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Weekly New Releases - Psychology & Psychotherapy
With Dolores Gallagher-Thompson, PhD, ABPP
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective and appropriate approach for late-life depression because it is problem focused, examining and treating present-day problems that negatively impact the client's quality of life. Established empirical studies support the use of standard CBT with older clients, and subsequent research has reinforced CBT's effectiveness when tailored to fit the needs of this prominent population.
In this video, Dr. Dolores Gallagher-Thompson works with an older woman with depression, demonstrating the technical assets of CBT while skillfully building an effective therapeutic relationship with the client.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2013 / Approx. 100 minutes
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With Clara E. Hill, PhD
In this DVD, Clara E. Hill demonstrates her three-stage model for working with dreams, where she works with the client to explore the dream in detail, find insights by expanding on initial interpretations of the dream, and consolidate those insights and take action to address issues in her waking life.
The first stage, exploration, is informed by client-centered theory and involves enlarging key images of the dream to enhance their vividness and help the client experience them again with emotion and depth. In the second stage, insight, client and therapist take what they've learned from the exploration process and conceptualize what the dream means to the client's present life. The third stage of action allows the client to apply her understanding of the dream and determine what waking changes should be made based on newfound knowledge from the dream.
In this session, Dr. Hill and the client discuss at length a dream that the client has had recurrently since she was 18 years old. Recurring dreams often represent recurring themes in people's lives, and the client considers the powerful notion that if she can gain insight into her dream, she could perhaps change her life.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2013 / Approx. 100 minutes
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With Andrew Christensen, PhD
Integrative behavioral couple therapy (IBCT) is an empirically validated approach that integrates the twin goals of acceptance and change as positive outcomes for couples in therapy. Using a variety of treatment strategies in a consistent behavioral theoretical framework, IBCT's key features include emphases on case formulation, emotional acceptance as a basis for concrete change, and evocative rather than prescriptive interventions.
IBCT is keenly focused on the emotional underpinnings of a couple's problems as the therapist offers a conceptualization of the problem from an IBCT perspective and engages in a variety of strategies to promote greater emotional acceptance as well as concrete change.
In this demonstration, Andrew Christensen works to give the couple a dyadic perspective on their problems and uses the IBCT interventions of empathic joining and unified detachment to evoke compassionate and caring responses from the couple.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2012 / Approx. 100 minutes
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With Jeffrey E. Young, PhD
Schema therapy is an innovative, integrated therapeutic approach, originally developed as an expansion of traditional cognitive-behavioral treatments. This therapeutic method blends the active, structured elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with the more depth-oriented and emotion-focused strategies used in other approaches.
In comparison to CBT, schema therapy emphasizes lifelong patterns (or schemas), affective change techniques, and the therapeutic relationship, integrating all of these strategies as opposed to focusing on just one of them.
Schema Therapy With Couples demonstrates this integrative method, in which each partner's schemas are explored to determine how they interact and connect. Dr. Jeffrey E. Young works with a couple to identify the conflicts they experience, how these conflicts are linked to each partner's schemas, and how they can better express to each other what they need in the relationship.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2012 / Approx. 100 minutes
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With John C. Norcross, PhD
Integrative Therapy involves selecting models and methods from across orientations to best suit a particular client and context. Meta-analyses demonstrate that tailoring therapy to the individual client enhances treatment effectiveness.
John C. Norcross's approach to integrative psychotherapy systematically matches evidence-based treatment methods and healing relationships to the client on the basis of multiple transdiagnostic features, including stage of change, reactance level, culture, and preferences.
In this video, Dr. Norcross works with a young man named Jason who seeks to improve both his self-care regimen and interpersonal relationships. Dr. Norcross assesses Jason's stages of change and preferences in these areas, addresses his multiple treatment goals, and applies different relationship stances to help move him forward.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2012 / Approx. 100 minutes
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With Donald K. Freedheim, PhD
Short-term dynamic psychotherapy applies psychoanalytic principles to define and understand the dynamics and problems that clients bring to the therapy session. The aim of this approach is to uncover the feelings or thoughts that interfere with a client's relationships, communication, and daily functioning.
To be effective, the therapist must work quickly to engage the client in the therapeutic process, uncovering defenses and gaining the trust of the client in a brief time. As the therapist forms an alliance that allows honest communication, both parties explore any relevant historical and current events that may prevent healthy functioning.
In this video, Donald K. Freedheim works with a single parent who initially presents with concerns and anxieties about her daughter's well-being. As the demonstration unfolds, Dr. Freedheim deftly shifts the focus back to the client herself and uncovers the client's key issue - her unexpressed anger - and explores how that anger has interfered with the development of healthy relationships.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2012 / Approx. 100 minutes
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By Donald Meichenbaum
In this lively interview, Meichenbaum discusses early intervention strategies for children and adolescents who are prone to bullying and violent behaviors, the neurological consequences of abuse and neglect, and the components of stress inoculation used to break the cycle of violence.
In this engaging interview with CBT and agression expert Dr. Donald Meichenbaum discusses violence and aggression, from origin to treatment. Drawing upon his unique expertise, he articulates both how violent individuals are created and the thoughts that drive violent behavior. Meichenbaum advocates for stress "Stress-Inoculation Training," which he describes as the "best evidence-based intervention in working with angry and aggressive individuals."
By watching this video you will:
Describe key components of Meichenbaum's theory of early childhood development and its relationship to violence and aggression
Identify the predictors for violence and the interventions used in schools to decrease violent behavior
Explain the key elements of effective treatment for violence
DVD (With English Subtitles) / 33 minutes
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By Peter Fonagy
In this lively and engaging interview, Peter Fonagy, PhD, offers both a theoretical foundation for understanding violent behaviors as well as practical tools for clinicians working with violent offenders.
In this video, Peter Fonagy, PhD, eloquently articulates effective methods of intervening with violent behavior. He begins with child development, emphasizing that early attachment often inhibits violent tendencies. Providing viewers with a series of effective examples, Fonagy discusses the importance of mentalization or self-reflective functioning as a method for intervening with violence. He also addresses social factors affecting violence, risk factors and thoughts that drive violent behavior, and counseling violent offenders in a variety of settings, including in prisons, group therapy and individual therapy.
By watching this video you will:
Describe Fonagy's psychosocial approach to understanding and treating violent offenders
Understand the importance of facilitating mentalization with violent offenders and learn tools to utilize it with clients
Identify the specific skills necessary to work safely with violent individuals
DVD (With English Subtitles) / 65 minutes
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By Christian Conte
In this lively and instructive video, watch anger management expert, Christian Conte, PhD, present his comprehensive and practical theory for treating-and healing-even the most violent offenders.
Conte's easygoing style and use of stories and metaphors create a memorable experience, so you will easily recall the tools when they next arise in session. You will never again have to resort to outdated techniques: instead, you can pair your compassion and understanding with the modern, tested methods of a master trainer. Whether shown to clients in an anger management group or loaned to clients to watch as homework, this video will be a valuable resource in every therapist or counselor's library.
By watching this video, you will:
Learn the key components of Conte's anger management model
Identify the different types of rage people experience, as well as their psychological origin
Understand the tools for de-escalating anger and making healthier choices in moments of conflict
DVD (With Instructor's Manual, English Subtitles) / 75 minutes
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By Jon Kabat-Zinn, Myla Kabat-Zinn
Most parents would agree that parenting is one of the most stressful occupations on the planet, for which there is very little training. Here Jon and Myla Kabat-Zinn, preeminent experts on mindful parenting, combine ancient wisdom with the latest psychological research to offer tools and techniques to help parents-and the therapists who treat them-navigate the challenges of parenting.
Mindfulness is paying attention purposefully and without judgment to the present moment; mindful parenting is about bringing that quality of awareness to relationships with children of all ages. Guiding a live studio audience in an exploration of the fundamentals of mindful parenting, the Kabat-Zinns share how parents can practice and apply mindfulness for their own well-being and to enhance their relationships with their children. From getting the most out of ordinary moments in a family's day, to navigating challenging situations, to creating a haven in the home, viewers will learn simple and profound ways to cultivate a deeper intimacy with the present moment, thereby deriving greater satisfaction out of the extraordinary enterprise of parenting.
Parents, step-parents, parent educators, and therapists will find this video filled with healing principles and highly practical tools. Conveniently organized segments, exercises, and slides make it easy to use for parent education classes and workshops.
By watching this video, you will be able to:
Understand how to practice mindfulness and how it is relevant to parenting
Identify the nine steps parents can use for responding rather than reacting in difficult situations
Explain how to create a space in the home that reflects the family's values
DVD (With English subtitles) / 115 minutes
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By Jon Kabat-Zinn
In an era of smartphones, Facebook, and endless distractions, practicing mindfulness is a radical act. Kabat-Zinn defines mindfulness as purposefully and non-judgmentally paying attention to the present moment, as if your life depended on it. Preoccupied with planning for the future or ruminating about the past, the present moment so often gets completely overlooked, robbing us of the opportunity to be fully, consciously, and responsibly alive. Mindfulness is the antidote to this tendency to sleepwalk through our days, and an invitation to reclaim our lives.
Mindfulness-based therapies have been empirically validated as highly effective for reducing stress and preventing relapse in depression and addictions. Furthermore, research indicates that therapy outcomes are much improved when the therapist practices mindfulness. Whatever your therapeutic approach, cultivating mindfulness will enable you to be more fully present with your clients, while enhancing empathy and strengthening the therapeutic alliance. Whether you're wanting to cultivate your own awareness of that of your clients, this video will point you in the right direction.
By watching this video, you will be able to:
Define mindfulness and understand the significance of practice
Explain how mindfulness applies to parenting
Describe how mindfulness is used in psychotherapy
DVD (With English subtitles) / 43 minutes
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By Tobi Klein
In these live sessions, master psychodramatist Tobi Klein, MSW, teaches the core principles and techniques of psychodrama.
Ready to bring more vitality into your sessions? Psychodrama offers a wide array of action-oriented techniques that help clients get out of their heads and into their bodies, moving beyond what is possible in traditional talk therapy. This video offers a thorough introduction to the key concepts and methodology of psychodrama, and will prove useful not only for those who facilitate actual psychodramas, but also for more traditional therapists seeking tools and techniques to engage clients in new ways.
Calling on teachings from psychodrama's founder, J.L. Moreno, master psychodramatist Tobi Klein offers an enriching learning experience by directing three live psychodramas while simultaneously teaching viewers the how-to's. Her demonstrations and explanations highlight how compelling, cathartic, and effective this approach can be.
By watching this video, you will:
Learn how to direct psychodramas that allow clients to have corrective emotional experiences and see their conflicts in a new light
Understand the three stages and five personae core to Klein's approach
Identify several key psychodrama techniques, such as doubling and role-reversal
DVD (With Instructor's Manual, English subtitles) / Approx. 80 minutes
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