Cyber-bulling is any form of harassment that occurs via the Internet. Vicious forum posts, name calling in chat rooms, posting fake profiles on web sites and mean or cruel email messages are all examples of bullying. While Cyber-Bullying mainly takes place on line, other high tech methods like threatening text messages and taunting voicemail also fall under this category. Cyber-bullying is a crime in some States and has even led to death. Hear from Real Teens as they discuss their views on Cyber-Bullying.
Subjects Covered Include: Why do teens Cyber-Bully
~ What can be done about Cyber-Bullies
~ How can Cyber-Bullies be stopped
~ Dealing with forum and chat room bulling
~ Where to turn to if you or a friend is being Cyber-Bullied
~ The consequences of Cyber-Bulling
~ Dealing with website bullying
~ The must do's and the not do's of the Internet