Visit a wide range of farmers and entomology farm advisors who are implementing tactics that enhance a farm's biological diversity; enrich it's soil fertility, drainage and tilth; achieve biological weed and insect pest management and reduce the need for agricultural chemicals. See how cover crops are used to manage weeds and improve the soil's structure and fertility. Find out how to utilize and time certain cover crops to help attract the specific predators which help control pest insects. See how to implement insectary crops, trap crops, mowing and tillage of cover crops, inter cropping and habitat strips. You'll then see how to utilize weeds, roadside and insectary plantings, windrows and hedgerows to bring even more biological diversity to the farm.
~ "The Farmscaping video is really an outstanding achievement in this area of habitat enhancement, and the photography is as poignant as the text is gripping." - Robert Bugg Entomologist