Nine-year-old Qinbo and her family live in Ningbo, a port city in China. We see Qinbo's father prepare breakfast and bike to work, follow her mother to work on a motor bike, and go to school with Qinbo on a public bus. We visit the parents' work sites, sit in on lessons at school, take a peek at students' after-school activities, and watch Qinbo, her friend, and family as they do karaoke together in the evening.
Kun's mother and father grow bonsai in the mountains around their village near Ningbo. We follow Kun as he walks a half-hour to his school, watch the cook steam lunches the students have brought from home, see how Kun's father trains bonsai plants, visit the village's open market with Kun's mother and watch her prepare a meal for the family and Kun's grandparents.