Lesson 17: Colors,Lesson 18: Family-Part 2, Lesson 19: Family Part3, Lesson 20: Review of Last 4 Lessons
Colors in a rainbow and colors in clothing are described in sign language. The Solows also provide a fascinating insight into devices used in deaf households as warnings and alerts, such as lights for doorbells, telephones and baby cry signals. Larry serenades Sharon by sign-singing "True Love."
Family - Part II
Larry and Sharon introduce Sharon's family, including her deaf parents, hearing sister and hearing nephews. Everyone speaks sign language in a conversation about hearing children growing up in a deaf household. Finger spelling lesson covering "Y," "A," "E" and "R."
Family - Part III
More insight on how deaf people function in families and in a hearing world is discussed. Viewers learn about hearing-ear dogs - and alarm clocks that flash rather than ring. Sharon sign-sings "People" and the Letter "Z" covers the end of the fingerspelled alphabet.
Review of Lessons: Sports, Colors, Family
In this review program, Larry and Sharon review many of the signs previously taught, including the entire fingerspelled alphabet. Information is also provided on where people can go to continue sign language instruction.