Very few emotions are as negative and as self-destructive as the green-eyed monster known as jealousy. It has the power to cloud the mind and ignite self-destructive behavior. If left unchecked, the poisonous feelings of jealousy can evolve into a state of unhealthy rivalry, unresolved resentment, and mismanaged anger. However, with education and understanding, people may come to realize that they do not have to be slaves to these negative emotions if they can deal with jealous feelings positively and decisively.
Learning Objectives:
1. Students will learn about the negative emotion of jealousy.
2. Students will learn about the various types of jealousy and the characteristics of a jealous person.
3. Students will explore some aspects of unhealthy rivalry.
4. Students will learn about variety of destructive jealous emotions and behaviors.
5. Students will learn about feelings of resentment including what they are, how they develop, and their characteristics.
6. Students will examine the negative emotion of mismanaged anger with specific focus on verbal abuse, rage, vandalism, and violence.
7. Students will explore positive strategies for dealing with jealousy that can help people to live happier and healthier lives.