This program provides training and response guidelines to emergency personnel who would be called upon to respond to a terrorist incident involving biological agents.
Topics covered include:
~ Possible targets
~ Likely terrorist devices
~ Hazmat response protocols
~ Site management and control
~ Role of National Guard Civil Support Teams and Medical Strike Teams
~ Specialized equipment and supplies
~ Chem-bio certified protective suits and air purifying respirators
~ Incident management
~ Addresses three different scenarios:
~ Intelligence agencies uncover the probability of a known threat and responders are called out to support the operations of the agencies
~ A device is actually discovered, either prior to or following a release
~ An attack goes unrecognized until a number of victims develop symptoms
~ Examines all categories of biological agents: viruses, bacteria, toxins and rickettsia.
~ How biological agents are be delivered
~ Incubation periods
~ Determining the dispersal site