By Jakob Gottschau
When the USA exploded two nuclear bombs over Japan in 1945, it was perhaps the largest demonstration of power in the history of civilization. But there was more to follow, for the devastating explosions over Hiroshima and Nagasaki were just the starting point of a desperate arms race between the USA and the Soviet Union - and during the next 40 years, the nuclear stockpiles of the super powers would grow at an alarming rate - leading, on several occasions, to the world being close to a nuclear war.
It wasn't until the end of the cold war that thousands of nuclear bombs were disarmed - and the world could once more breathe easy - at least for a while. Today, the number of countries with atomic weapon arsenals is on the increase -and alongside the likelihood that terrorist groups could, any day, get their hands on this deadly technology, is greater than ever.
The film makes use of significant archival footage to tell the story. Einstein, Oppenheimer, Truman, Stalin, Reagan, and many others are depicted as they grapple with the dilemma posed by nuclear weapons. Commentary by historians such as Prof. Lawrence S. Wittner, University of Wisconsin, and Scotland's Prof. Gerard De Groot gives the viewer a perspective on past events. Roland Timerbaev, former UN ambassador from Russia, gives an insider's view of the Soviet Union's policy during the Cuban missile crisis, as well as Gorbachev's efforts towards disarmament.