Every day, in schools and in other institutions, aggressive acts of harassment are carried out with frightening regularity. The negative atmosphere of oppression and intimidation caused by bullies can make it nearly impossible to concentrate upon an education or a career. Vicious cycles of violence can be broken by confronting and eradicating environments in which bullies thrive. With education, empowerment, commitment, and unity, socially maladjusted individuals can be convinced to stop their abuse.
Learning Objectives:
~ Students will learn the definition of bullying
~ Students will look at the various types of behavior that constitute bullying
~ Students will consider the typical characteristics of a bully as well as the reasons that bullies act as they do
~ Students will learn the common characteristics of the bully?s target, the victim who receives the abuse
~ Students will explore the emotional effects that are experienced by the target of a bully
~ Students will be given some strategies for dealing with bullies