Why is there is so much beauty in food? How does appearance influence taste? Explore beauty and taste, the psychology of eating, color as a guide to nutrition, the role of color in food merchandising, and the art of presenting a meal that is a feast for the eyes as well as the stomach. See how food for the "whole person" is more than the total of its vitamin and calorie counts.
~ How food looks is a part of its taste. For example, studies show we judge sweet and sour by how much red and yellow we see in food.
~ Why kids respond to "weird colored" foods from purple catsup to blue fries.
~ That food is for the "whole person," more then the total of its vitamins and calorie counts.
~ How the food industry uses both artificial and natural colors to influence consumers.
~ That the same design principles used in fashion, architecture, and painting can be applied to designing a meal as well.