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Public Health & Infection Control
The health of individuals and communities worldwide is affected by a complex combination of factors. Where we live, our environment, genetics, income, education level, and our personal relationships all influence our health. This insightful program offers an overview of adult health and development, outlining the physical, social, emotional and intellectual stages of development we all experience. It illuminates the health status of adults, acknowledging gender differences and similarities and summarising the major determinants of health which affect societies worldwide. Throughout the program, expert input from doctors is balanced with personal opinions from everyday adults at all three stages of development.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
21 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 235.00
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This eye-opening program provides a global perspective on health and human development. We speak to experts from The Nossal Institute for Global Health, ActionAid, and Oxfam, and examine the important work they are doing in the world over. We define concepts of ‘human development’ and ‘developed’ and ‘developing’ countries, discuss mortality rates, and analyse the health status of different countries. We also describe the relationship between health, human development and sustainability, and evaluate WHO and UN strategies. We conclude by explaining the impact of health determinants on a nation’s health, and analysing equity and social justice.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
20 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 235.00
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The 'Convention on the Human Rights of Children', which asserts the fundamental right of children to be free from discrimination and disadvantage, is the single most ratified human rights treaty in history. Yet to this day there are still many factors that pose a risk to the health of the world's young. This program examines the most prominent of these risks: early pregnancy and childbirth, HIV/AIDs, malnutrition, mental illness, smoking, alcohol, and violence. The information in this program is supported by insight from experts in each field, and delivered with a non-alarmist approach that focuses on the facts.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
22 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 235.00
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In Australia, we're well educated about health risks yet our government spends millions each year treating preventable diseases. This program provides a detailed overview of health promotion in today's society. The Ottawa Charter Framework for health promotion is explored as a contributing factor to improved health outcomes for various groups in Australia. Each chapter provides a unique perspective of how to improve the health of individuals, as well as preventative measures such as immunisation and cancer screening. The program's practical approach looks at how the strategies are implemented, the target audience and the impact it has in individual behaviour and outcomes.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
25 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 235.00
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Continued activity is crucial to maintaining basic functioning. Ideally performed upon admission, the Hospital Admission Risk Profile (HARP) assessment can help caregivers to recognize older adults who may be at risk for functional loss so they can provide appropriate interventions to reduce basic ADL decline during hospitalization. The DVD outlines the importance of movement to patient recovery, provides strategies to keep patients active, and explains the age, cognitive, and functional parameters that help to determine risk.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
43 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 129.00
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We used to think that when it came to health, our celebrated egalitarianism extended to equal access to health services, good food and hygiene, resulting in equality in health. But today our understanding of health influences is defined by many more complex factors such as the money we earn, where we live and how we work.
In this program we examine the significant impact of income, region, occupation, race and gender on health, the ways in which this manifests itself and the implications for health both now and in the future.
This is an entertaining and informative program that will engage students on both a personal and theoretical level as we look at examples from around Australia and around the world, seeking solutions to inequalities in health.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
28 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 300.00
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This program examines what people are getting sick from, dying of and how age factors into health. With so many choices today in how we live, how are those choices affecting our health? What is it that causes ill health; is it simply our lifestyle, or is it non-lifestyle factors? Will better health require or mean better lifestyles, government intervention (better environment, anti-smoking legislation, better nutrition education, health promotion generally, etc.), or more research and more medical technology? Or is it up to each person's individual will?
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
24 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 235.00
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Mary Totten, President, Totten & Associates; Ted Landsmark, President Boston Architectural Center; Philip Newbold, President & CEO, Memorial Health System
Develop a better understanding of the assets and resources in your community. Create partnership that makes the most effective use of your community's rescources. Understanding the changing role of the board from community relations to community health. Learn how to develop a community-focused mission. Become informed about what boards can do to ensure effective involvement in community health. Identify unmet needs in the community .
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
60 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 209.00
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Infection control in a health care setting is a fundamental responsibility shared by all staff. This video resource will ensure that infection control is front of mind for every worker. It starts by outlining the four principles of infection control, followed by a detailed examination of standard precautions that must be undertaken at all times, including a step-by-step demonstration of correct hand washing technique. Transmission-based precautions are explained, grouped into three broad groups: contact, droplet, and airborne. Finally, organisational support is described, including the importance of the infection control committee and regular health screenings for all staff.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
16 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 300.00
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We start with three key ideas in the home setting: Clean, Cost and Common sense. Then, we address specific home health aide responsibilities, including assessment of a home, client and hygiene to prevent the spread of infection.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
25 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 250.00
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In this program, we discuss why long term care residents are highly susceptible to infection. We'll also examine common infections that occur in Long Term Care facilities.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
27 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 250.00
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The role of infection control in health care has become more important than ever before. This is due, in part, to some bacteria being resistant to antibiotics, and the increasing survival rates of the chronically ill and the elderly.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
50 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 325.00
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A flu pandemic: severe illness, even death, widespread throughout the country. Something not seen in decades - in generations - but it could happen again. If a flu pandemic happened, what will healthcare workers need to do? The three-part series, Pandemic Influenza: The Role of The Healthcare Workers gives healthcare professionals an understanding of the threat of pandemic flu around the world, in the U.S. and in the community, and steps they will have to take to meet the challenge of a flu pandemic.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
DVD (With Workbooks)
Duration | : |
20 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 299.00
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A flu pandemic: severe illness, even death, widespread throughout the country. Something not seen in decades - in generations - but it could happen again.If a flu pandemic happened, what will healthcare workers need to do?The three-part series, Pandemic Influenza: The Role of Healthcare Workers gives healthcare professionals an understanding of the threat of pandemic flu around the world, in the U.S. and in the community, and steps they will have to take to meet the challenge of a flu pandemic.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
DVD (With Workbooks)
Duration | : |
20 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 299.00
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Everyone agrees it's important to be healthy. That's why so many of the decisions we make in our daily life are about good health. Our ability to be healthy is determined by many different factors. In this program we explore the "determinants of health" or "influences on health" through practical examples over different life stages in today's society. We explain how health can be determined by a range of individual, social, cultural, environmental and lifestyle factors that are dynamic and interrelated. We conclude by highlighting education and awareness as the greatest influences on our health and the decisions we make.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
18 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 300.00
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Gary Trey, MD; Robert Carithers, MD; Eugene Schiff, MD; Howard Rosenblate, MD; Luis Balart, MD; Raymond Koff, MD; Terressa Wright, MD
Clinical overview of B&C, extra hepatic manifestations, vaccines for B, standard treatment and early treatment in asymptomatic patient Antibodies and use of PCR diagnostically, liver biopsy and prognastic indicators, hepatitis in Immunosuppressed patients: transplant recipients and HIV patients
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
120 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 289.00
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Emerging diseases form the biggest threats to our future health. Either increasingly resistant to treatment or completely new, these diseases can move from outbreak to epidemic to pandemic with terrifying speed.
In this program we are on the trail of the causes, symptoms and treatments of four of the worst: CJD; SARS; Avian Flu; Zoonoses. Featuring input from CSIRO Virology, excellent graphics and clear explanations, this is an up-to-date and engaging look at the transmission, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of these diseases.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
29 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
AUD 300.00
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Michelle L. Robertson, RN, BSN, CIC; Earl Matthew, MD; Ellen Epstein, MS, MT(ASCP); Betty Edmond, Edward J. Septimus, MD
Discussing airborne pathogens in relation to healthcare facilities. Review airborne pathogens common to healthcare facilities and measures used to control them & enforcement of guidelines for preventing transmission of airborne pathogens.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
60 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 209.00
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Earl Matthew, MD; Ellen Epstein, MS, MT(ATCP); Michelle L. Robertson, RN, BSN, CIC
This program describes the OSHA and state recognized definition of medical wastes and proper disposal, discusses measures utilized to control bloodborne pathogens in healthcare facilities and employee exposure needs, and identifies implications for nurses for control of bloodborne pathogens.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
60 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 209.00
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Edward Septimus, MD; Michelle Robertson, BSN, CIC
Scope of nosocomial infections, cost of nosocomial infections, mortality associated with these infections, major sites for infection to occur and intervention and treatment.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
60 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 209.00
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Marijane Barbone, RN; Virginia Strootman, BSN, RN, CAN; Sue Masoorli, RN
Program identifies the two most common IV related complications; lists the appropriate nursing intervention for IV complications; Verifies the importance of malpractice insurance. Specific topics addressed include: infiltration; extravasation; and legal issues.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
60 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 209.00
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Marijane Barbone, RN; Virginia Strootman, BSN, RN, CAN; Sue Masoorli, RN
Program discusses the four types of plebitis; the nursing management of phlebitis; and the CDC vascular access device blood culture protocol.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
60 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 209.00
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Virginia Strootman, RN - Marijane Barbone, RN - Sue Masoorli, RN
The objectives of this program are to distinguish the three types of central vascular access devices, explain implementation of the appropriate nursing management of central vascular access devices, and articulate the rationale for central vascular access device nursing procedures. Specific topics include: Non-Tunneled Catheters; Tunneled Catheters; Implanted Ports .
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
60 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 209.00
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"Brain drain" is a core problem in the developing world, and an especially tragic one in the field of health care. For many African countries, training new doctors and nurses is almost a fruitless enterprise-since, upon completion of their schooling, these young professionals typically leave for high-paying positions abroad. This program analyzes the predicament by following a young, Malawi-born gynecologist as he wrestles with a fateful decision. Should he earn a good living in the West or make a crucial difference in the life of his native country, albeit on a meager salary? His journey of discovery (and self-discovery) incorporates interviews with Malawian medical students, educators, nurses, and fellow doctors. Dr. Mubashar Sheikh of the Global Health Workforce Alliance is also featured.
Note: Only available in the US and Canada.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
25 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 130.00
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Health care reform was the first big policy deal taken on by the Obama administration. Many say the young president has bet the mid-term elections, possibly his presidency, on the outcome. In a new investigation FRONTLINE goes behind closed doors at the White House, in Congress and the boardrooms of the giant health-care lobby to examine the political battles and costly compromises that defined Barack Obama's endeavor.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
DVD (Color, Closed Captioned)
Duration | : |
60 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 97.00
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Scott Roman (Attorney at Law); David S. Wanger, CEO; Donald E. Cole, MD (VP)
Forming Integrated Delivery Systems; Garnering Support for Integrated Delivery Systems; Using Integrated Delivery Systems for Proprietary Managed Care Products
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
60 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 209.00
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Martin A. Hadelman; Joel L. Michaels; Mark A. Rucci, CEBS
Understand the impact managed care has on specific administrative and financial functions along with personnel; how compensation will change for the providers; describe disclosure obligations of the parties to a managed care provider contract as to existence of provider risk sharing and incentive arrangments; understand the rights a physician has to challenge a participation agreement with a managed care plan that has been terminated without cause; Define a "gag" clause in a provider contract.
Item no. | : |
Format | : |
Duration | : |
60 minutes
Copyright | : |
Price | : |
USD 209.00
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