The Aftermath of Suicide

~ To explore the aftermath of suicide and the potentially tragic impact it has on those left behind.
~ To spotlight and better recognize warning signs for suicidal ideation and substance abuse.
~ To examine what peers and educators can do to reach out to someone they feel is exhibiting self-destructive behaviors after losing someone to suicide.

This award-winning episode focuses on series regular Tanya, and the toll her family situation has taken on her in the year and a half following her older brother's suicide.

During this time, Tanya has been coping by helping others, but gradually this proves not to be enough, and she turns to drinking to ease her pain, in between haunting dreams about her dead brother. Ultimately, things get out of control and her best friend, Jenny intervenes to get her friend some much-needed help.
DVD (Closed Captioned, With Teaching Guide)
Grades 7-12
21 minutes
USD 79.95
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