An essential part of preventive pediatric medicine is a complete and thorough physical assessment. Pediatric Physical Assessment Part 2 covers the examination of internal body functions, including the chest and lungs, heart, abdomen, musculoskeletal system and neurological system. The course presents a systematic, step-by step process for performing a complete internal physical exam on a preschool-age child.
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
~ Perform an internal exam using the four basic techniques of a physical assessment.
~ Assess the health of the skin.
~ Assess the health of the eyes, ears, nose and mouth.
~ Evaluate the thorax, chest and lungs.
~ Assess the function and health of the heart.
~ Evaluate the abdomen.
~ Determine abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system.
~ Perform a complete neurological assessment.