With Lucille Eber
Wraparound is a family-centered, strength-based philosophy of care used to guide service planning for students with or at-risk of Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities (EBD) and their families. As a philosophy of care with a defined planning process, wraparound results in a uniquely designed individual plan for a child and family to achieve a set of outcomes that reflect family/youth voice and choice. Integrated through related service structures in schools (i.e. special education, early intervention, school-wide discipline planning, etc.), the wraparound approach can facilitate proactive partnerships among families, schools and other community representatives.
This programl provide:
~ A Comprehensive Definition of Wraparound
~ The Relationship Between Wraparound and PBIS
~ Tips for Establishing a Team
~ Guidelines for the Initial Team Meeting
~ Successes and Challenges Encountered by Facilitators
~ Wraparound Planning Indicator Worksheets
~ A Sample Wraparound Implementation Survey
~ Parents and Professionals Sharing Their Challenges and Successes