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Are all people capable of murder? What drives people to violence? Can TV affect our actions and even influence us to acts of violence? This interview-led documentary style program examines aggressive media, aggressive behaviour and the banality of evil with the support of original film footage of research and actual crimes. An excellent resource for studies in applied psychology, this program features research psychologists providing explanations and reasoning behind aggression.
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This program includes both historical and current research methods and models of attachment behaviour. We examine Bowlby, a British psychologist, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, notable for his pioneering work in attachment theory. An excellent resource for studies in both academic and applied psychology, this program explores Bowlby's '44 juvenile thieves' study and the effects of separation, patterns of attachment, behaviourism, nurturance as well as security, and insecure-resistant and insecure avoidant children.
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Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective and appropriate approach for late-life depression because it is problem focused, examining and treating present-day problems that negatively impact the client's quality of life. Established empirical studies support the use of standard CBT with older clients, and subsequent research has reinforced CBT's effectiveness when tailored to fit the needs of this prominent population.
In this video, Dr. Dolores Gallagher-Thompson works with an older woman with depression, demonstrating the technical assets of CBT while skillfully building an effective therapeutic relationship with the client.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2013 / Approx. 100 minutes
This informative and useful resource will answer questions on a variety of important aspects that students find challenging when studying Psychology. This is the first in the series of the new Concepts In Psychology collection and looks at issues such as What are Ethics? Free will and Determination, Situational Theory, Ethical Issues in Psychology along with a short clip introducing psychology as a subject. Presented by Dr Steven Taylor and chaptered for ease of use, this resource will be invaluable for all psychology students.
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The way we make assessments about many people every day is by looking at their face. Faces tell us basic information such as gender, approximate age and possible ethnicity. But we also learn to read faces to gather clues about what sort of person someone is or how they might be feeling. But how do we do this and why do some people suffer prosopagnosia - or the inability to recognize faces? This film explores the fascinating topic of face recognition, including recognizing faces, reading faces and the Bruce-Young model, and blindness to faces. This program is an excellent resource for students of Psychology.
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The early 1990s saw a dramatic rise in the use-or misuse-of repressed memory as a psychoanalytic tool. While more and more therapists were encouraging their adult patients to revive supposedly long-buried recollections of childhood sexual abuse, a small minority of experts began to question that methodology-chief among them a cognitive psychologist named Elizabeth Loftus. This film shows how Dr. Loftus challenged the trend of memory "recovery" even as she expanded and enriched the study of human memory in contemporary psychology. Interviews with Loftus are combined with fascinating accounts of her role as an expert witness in the trial of George Thomas Franklin as well as her groundbreaking studies in imagination inflation, the uncertainty of eyewitness testimony, and the positive use of invented memory in palliative and nutritional medicine.
Might an African nation with a long history of apartheid and one that experienced only a brief period of colonization have different national mores? Could citizens of either type of country hold the same views as second-generation Asian-Americans? Are there beliefs about societal behavior that are common to all peoples? In this program, college students from Ethiopia, South Africa, and the U.S. discuss what Geert Hofstede called "the five dimensions of culture"-regard for individuality, gender roles, ability to tolerate social change, hierarchy, and long-term planning. As the students explain how these values are expressed in their home countries, viewers learn which attitudes are unique and which are shared by communities around the world.
Traditionally, psychologists have focused on what goes wrong in people's lives rather than what's going right, but theorists now are shifting their attention to the dynamics of thriving individuals and communities. Approaching the concept from diverse cultural perspectives, this program identifies factors that lead to lasting happiness for both American and Ethiopian students. Dr. Alexis Karris Bachic provides an overview of positive psychology as she debunks the notion that lottery winners must be happier than the poor; and while the two groups of students pursue joy in different ways, Bachic maintains that gratitude, pursuing goals, and good personal relationships are fundamental to well-being across all cultures.
Although Ethiopia and the U.S. are worlds apart economically, citizens of both countries cite the same factors when asked what makes their lives meaningful. Is it possible that humanitarian ideals could play a part once a community's basic survival needs are met? This program discusses the role of altruism in personal happiness, profiling individuals from vastly different cultures who all say that helping others is key. Experts in positive psychology explain how the charitable impulse relates to well-being, and the link is further explored when African and American volunteers from four international philanthropic groups tell why they get involved. In addition, the video looks at how, when, and why altruism develops in children.
Culture influences how a client develops and expresses emotional distress and how that distress is healed through therapeutic intervention. Multicultural Care in Practice emphasizes culturally adapting psychotherapy to the needs of the clients, employing cultural competence to maximally connect with clients.
Becoming culturally competent involves a clinical commitment to gaining knowledge and awareness of the client's attitudes, which enables the clinician to intellectually, affectively, and culturally empathize with the client and demonstrate cultural sensitivity - showing awareness, interest, and commitment to recognizing the client's culture in all aspects of the therapeutic relationship.
Multicultural care practitioners recognize the importance of clinical competence. However, they also recognize the value of cultural competence, and research indicates that clients who perceive their therapist to be culturally competent have better outcomes in therapy.
In this demonstration, Dr. Lillian Comas-Diaz works with an African American woman who is making a decision about dating a partner outside of her own culture. Dr. Comas-Diaz demonstrates cultural empathy in working with the client, discussing how this decision will impact the client's relationship with her family and how to preserve that relationship while remaining true to herself.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2013 / Approx. 100 minutes
Stepfamilies and first families have markedly different dynamics and developmental cycles, and clinicians too often approach stepfamily work with insufficient understanding of these differences.
Scott Browning's stepfamily therapy model differs from standard practice in its emphasis on stabilizing each family subsystem before moving on to more integrative work with the whole stepfamily. This model holds that stepfamilies are especially aided by comprehending the systemic dynamics that influence them, and that this understanding mitigates frustration with differences in personality style and leads to recognizing the importance of every family member's role. Specific interventions used by the therapist normalize the experiences of family members, which helps to shift perceptions and clarify intentions.
In this demonstration, Dr. Browning helps a stepfamily to normalize their experience, increase empathy among stepfamily members, identify mistaken beliefs and misperceptions that cause tension, and uncover techniques to avert issues that create impasses.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2013 / Approx. 100 minutes
Sleep - it's something we do every day, but why do we sleep and why are psychologists so interested in sleep? What happens if we don't sleep? Sleep has been the subject of extensive research over many years, and while our knowledge and understanding about sleep, and the role it plays in keeping us healthily alive, has advanced considerably over the past few decades, there is still much we don't know. This film examines sleep and why human beings do it, the four stages of sleep, and the causes and impact of not sleeping.
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Accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP) is both a theory of transformational process and a model of psychotherapy with three fundamental elements
emotion processing
Emphasizing the regulation and processing of relatedness and emotion, AEDP integrates psychodynamic and relational elements within an affect-centered experiential framework. This approach is effective with male clients because it avoids pathologizing problems, and instead affirms strengths and reflects positive qualities to offset commonly negative expectations of treatment.
In this phase-oriented treatment, Dr. Diana Fosha first focuses on building the relationship and establishing safety, simultaneously working with anxiety and attending to interferences with core emotion. She then helps the client to gain visceral access to experience, using moment-to-moment tracking of fluctuations in affect. Next, Dr. Fosha affirms and processes the experience of transformation by drawing attention to its positive and healing effects. Finally, the client is able to construct a coherent, cohesive narrative, with newfound personal truth and strengthened sense of self.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2013 / Approx. 100 minutes
In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety, Amy Wenzel demonstrates the execution of this system of psychotherapy, which is based on the premise that inaccurate and unhelpful ways of thinking about oneself, the world, and the future have the potential to cause, exacerbate, and maintain emotional distress. Cognitive behavioral therapy's efficacy has been demonstrated extensively in empirical studies for a wide range of clinical presentations, including depression, anxiety, anger, addictions, personality disorders, and adjustment to medical illness.
In this demonstration, Dr. Wenzel works with a young woman who experiences life interference and substantial distress due to social anxiety. Dr. Wenzel uses cognitive restructuring to engage the client to identify, evaluate, and modify situational thoughts and underlying beliefs related to her anxiety.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2013 / Approx. 100 minutes
Emotion-focused therapy for trauma (EFTT) is an evidence-based, short-term, individual therapy for adult clients dealing with issues stemming from child abuse trauma.
In this program, Dr. Sandra C. Paivio is featured in a clinical demonstration of EFTT, and further outlines its strategies for reprocessing trauma feelings and memories and working directly with emotional processes to bring about client change.
EFTT posits that the therapeutic relationship and emotional processing of trauma memories are mechanisms of change. By emphasizing access to previously inhibited adaptive feelings and meanings, the clinician and client can use the adaptive information associated with these emotions to modify maladaptive meanings associated with fear, avoidance, and shame.
In Emotion-Focused Therapy for Trauma, Dr. Paivio works with a young woman who has a history of trauma and current symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. Dr. Paivio first works to establish an alliance with the client to build safety and collaborate on the tasks and goals for therapy, then helps the client to allow the painful feelings and memories associated with traumatic events. Dr. Paivio helps her to express her anger at violation and sadness at loss, accessing self-soothing resources and compassion for self in the process.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2013 / Approx. 100 minutes
In Emotion-Focused Therapy in Practice, Jeanne C. Watson demonstrates her approach to psychotherapy, which helps to facilitate change in clients' psychological, emotional, and interpersonal functioning.
Emotion-focused therapy (EFT), the process-experiential approach, is rooted in experiential psychotherapy and emphasizes the role of "experiencing" in the change process. The primary goals of this approach are to promote more effective emotional processing and affect regulation, as well as enhanced differentiation of self and other to increase autonomy and self-care in relationships, and to engender more positive treatment of self.
In EFT, the therapeutic relationship is seen as central to the change process - not only as a facilitator of the development of a positive working alliance, but also as an active ingredient of change.
This program features Dr. Watson's work with a young woman who has experienced abandonment and trauma. Dr. Watson demonstrates maximal responsiveness to the client - establishing empathy, acceptance, genuineness, and prizing - to help the client feel safe and to begin to explore her emotional experience and conceptualize her grief.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2013 / Approx. 100 minutes
In this DVD, Clara E. Hill demonstrates her three-stage model for working with dreams, where she works with the client to explore the dream in detail, find insights by expanding on initial interpretations of the dream, and consolidate those insights and take action to address issues in her waking life.
The first stage, exploration, is informed by client-centered theory and involves enlarging key images of the dream to enhance their vividness and help the client experience them again with emotion and depth. In the second stage, insight, client and therapist take what they've learned from the exploration process and conceptualize what the dream means to the client's present life. The third stage of action allows the client to apply her understanding of the dream and determine what waking changes should be made based on newfound knowledge from the dream.
In this session, Dr. Hill and the client discuss at length a dream that the client has had recurrently since she was 18 years old. Recurring dreams often represent recurring themes in people's lives, and the client considers the powerful notion that if she can gain insight into her dream, she could perhaps change her life.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2013 / Approx. 100 minutes
This DVD describes how psychological first aid evolved, and explains for whom it's designed, who can deliver it, and when and where it should be used. The presenters outline the basic goals of psychological first aid, including establishing a human connection, providing safety and comfort, and meeting immediate needs. They go on to describe the guidelines for its use, such as modeling healthy responses, maintaining confidentiality, observing without intruding, and staying in one's role.
Working as a first responder plunges one into a tumultuous world. This program delves into the many challenges mental health first responders face in trying to meet survivors' needs while not becoming over-stressed themselves. Topics include behaviors to avoid, working with children and elders, culture and language issues, and secondary trauma. The crucial importance of attending both to self-care and to the needs of other team members is emphasized.
Preeminent psychoanalyst Otto Kernberg doesn't back down in this series of three diagnostic Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (TFP) sessions with a paranoid client struggling with suicidal depression after being left by his girlfriend.
Alfred, a 40-year-old client seamlessly portrayed by Dutch actor Henk Grashuis, is an extremely challenging client who manifests significant Axis II issues. This solitary night receptionist struggles with suicidal ideation, anger, and a sense that he has been treated unfairly by his sister and ex-girlfriend-all of which is hidden behind a brittle defensiveness that could spark a strong countertransference reaction in many therapists. Kernberg patiently conducts an initial assessment interspersed with Transference-Focused Psychotherapy techniques, including diagnostic "structural interviewing" regarding symptoms, personality, degree of identity diffusion or integration, and reality testing.
Relational, analytic, and attachment-oriented, Kernberg attends to Alfred in an engaged yet neutral way that gradually allows him to speak with less caution, reveal a desire for connection, and commit to further therapy. Relentless in his commitment to his client, Kernberg graciously offers us a substantial primer on TFP that's sure to leave you impressed and inspired.
By watching this video, you will:
Learn the four principles of TFP's "structural interview" model.
Understand how a TFP therapist assesses for personality disorders and obtains commitment to therapy.
Identify elements of TFP style and strategy to use with your own clients.
You'll be impressed with how deeply Virginia Satir engages Bob, Betty, Aaron, and Robbie in this session, structured to include the family all together as well as in separate dyads. Bob, a recovering alcoholic, holds custody of Aaron (age 4) and Robbie (age 3), his sons from a previous marriage to a woman who abuses them even as he fights for a restraining order. Bob's current wife, Betty, would rather leave the family than risk abuse to her coming child with Bob. Satir reflects on the "undercurrent of fear" the family is enduring, and proceeds with a session designed to uncover each family member's concerns, align their goals, and get them relating in a safe, honest way.
Satir guides Bob and Betty in communicating their "bottom line" needs in deep connection, supports the whole family in regulating physical touch, and assists Bob in setting clear limits with his sons. Nurturing, directive, experiential, and engaged, Satir exhibits a charismatic style that's simultaneously unique and accessible.
If you've ever wanted to watch this leading figure in action but have resisted the high price tag for her videos, you'll be excited to discover her work now, as part of our accessibly priced Virginia Satir Series.
By watching this video, you will:
Learn the principles of Satir's approach to family assessment
Understand how a systems therapist can conduct guided sessions with parts of the family unit as well as the whole
Identify creative interventions to support healthy physical touch
DVD (With Instructor's Manual, English subtitles) / 62 minutes
You'll wish you had Virginia Satir as your own teacher after witnessing this charismatic pioneer in front of her students. Nancy, Deacon, Sid, and Jana have come for an intimate lecture in which Satir outlines "the essence of therapy," a primer on the four stages of therapeutic change. Addressing coping, going into the unknown, the "status quo," safety, and experimentation with new ways of being, Satir offers her students-and all of us-a delightful presentation complete with examples from her own practice and experiential exercises that illustrate her ideas.
If you've ever wanted to watch this leading figure in action but have resisted the high price tag for her series of videos, you'll be excited to discover her work now, at a much more reasonable cost. This video will give you a solid sense of Satir's role in the evolution of psychotherapy and convey her reflections on the work's most compelling ingredients in a warm, accessible way.
By watching this video, you will:
Learn the principles of Satir's approach to transformational therapy, including change, coping, and the unknown
Understand the Satir's four stages of therapy, and how to work within them
Identify ways to support clients exhibiting various types of resistance
DVD (With Instructor's Manual, English subtitles) / 58 minutes
This video looks at the anatomic and physiologic changes that occur during pregnancy and their relationships to signs
and symptoms that develop in the woman. It compares subjective (presumptive), objective (probable), and diagnostic
(positive) changes of pregnancy and the various types of pregnancy tests. Furthermore, it looks at the emotional and
psychologic changes that commonly occur in a woman, her partner, and her family during pregnancy and also
focus at cultural factors that may influence a family's response to pregnancy.