Israel's history is filled with stories and a new history is still evolving today. Here we experience many of those ancient and contemporary stories. First, we travel from Tel Aviv to Joppa, where Jonah set sail; then we visit Nablos, Mt. Gerizim, Caesaria, to explore Roman and Crusader ruins, Carmel National Park, Haifa's Baha'i Shrine, Acco's Mosque of El-Jazzar, Rosh Hanikra's sea-carved caves and Montfort's Crusader Castle. Next, an archaeological dig in Banias; then many New Testament sites, including Capernaum, the Church of the Beatitudes, the Church of the Multiplication, and Nazareth; also we tour the Basilica of the Annunciation, the Church of St. Joseph, Cana, Mt. Tabor, Belvior, and the archaeological digs at Bet Shean. Next to 10,000-year-old Jericho, the Judean Desert, the Monastery of St. George, the caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found, Masada, Eilan, Hai Bar, and Bethlehem. Our program concludes in Jerusalem where we visit the Knesset, the Supreme Court Building, Yad Vasheum, the Garden Tomb, Arab Suq (market), the Western (Wailing) Wall and the Church of the Holy Seplicar.