Featuring: Margaret Neale
Program Highlights
~ What NOT to learn from experience.
~ Where your greatest source of power dwells.
~ Why you might knowingly and voluntarily take a bad deal.
Negotiations have two dimensions: the creation of value, and the claiming of that value. Negotiators often focus on the value-claiming side, destroying value-creation opportunities in the process. Professor Neale describes the disastrous outcomes that result when negotiators' antagonism and pride obscure their own best interests. She explains how to focus instead on three critical data points: your reservation price, your aspiration price, and your best alternatives to an agreement. You can get a great deal - or you can walk away. Either way, you win.
Margaret Neale is the Director of the Negotiation and Influence Strategies Executive Program at Stanford. She is known worldwide for her dynamic coaching on both the MBA and executive levels. Dr. Neale is the co-author of three books, including "Negotiating Rationally," and is featured in the award-winning Stanford Video Guide to Negotiating, also available from Kantola Productions.