Electronic mail, intranets and the Internet provide us with quick and easy ways of communicating with customers, co-workers and vendors. But used incorrectly, they can result in personal and professional embarrassment, lawsuits and costly litigation.
Now--more than ever before--it is important to protect yourself, your employees and your organization by educating everyone about the do's and don'ts of communicating in today's electronic office.
No Privacy: Legal Issues in E-Mail will help you and your employees avoid damaging career mistakes by teaching you why e-mail should always be considered public information, how deleted email can be resurrected and come back to haunt you, the potential danger of forwarded messages, and why sensitive or confidential issues should never be discussed via e-mail.
The dramatizations incorporated throughout this informative DVD establish and reinforce important guidelines on how to use electronic mail more effectively. If followed, these guidelines will prevent the most common mistakes and challenges employees could face using e-mail.
How-To Training Products
~ How to consider e-mail as public information and not private
~ How to regard e-mail as a permanent, not temporary, for of communication
~ How to ensure you and your employees use e-mail for business purposes only
~ How to avoid personal and professional embarrassment, potential lawsuits and costly litigation that can result from the misuse of e-mail