One of the most important parts in ensuring that patients receive quality care is the nursing assessment. Nurses are held with high regard by patients and families, and the detailed assessment is an integral part of the process. This program focuses on the assessment of the respiratory system complete with a subjective assessment to make the patient feel more comfortable, and an objective portion, which covers palpation, auscultation, and examples of breath sounds.

This program provides an overview of the patient assessment process, and how it correlates with quality patient care.

After viewing this program, the learner should be able to:
~ Describe the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system
~ Explain the use of subjective information in an assessment of the respiratory system
~ Identify objective signs of health status in an assessment of the respiratory system
~ Describe the basic process of lung auscultation
~ Differentiate between normal and adventitious breath sounds
~ Describe abnormalities and anomalies of the respiratory system
21 minutes
USD 315.00
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