With Kit Yarrow
~ They're not just young, they're different.
~ Why meaningful work may trump salary as a motivator.
~ How Gen Y and Boomers can help each other.
Today's young workers are a new breed, thanks to two unique forces in their upbringing. Raised during the self-esteem movement, they are often self-confident and used to attention. And the first generation to grow up with technology, they work fast and expect fast results. In the workforce, they can seem demanding, even disrespectful of authority, especially the occasional "roaring tiger" with an inflated sense of entitlement.
Leaders that adjust their communication styles and expectations will succeed in connecting with and motivating this group. Dr. Yarrow's tips for effectively managing Gen Y include providing context, relevance, and purpose for their work. Give frequent, personal feedback and recognize their unique skills. To counter boredom, stay innovative in practices and technology, provide opportunities for learning, travel, or career development. Perhaps most important, protect your best employees from the roaring tigers.