By Alan Honick
A region's rivers are really biological ribbons crisscrossing the land. When humans enter and alter a watershed, they alter these ribbons of life. Fresh Waters Flowing explores the connection between humans and rivers. It reveals the links between human influences and the ability of a river to support healthy living communities.
Featuring James Karr of the University of Washington and Charley Dewberry of Pacific Rivers Council, Fresh Waters Flowing shows how important biological integrity is for rivers and demonstrates how measuring biological condition with the index of biological integrity (IBI) can be a powerful tool for maintaining and restoring the health of watersheds. Biological Monitoring Protocol introduces the index of biological integrity (IBI), the best yardstick for measuring the health of rivers and streams. Measuring pollutants, such as temperature, phosphorus, or toxic chemicals, may tell you if a river is clean, but only a direct biological yardstick like IBI will tell you if a river is healthy.
IBI has now been adopted to monitor rivers on all continents except Antarctica, by states including Ohio, Vermont, and Florida, and by regional and local organizations nationwide. This program shows you the equipment and techniques you need to use this biological yardstick. This series introduces important science concepts and is appropriate for courses in natural science, environmental science, biology, and water quality at the high school and university levels.
~ "A terrific introduction to stream ecology. This film leaves the viewer with a clear understanding of the interrelationship between underwater insects, fish, and people." -Tom Murdoch, Director, Adopt-A-Stream Foundation