RtI is not a law; RtI is a way forward. And it is time to act. For two years the publisher has kept the RtI movement on its radar. We waited to act until we could find distinct yet complimentary approaches to Response to Intervention (RtI) and Early Intervening Services (EIS) that have demonstrated results in differing types of schools. After viewing you'll be better able to create a response to intervention that fits your school. There is over 2 hours of footage and step-by- step instruction. Featuring National education consultant Dr. Alan Coulter. He offers ways for preventing chronic student and school failure.
Principals, master teachers and consultants in Illinois and Michigan will demonstrate two approaches - the protocol and problem-solving approaches that meet the intent and spirit of IDEIA 2004. Coulter compares and contrasts the two approaches so teachers, principals and central office leaders construct their own approach based on RtI or EIS, that meets their school's context and needs; staff commitments; and starting point. One superintendent called RtI "an embedded school improvement model focused on prevention."
You will gain:
~ Knowledge of RtI core principles
~ Awareness of 2 approaches: Protocol & Problem-Solving
~ Appreciation for collaborative consultation
~ Familiarity with problem solving teams
~ Mastery of integrating a multi-tier approach
~ Understanding of the challenges of implementation
~ "The DVD is a worthy product that will be very helpful to American schools. There is a massive amount of misinformation and "folk information" around that only serves to confuse. The Forum team has done an excellent job of capturing the essence of what makes RtI work. Compelling!" - James Tucker, McKee Chair of Excellence in Learning, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga