission electron microscope), or they may use ionized atoms, such as in the F-I-B (focused ion beam). The scanning probes include the S-T-M (scanning tunneling microscopy), and the A-F-M (atomic force microscopy).
The main program is presented in the following clear-cut sections: What is nanotechnology?; Units: micrometer and nanometer; Special properties of nanoparticles; The Gecko Effect; Carbon Nanotubes; Surface energy; Hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces; the Lotus effect; Use of lasers in nanotechnology; Issues raised by nanotechnology. Because nanotechnology works with the metric unit nanometer and micrometer, this program uses metric units. However, this should not affect a student's understanding of the concepts presented in the program.
Molecular nanotechnology (MNT) promises to usher in the next Industrial Revolution with a new, radically precise, less expensive, and more flexible way of making products. Like steam engines, electricity, and transistors, nanomanufacturing is poised to completely impact business and industry worldwide. Yet every aspect of nanoscale science and the commercial production of nanotechnology will depend on the capacity of these tools to measure, sense, manipulate, and fabricate matter at the molecular level.
Nanomanufacturing highlights the current, near-term, and future applications of this technology. You will see how nanotechnology is transforming the way we manufacture products using innovative top-down fabrication and bottom-up assembly techniques that use matter to build complex products with atom-precision.
PLUS! Only this program can take you inside Nanorex, NanoInk, Zyvex, General Dynamics and NASA to provide an authoritative, first-hand look into the applications of molecular manufacturing. Highlights and case studies will focus on:
CAD Simulation Tools for the design and analysis of productive nanosystem.
Dip-pen Nanolithography.
Molecular Assemblers & Manipulators.
The use of carbon nanotubes in commercial viable products.
Improved performance characteristics and design functionality of aerospace applications, including NASA's mission to Mars.
N is for Nanotechnology is an "everyman's" look at how the future will be impacted by this sub-microscopic technology marvel. Nanotechnology is already revolutionizing the fields of material science and chemistry and helping global business and industry sectors from medicine to aerospace achieve new and exciting breakthroughs. This documentary explores the theories and initiatives of several leading nanoscience researchers and scientists, with regard to the potential of nanotechnology to revolutionize modern science and industry.
Sensationalized through science fiction and the media, nanotechnology is often misunderstood by the general public. Will nano-sized robots perform molecular surgeries? Will self-replicating nanostructures help clean the environment or destroy the planet? N is for Nanotechnology explores the hype, hopes, and facts of this fascinating new field, as seen through the eyes of award-winning scientists, commercial innovators, and writers.
"I recommend "N" is for Nanotechnology to anyone who wishes to understand nanotechnology basics." -NAPRA
Public's Choice Award: International Festival of Maritime & Exploration Films, France
An In-depth Technical Discussion with Tim McKnight, PhD, Engineering Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN, USA . Interviews and Edited by Professor Paul G. RankyA
The discussion topics include case-by-case, in-depth introduction and demonstration of New Product & Process Innovation (NPPI) methods and solutions in the area of Massively Parallel Microfabrication of Nanostructural Materials, and Nanotechnology Devices with Several Hi-tech Application Examples, including the Nanofabrication of the Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanofiber (VACNF) and Nanofiber Arrays for Intracellular Electrophysiology and Electrochemical Diagnostics, Massively Parallel Gene and Drug Delivery, and others.
An Interview with Andrew Pierro, Sales Manager, NY Region, Festo Corporation, USA. Interviews & Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky
This publication is a professional quality DVD covering Festo factory automation components and systems in a Visual Factory Management & Control (VFM) framework. VFM is an integrated set of methods and technologies for the purpose of reducing waste at all levels, improving profitability, increasing lean production control, product & process quality, productivity, safety, on-demand / just-in-time (JIT) production / delivery, and employee morale in a factory, or virtually in any business. In this DVD we focus on factory automation components & systems, including ISO & NFPA standard cylinders, guide & slide units, rotary actuators, rodless linear actuators & displacement encoders, pneumatic grippers, precision parallel grippers, grippers for harsh environments, swivel grippers, and others, air filtering, air diagnostics, Rockwell Automation integration solutions with Fieldbus, Ethernet / IP and other technologies, plug-and-play valve manifold I/O for Ethernet / IP enabled controllers, remote device / system monitoring & troubleshooting over the web, Festo CPV valve terminals for DeviceNet, fast switching valves, fluid muscle cylinders, servo valves to control the hard stop, various integrated systems, and other factory automation & control solutions.
Steve Fonash - Director, Penn State Nanofabrication Facility, Penn State University. Nanotechnology has been predicted to be the progenitor of the second industrial revolution. Some of the approaches to making this exciting potential of nanotechnology into manufacturing reality are assessed. This program answers the big questions about Nanotechnology like, what manufacturing advantages does Nanotechnology offer?, how can Nanofabrication be done in a manufacturable way?, and shows examples of what is currently being done.
Steve Fonash - Director Penn State Nanofabrication Facility, Penn State University.
This program explains, "What Is Nanotechnology", and why is it being called "The Machine Shop Technology of the 21st Century"? This presentation is a description of what the popular press calls nanotechnology and presents an overview of what it is and what it is not. Both top-down and bottom-up nanotechnology is described.
Thermal spray technology provides a cost-effective solution for many applications requiring resistance to wear, heat and corrosion
Processes including electric arc combustion and plasma spray coatings can apply almost any material to the surface of another
Coating systems must be engineered and applied correctly to operate as an overlay surface
This course provides an understanding of thermal spray processing science as well as applications and practice
The DVD Testing & Characterization: Preparation and Procedures focuses on: