With A.G. Lafley, Roger L. Martin
~ Game-changing choices that trounce the competition.
~ Why your goal must be winning, not just playing well.
~ Choosing the right metrics to support your strategy.
Most companies aren't winning today - not because of the economy, rapid change, or rising complexity. It's because they confuse strategy with vision and don't make the critical decisions it takes to win. Using the example of P&G's dramatic turnaround of its Olay skincare line, A.G. Lafley and adviser Roger Martin prescribe a disciplined approach to five strategic choices.
First, define your winning aspiration - that is, choose "what" you want to be the best at (in P&G's case, to be a leading skincare brand). Then, determine "where" you'll play (P&G's mass-market channel to a younger buyer). This opens up your possibilities for being distinctive and helps you choose "how" to win (P&G's unique products). Then tap or develop the capabilities to deliver what your competitors cannot. Lastly, identify the management systems you'll need to maintain your winning position.