~ Perfect for all students: high school, college, and adult
~ Step-by-step solutions by a renowned college professor
~ Helps you make sense of even the toughest topics
Statistics isn't just for math majors: now it's taught in high school, and it's even a required course for many college degrees in psychology, sociology, business, economics, engineering, and other fields! Now you can master this course quickly and easily with Statistics. The ultimate resource for AP high school students, college students, and adult learners, this set covers the standard topics taught in introductory stats classes and is jam-packed with practice questions and strategies for tackling even the most complicated problems.
The numbers don't lie: bestselling Statistics course helps even the most math-challenged students excel! Our Statistics set covers:
~ definitions
~ review of summation notation
~ descriptive statistics
~ data presentation: tables & charts
~ normal distribution & sampling distribution of the mean
~ confidence intervals & sample size determination
~ one-sample tests of hypothesis
~ testing differences between the means of two groups
~ testing for proportions & chi-square tests