Starting with temperature records collected over 100 years ago, Measuring the Earth's Temperature takes the viewer from the earliest weather stations and balloon launches, to a network of super weather stations constructed in the 21st century. Highlights include showing how weather balloon launches work, the anatomy of a weather station, and how weather data, using computers, is transformed into long and short term weather forecasts. This very same data is also used to graph yearly temperature changes across the planet.
The over 100 year old temperature records reveal an ever increasing global temperature rise. A rise that is dramatically accelerating in the 21st century. A rise that shows regional differences. Temperatures in the Mid-Latitudes, and particularly in the Polar Regions, have increased even faster than the overall global temperature, producing the well-publicized effects of climate change. Measuring the Earth's Temperature simplifies the centuries of complex meteorological data, and answers the question "How do scientists know the temperature of the earth?"