Physics Demonstrations in Light is a two-part video program which presents a full range of demonstrations in the areas of geometrical optics, physical optics, and the nature of light. The program was developed in an effort to give physics teachers a comprehensive collection of video demonstrations, supplementing the instructor's live classroom demonstrations. The program was designed to meet the needs of high school physics classes as well as introductory level college physics classes.

Physics Demonstrations in Light: Part I
~ Propagation of Light:
Determination of the Speed of Light
~ Visible and Infrared Spectrum:
White Light Dispersed on a Spectrum Recorder
~ Inverse Square Law:
Light Intensity at Increasing Distances
~ Refraction/Total Internal Reflection:
Light Incident on a Water-Air Interface
~ Refraction/Schlieren Image:
Variations in the Index of Refraction of Air
~ Refraction:
Simulation of Atmospheric Refraction
~ Rayleigh Scattering:
Blue Sky and Sunset Simulation
~ Laser Theory:
High Power CO2 Laser
DVD (With Teacher's Guide)
High School & College
30 minutes
USD 78.00
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