No longer just used in clubs, ecstasy and other drugs like spe-cial K, LSD, GHB and Crystal Meth are finding their way into schools and homes as their use grows among young teenagers who view them as "harmless fun." Teens in rehab talk candidly about their common experiences with ecstasy and the devastating effects on their lives. We ride along with an undercover cop and teen EMTs, plus we interview Dr. Alan Leshner, director of NIDA, and a District Attorney. Co-hosted by Erika Christensen, the teen addict in the movie Traffic, this special raises awareness about club drugs by showing their dangers, defining the penalties and exposing misconceptions.
~ "ˇa riveting real-life video about the harmful drug." - Youth Today, The Newspaper on Youth Work
~ "ˇinformative, fast moving video." - School Library Journal
~ 2002 Prism Award