A values-based approach to serving diverse populations.
Customer service interactions can be complex under the best of conditions. Add issues of language, race, gender, religion, age or disability into the mix, and we often find otherwise competent employees acting in ways ranging from mildly inappropriate to inexcusably rude.
The customer demographics for most organizations are changing in such a way as to increase the diversity of the populations we serve. This makes it imperative that we improve our customer service training so as to prepare employees to meet the challenges this diversity can present. Simple platitudes about the customer being "number one" or providing "first class service" are not enough. We must work on the values and skills employees need to meet or exceed the expectations of ALL their customers.
The 5 Values of GREAT Customer Service presents a values-based training approach to meeting this challenge. The video component, when taken together with the exercises and activities in the facilitation guide, offers a comprehensive approach to developing customer service relationships built on a foundation of respect.
Program Objectives
By viewing the video program and working through the support materials, participants will...
~ Better understand how to provide ALL customers with GREAT service
~ Be aware that how customers perceive the service we offer and how we ~perceive the needs of our customers may depend on their (and our own) ~personal and cultural perspectives
~ Develop a values-based approach to customer service
~ Become familiar with the G R E A T acronym and know how to apply it to ~our relations with our customers
Program Contents
The 5 Values of GREAT Customer Service opens with a series of 5 dramatizations. Each of these underscores one of the values we will explore.
~ Show Respect - Every customer is your most important customer
~ Personalize - Avoid preconceived notions and stereotypes
~ Pay Attention - Assess how customers want to be served and adjust
~ Show You Care - Present a positive, supportive attitude
~ Advocate - Stay on your customer's side
A diverse group of customers share their personal experiences and feelings to help bring the impact of the 5 Values to life.
The program then explores how we can integrate the 5 Values into our daily work. To do this, we introduce the G R E A T acronym. This stands for ...
~ Greet all customers & make them feel comfortable
~ Respect cultural & other personal differences
~ Evaluate how your customers want to be served
~ Adjust your approach to match your customer's needs
~ Thank your customers for their business.