By: Renae Azziz Ed.S., NCSP

Facts on why and how culture impacts learning.

Culture is central to learning. It plays a role not only in how we communicate and receive information, but also it shapes our preferences for learning new information. Implementing pedagogy that acknowledges, responds to, and celebrates fundamental cultural differences offers full, equitable access to education for students from all cultures.

Culturally Responsive Teaching is a pedagogy that recognizes the importance of including students' cultural references in all aspects of learning

~ Auditory Processing
~ Visual Processing
~ Language
~ Reading
~ Math
~ Spelling
~ Behavior

The short but simple module will help teachers to:

Acquire knowledge on cultural specific patterns of behavior. Specifically, you will learn about ways in which culture effects:

~ Communication styles
~ Response Styles
~ Social Interaction Preferences
~ Conflict Styles

Reflect on the relevancy of culture on learning. Research indicates that our cultural backgrounds influence the ways in which we process information. You'll gain knowledge on the 4 major dimensions of processing and cultural variations on:

~ Perceptual processes
~ Attentional processes
~ Conceptual processes
~ Thinking processes

These culturally responsive teaching strategies will help you affirm students culture by making explicit connections in the instructional environment.This module also comes with a pre and post test which will enhance teachers grasp of culturally responsive instruction and it's most vital skills.
32 minutes
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