Lesson 9: Wonderful Baby, Lesson 10: Review of Lessons 5,6.7,8, Lesson 11:Time-Part I, Lesson 12: T ime Part 2
Wonderful Baby
Megan Solow, the daughter of hosts Larry and Sharon Solow joins her parents for a demonstration of how easily children can learn sign language. Signs demonstrated include "man," "woman," "birth" and "love."
Review of Lessons: Weather I & II, Family, Wonderful Baby
The problem of keeping secrets in sign language is explained. A review of the previous four lessons covers many conversational signs and the finger pelled alphabet from the letters "A" to "O."
Time - Part I
The signs for "day," "week," "month" and "tomorrow" are demonstrated and discussed. And, getting into a sports mood, the Solows teach the signs for "football:" finger spelling includes the letters "H," "O," "M" and "E."
Time - Part II
Signs relating to the seasons are demonstrated and discussed. How pets obey sign language: the Solows demonstrate how signs can come in handy for communicating across a crowded room or through a window. Finger spelling lesson covering "N," "O," "P" and "E."