By Nancy Boyd Webb
This program is presented by Nancy Boyd Webb, a noted authority on play therapy, who provides a lively introduction to play therapy techniques. Dr. Webb skillfully demonstrates how to engage 4- to 12-year-olds, manage the various stages of therapy, and implement effective interventions using drawing materials, clay, play dough, puppets, dolls, blocks, and card and board games. Viewers are invited directly into the therapeutic playroom to see unrehearsed segments of initial play therapy sessions, follow-up sessions, and an initial parent interview.
Mental health professionals working with children and families, including child and school psychologists, social workers, play and art therapists, counselors, family therapists, and psychiatrists; students and trainees in these fields. Also suitable for viewing by parents.
~ "This is a wonderful video for anyone teaching a graduate course in play therapy, and would also be useful in introducing play therapy to parents."- Marla R. Brassard, PhD
~ "Clinical students, especially those beginning their internships, often want to see firsthand how play therapy works. This video provides an excellent demonstration of how the therapist facilitates the child's play and helps put its meanings into words." - Douglas Davies, MSW, PhD
~ "The segments of the actual sessions are the highlights of this video¡.Recommended for the student and mental health professional, this video contains much of interest." - Video Rating Guide for Libraries
~ "This videotape is an excellent example of the high quality of education that can be delivered through this medium."-Psychiatric Services