Any school that wants to prepare students for success in the 21st century and teach them skills that are relevant to a more globalized, interconnected, and digital world has to consider how to assess for those skills. Here's a DVD series that helps you explain to everyone in your school exactly how to do that. Use all three DVDs in workshops, team meetings, and professional learning communities to take you and your colleagues to 21st century initiatives in rural and urban school areas, in the United States and abroad. Featured expert Jay McTighe helps you discover which skills and competencies students must master to succeed in this change-dominated and technology-driven world. Explore what effective assessment looks like when it promotes true 21st century learning for all students. Learn how schools and districts can assess what is valuable, not just things that are easiest to test and grade. To help you and your colleagues engage in active learning and discussion of the concepts in the video, an embedded professional development program on each DVD gives you PowerPoint presentations and handouts.
3 DVDs
90 minutes
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