As important as teaching young people how to eat right and exercise is giving them the motivation they need to make fitness a part of their everyday lifestyle. This program gives them the benefits of fitness in a dynamic way, by clearly demonstrating the major benefits of fitness. These benefits include stronger muscles, healthier lungs, stronger bones, healthier hearts, better weight management, improved mood, improved sleep (especially important for teens), fast remedies for illness and a longer and higher quality life span.

To emphasize many of these benefits viewers are introduced to Dr. Craig Harms who runs the Kinesiology Lab at Kansas State University. We see some of the tools at the doctor's disposal including oxygen uptake machines, treadmills, heart monitors and special weight measurement water tanks. Young students are measured for different levels of fitness and well-being and Dr. Harms describes the meaning of various fitness measures such as body mass index, oxygen uptake, bone density and many others. Students also get important tips on which sports provide the best fitness results, pointers and tips for sticking to a fitness program. The DVD and activities are consistent with the National Health Standards and provide students with a blueprint for a healthy lifestyle.

~ Silver CINDY Award
DVD (Closed Captioned)
Grades 7-College
24 minutes
USD 99.95
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