How to conduct performance appraisals that get the best from your employees, and tackle poor performance before it becomes a habit.
Effective performance appraisals add value to your organization. They motivate your top employees to do even better. And they tell underperformers exactly what is expected and how to improve.
Unfortunately, performance appraisals are often regarded as mere formalities. Performance reviews are sometimes administered late - or skipped altogether. Clear guidance falls by the wayside, and halfhearted work goes unchallenged.
In this performance evaluation training program, you'll follow two story lines. One involves a small business taking steps to formalize a review process for the first time. The other presents a large corporation attempting to energize an existing system. Watch as two very different managers prepare for challenging review meetings - and see them apply skills that defuse tension and achieve the desired results.
~ Critical elements to cover in your performance evaluation process.
~ The advantages of sticking to a regular schedule.
~ The importance of fairness and consistency.
~ The nuts and bolts of formats and record-keeping.
~ Methods of motivating the top producers.
~ How to deal with underperformers.
~ Skills for the face-to-face review meeting.
~ The value of employee feedback.
This performance review DVD shows that effective reviews can increase productivity, resolve problems, and improve work satisfaction - both for employees and their managers.